Wednesday, July 18, 2007

From FB Sun: More Apartments Approved By Missouri City Council (Again)--

MCC/CRD Comment: Contrary to the developers reports the "senior facility" is an apartment complex and was approved in the second reading by Owen and company. This in addition to the up to 2700 approved in '05 for MC.


From FB Sun:

Lenton-Gary takes seat on city council
By: Diane Tezeno,

First African-American female councilmember sworn in

Cynthia Lenton-Gary, landslide winner in the recent Missouri City District B runoff election, was officially sworn in to office on July 2.

An overflow crowd of supporters packed council chambers and adjacent lobby to watch as Missouri City's new-est, and first African-American woman, council member took the oath of office.
Missouri City Mayor Allen Owen and Lenton-Gary posed for pictures following the ceremony as cameras flashed throughout the room capturing the historic moment.

As the sociology professor turned city councilmember took her seat, council immediately got down to business.
Initial items under consideration included an authorization to execute an interlocal cooperation agreement between Fort Bend County and the city for tax assessor/collector services and reappointment of members to various boards, committees and commissions.

During the meeting, Lenton-Gary and fellow council members gave the initial thumbs up to a proposed mixed-use development on Hwy. 6 near Colonial Lakes Drive. The project, if given final approval, will bring a senior independent living facility, office-condos and commercial-retail sites to the area.

According to reports, recent concern rose among residents when a flyer depicting the proposed senior facility as "apartments" began circulating in nearby communities. The source of the flyer has not been identified.
The applicant assured council that the proposed development would be an upscale living facility for seniors age 55 and older, and not a "multi-purpose residential unit." The proposed facility would have onsite security and 75 percent of occupants would be senior adult women, the developer added.

During the public hearing on the project, Kathy Wicks, a 21-year-resident of Fort Bend expressed concern with the amount of commercial development in Missouri City, but commended the planned development nature of the project. Wicks urged council to allow the developer to deviate from the city's red brick architectural design standard to implement plans for a landscaped entry to the project.

Council approved the proposed development on first reading and will consider a second and final reading next week. . . (click the title link for the full story).




Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

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