FBN Covers Tight Missouri City District B Race!
Playing Catch-22 In A Game Of Missouri City Hardball
Fort Bend Politics
By Bob Dunn
After a May 12 election that saw her take second place in a three-way race by virtue of a 15-vote margin, Cynthia Lenton-Gary is headed toward a Saturday run-off election against incumbent District B Missouri City Councilman Don Smith.
But if you didn’t know better, you might think she was running against Councilman Jerry Wyatt. Because for someone who’s not up for re-election, Wyatt seems to be working extraordinarily hard to defeat her.
It’s not because of philosophical differences, or her position on issues facing the city. Ostensibly, it’s because Lenton-Gary says she lives on Mossridge Drive, at the same address on her Texas driver’s license, while Wyatt believes she lives on Royal Plantation Lane instead. The Mossridge Drive home is in District B. The Royal Plantation Lane home, less than four miles away, isn’t.
Wyatt says that means Lenton-Gary isn’t a legal resident of District B, and can’t serve as a council member. And, he said Friday, he’s prepared to prevent her from taking a seat on City Council even if she wins the runoff election.
Lenton-Gary, however, says Wyatt is acting on Smith’s behalf, and has made her residency an issue “because they feel I have the upper hand in this election” and something was needed to divert voters’ attention from real issues facing District B and the rest of Missouri City.
Drive-by Politics
“I assume Jerry is doing it because Don wants it to look like he’s staying in the background,” she said of Wyatt and Smith. “Bottom line – he is doing it for Don.” . . . (click title link above for more).
Labels: positive change, reform candidates, special interests
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