Monday, April 02, 2007

Fort Bend Sun Follows Local Races--

Filing has closed for the May 12 city council and school board elections, with Missouri City and Fort Bend ISD attracting the largest field of candidates.

Seven candidates filed for only two seats on the Fort Bend ISD board, while eight filed for the four district spots on the Missouri City City Council. Sugar Land's four city council positions drew five candidates.

Missouri City: District A incumbent Eunice Reiter will face Rodney Griffin. Don Smith, the District B incumbent, will face opponents Cynthia Lenton-Gary and Louis H. Hunter. The contest in District C will be between newcomers Kevin Dale Tunstall and Barbara Jo Gibson. Incumbent Bob Burton initially filed for re-election but then withdrew.
District D incumbent Brett Kolaja will retain his seat without opposition. . .

. . . Fort Bend ISD: Incumbent trustee Lisa Rickert will face John Robert Broxson for the Position 3 seat. One-term Position 7 incumbent Ken Bryant will face four challengers. Annie Mae Hopkins, Daniel Mendez, Noel Pinnock and David Reitz have all filed for Bryant's position. . .

. . . Arcola: Incumbents Greg Abarr, James DeVoge, and Lizzie Pitts filed for re-election.
Challenging for a seat on city council are former councilwoman Rosie Rojas and Tom Hilton.
The top three vote-getters- will be elected to the at-large council.


Comment--Although Sienna & Sienna area residents can't vote in the city races of Arcola or Mo-City it is important to remember we have an interest in those races (the airport expansion/road diversion issues in Arcola and development issues with MC). Please support Mr. Hilton & Ms. Rojas along with Jim DeVoge as independent candidates in those races (not EDC backed). You can volunteer to block-walk make phone calls etc. for these candidates or the Mo-City challengers Rodney Griffin, Lou Hunter & Kevin Tunstall. E-mail us at to find out how to volunteer and help these candidates who have sworn off the special interest funding (they need your help to take back local control). We can vote in the school board races and have endorsed Noel Pinnock, a Missouri City educator with long-term experience in the schools at all levels (he also has kids in the system). Please look into these races and decide for yourself.

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Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

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