Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Does the FBISD School System Provide Adequate PTO funding Security Checks? See this FBSun Story--

From FBSun (click title link above for the full story):

PTO official faces theft charge

By: DIANE TEZENO, Staff Writer 07/03/2006

A Missouri City woman faces indictment for allegedly stealing more than $20,000 from the Lexington Creek Elementary PTO fund.

Fort Bend ISD police investigated the case involving 49-year-old Paula Bottensek, the school's PTO treasurer, in connection with missing funds.

Fort Bend ISD police were notified by Executive Principal Jan McDonald that bank records showed Bottensek wrote herself a cashier's check from the school's PTO account at Wells Fargo Bank and deposited the money in her personal bank account.
A letter informing parents of the incident read, "Our former PTO treasurer withdrew $20,375.36 from the Lexington Creek PTO bank account and made a payment on a personal loan. As soon as this information was discovered, the Fort Bend ISD police were immediately contacted, and all PTO financial records were turned over to the police for an investigation." . . .

. . .Fort Bend ISD police completed their investigation and at press time the case was under investigation by the Fort Bend County District Attorney's Office.

District Attorney John Healey said he was confident "the matter would be resolved promptly," but did not say if the grand jury considered the case in its most recent meeting on June 26.

Comment: Shouldn't PTO funds be secured district wide with some sort of over-site?




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