Mayor Pro Tem Under Fire Again?
We just picked this up from our sister site and confirmed it's on the Missouri City Council calendar for August 15th again. Contact your local council members and let them know how you feel about this--CRD:
-->You all remember the hoopla about the Mayor Pro Tem (Jerry Wyatt) who voted against further apartments in Missouri City back in February. The mayor and some of his cronies tried to take the Pro Tem position, at that time, away from Mr. Wyatt on city council. The vote ended up split (3-3) and Wyatt retained his seat.
See a CRD post referencing this issue from May on
"Mayor Pro Tem Being Attacked For Supporting Anti-Apartment Fight in Sienna...
Posted by: Responsible_dvlpmnt on May 25, 2005 - 09:05 AM
This just out in the Sun yesterday needs to be shared with the Sienna Plantation community:
Currently a move is under-foot to remove Jerry Wyatt, Mayor Pro Tem, in Missouri City. Allen Owen (Mayor) and several other on city council are working to support candidates to run against Mr. Wyatt as well as remove him as Mayor Pro Tem for his support of the anti-apartment fight here in Sienna. Please see the article at for more.
-Get on the petition and get involved in local politics. Our developers have given significant campaign contributions and backing to the Mayor (60% over two election cycles--see public records on file with Mo-city) and others on our city council. Mr. Wyatt and Brett Kolaja who voted against the apartments need our support and help. Powerful forces are working behind the scenes and we need volunteers for the coming '06 elections.
-Contact us at to get more involved. Only through direct citizens action can we take back council from the Houston developers now working in our community and through our city council."
---Well guess what? It's back on the Missouri City agenda for the August 15th session. It seems our pro-developer mayor wants to take that position away again. I'll be following this and so should you. After seeing the contributors to the mayor it's no question in my mind who's pulling the strings on this one (and this council).
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