FBStar Article: Sienna MUDs Pick Up The Tab On Regional Water Facility--
"The credits, Riley said, reduce the size of the plant that will have to be built. “By having Sienna build the plant, they would finance it. The city would be control of it and take it over in time.”
Councilman Jerry Wyatt pointed out that “the city’s lead in this (conversion) was pretty well perpetuated by the entities (MUDs) themselves. The delivery cost is much greater for the in-city districts, so in one sense Sienna is doing us a real big favor here. There’s offset here with us already having the water. We’re not giving Sienna anything but they are creating a great offset for the rest of the city” (with early conversion)."
-To get the full story on how our developer appointed MUD boards may transfer the cost of this regional water treatment plant and the tax burden to current and future Sienna residents (without voter input) that will help serve many Missouri City neighborhoods (without their taxing input) click the title link above.
Comment: Wasn't this nice of our developer appointed MUD boards to make this multi-million dollar proposed gift to the city on the backs of Sienna taxpayers (current and future) that we may be paying for over the years to come. Thanks again city council/Sienna MUD #1/SJD. When is it projected in the plan for the city to take over the facility from us? Will we still be paying for it through our MUD taxes with out help from other Mo-city taxpayers when this happens?
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