MCC report: Sienna Plantation MUD #2 Race was Close!
MCC report: For those of you who followed the MUD race here, the final results were close with 371 ballots. Mark Parsons (with 22%) finished first while Larry Zwang was second with 20% of the vote total. An unconfirmed rumor had been circulating in the community that an apparent attempt was being made to retake the largest resident controlled MUD (1700 homes) in Sienna. This, however, did not occur given the final results in this race. You can visit the SPMUD2 website at for more on the ditch controversy here in Sienna Plantation.
Congratulations to Mark, Larry and thank you for your service Juan and David. Appreciation is extended to all those who got out and voted Saturday in these sometimes over-looked, but all too important races locally.
Stay informed and keep in touch!
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