Just In: Griffin Requests Recount After 3 Vote Loss In Mo-City District A Race!
From the Rodney Griffin Campaign Committee Blog: Griffin for Council Campaign Calls for a Recount!
Rodney Griffin, district A city council challenger, has discussed a possible recount vote in his race for Missouri City council. It was reported by the county elections commission that Griffin, who had actually lead in early voting, finished the night 3 votes behind the longtime incumbent Eunice Reiter. When asked why the committee deemed the challenge important? Rodney responded, "because in recent times we've seen too many examples of close races that discounted individual voters and went the wrong way. I don't want that to be the case in this race. I want every vote to count! That's why we will be challenging these results. I couldn't do less for all our supporters."
Comment: Stay tuned as we'll update this news as it comes in. . .
Labels: Missouri City Council Elections, recount
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