FBS Covers Landfill & Local TV Station Controversy (3 articles--click title link for first one)
TV stations say landfill expansion could
knock the wind out of hurricane warnings
By Cheryl Skinner
A prominent Austin environmental attorney has entered the battle to keep Blue Ridge Landfill from gaining an expansion permit that will allow it to pile trash 170 foot high. Three Houston television stations are now saying the plan could knock the wind out of Doppler radar predictions and impact the public safety of the entire area.
Austin attorney, Rick Lowerre, says he has filed paperwork with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality on behalf of three Houston area television stations. In a press release last week Lowerre said at least two Houston television stations will ask the State to deny a permit to expand a Houston area landfill.
KTRK Channel 13 (ABC) and KHOU Channel 11 (CBS) filed documents last week in opposition to the height increase of the landfill because the increase would block the stations’ weather radar towers, putting the public at great risk from hurricanes and other severe weather events, Lowerre said. In a phone interview Monday, Lowerre said FOX television had also joined in the attempt to thwart the expansion because that station also has towers in the immediate area of the landfill. . .(get the full story by clicking title link above).
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Labels: Blue Ridge Landfill, quality of life, Shadow Creek Ranch, Sienna Plantation
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