Wednesday, January 24, 2007

FB Sun: Lower Appraisal Property Tax Cap Avoided By Special Committee (click title link for more)-

Appraisal task force backs off lower cap
By: MICHAEL REED, Examiner Staff

A task force charged by the governor with addressing mounting property taxes is not recommending a lower cap on home appraisals as it had suggested in an earlier draft of its report.

Dated Jan. 8, the final package of suggested reforms contradicts the Task Force on Appraisal Reform's initial position that it would push for a reduction in the current cap to 5 percent from 10 percent a year. Instead, the 15-member committee's report urged that local spending that increases by more than 5 percent over the previous year require voter approval. Under the plan, there would also be an optional half-cent sales tax local entities could set aside for property tax relief. "Property taxes are neither simple nor transparent. . . (click title link for more above).


Comment: Looks like the local county and municipal government officials won on this one against home and property owners. Was the lower appraisal cap promise just another election time tactic?

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