Chronicle Crime Report On Rash Of Vehicle Burglaries In Sienna Plantation (Missouri City, TX)--
Burglaries hit Fort Bend County subdivision
Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle
RICHMOND — Fort Bend County authorities are investigating a rash of vehicle burglaries in the Sienna Plantation subdivision while residents were reminded that locking their cars and rolling up windows will deter the crime. . .(click title link above for more).
MCC/CRD Comment:
Interesting that the article seems to spend more time pointing the finger at the 10,000+ residents of this community rather than looking into some of the causes and why many current and former homeowners may have not been kept informed on this rising problem. One resident reported to MCC that they requested a gated security area from the HOA and developer, but were flatly turned down. In another report some residents claimed they had contacted the HOA and were told something to the effect that there was nothing to worry about.
Question: Why doesn't the HOA newsletter/website carry the actual crime reports for the community?
(c) calvin 2007
Labels: blame the victims, crime rates increase
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Chron reader comments on this piece:
ghvz1 wrote:
Sounds like some folks believe the victims are to blame. Guess it was my fault for not having a locking gas cap. Stupid me.
8/13/2007 12:36:13 PM
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babu wrote:
dont believe the cops version and advise...u cant avoid burglary...murder or gunfire ...these all are part of our life...enjoy it..pray for everyone
8/13/2007 12:45:06 PM
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MindyP79 wrote:
i guess they took those new DPS commercials about car burglaries -- where they just give the thief their car keys, purses, etc. -- a little too seriously...
8/13/2007 12:50:28 PM
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gotalife wrote:
Okay, but what genius leaves their credit cards and ID in their car?
8/13/2007 12:53:13 PM
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rns14830 wrote:
Some insurance companies have stopped paying claims if the car was not secured. Lock up!
8/13/2007 12:53:39 PM
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pierceson wrote:
Thank you! And if you're going to leave your credit cards and ID in the car, wouldn't you LOCK IT???
8/13/2007 12:57:23 PM
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Crayon3 wrote:
Man you figure the people in these nice Nieghborhoods were smart enough to good paying jobs, That they would be smart enough to know how to lock doors.
I guess they think everyone lives nice like them and that no one would want to hurt them because the world is filled with nice people and every one has enough money to feed there families and not have to resort to robbery.
8/13/2007 1:00:29 PM
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SirWalterRaleigh wrote:
Crayon were the thugs at the Gamestop trying to feed hungry families?
8/13/2007 1:10:17 PM
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Sparkle1960 wrote:
Sounds like teenagers during the summer that are bored. They saw the car unlocked, opened the door and took what was there. Dumb too. Using the cc's at a game stop. They probably live in the area. Idiots.
8/13/2007 1:13:22 PM
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MaxPower wrote:
glad i live in the city and not the burbs.
police are closer, not to mention other amenities.
8/13/2007 7:27:01 PM
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missrj wrote:
the main reason i moved into a house was so i could park my car in a garage. i am surprised at how so few people actually park their cars in their garages.
8/13/2007 7:45:14 PM
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oleschool wrote:
miisrj.....haven't you heard garages are the man rooms, complete with tv's lounge chairs, and beer on tap, or they are being used as storage for junk. I live in the burbs, and wish more of my neighbors parked in their garage, or even the driveway. Every year during summer break we have the same break ins to cars, but it usually stops around the time school starts back up????
8/13/2007 7:59:02 PM
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responsible_dvlpmnt wrote:
I guess it's no real surprise that this finally made the Chronicle after all the attempts to keep the increasing crime rate in this Mo-city etj community quiet. When we lived there the forces that run that community kept our neighborhood from purchasing a gate to slow the traffic into our neighborhood and deter it a bit. We could never get the HOA mgmt to put the crime reports on the "official" community website or in the resident financed newsletter. The slant of this news piece even seems to indirectly blame the homeowners for the crime even with all the new commercial/retail and many apartments going in. Yes, let's blame the homeowners for the crime, right?
Chris Calvin
8/13/2007 8:10:01 PM
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raildog wrote:
Right on dj101.... People need to be held accountable, not making excuses to justify their stupidity..
8/13/2007 8:43:26 PM
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riceowlboy wrote:
I was just a victim of fraudulent credit card charges last month. The department store had the suspect on video as well in this case. The police never followed up to catch the criminal. Why didn't the police release their images to the Chronicle in hopes of catching the criminals.
8/13/2007 9:35:07 PM
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jigglethis wrote:
This article states, "Authorities today released a video obtained from Game Stop of three male suspects using the victim's credit card. The suspects in the video are three black males:..." Everyday in the news; local, state, and countrywide, it's always "the video caught 3 black males,.." Where are the parents of all these thugs and do they condone all this criminal activity? I wonder. I guess they figure that the "just don't snitch" rap music directives in almost "memo format" will keep them out of jail due to lack of evidence but the video does snitch, huh?
I bet Quanell X is all over it by now, trying to save over and over and over again these poor, oppressed, young black males, just so sorry to do such a thing, and then their momma will say, "oh no, he's a good boy, he never been in trouble with Johnny law."
Let's see, 3 thugs, crime stopper reward at $5,000 each,..hmmmnnn, that ought to buy him a new stereo system in his pimped out $100,000 H2 Hummer. I always wondered how he could afford all those tacky custom tailored sharkskin suits.
8/13/2007 9:38:10 PM
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kleinen wrote:
When I go to Gamestop, they always ask for ID. I wonder if the Gamestop employee knew them.
Hopefully, some things will change after September 1.
8/13/2007 9:59:50 PM
KyleJO wrote:
Bluecollar... not true about fingerprinting... they scan it and have the computer find it on CSI.. they do use computers but it is a little more detailed than that, IF the fingerprints are in the system to begin with. They don't waste their time and effort doing that on a car break in... more like murders and serious issues like that.
8/13/2007 10:01:03 PM
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jigglethis wrote:
"RUKidding wrote:
Does anyone remember when NYC was having a Sanitation Worker Strike one winter? One genius wrapped his trash in Christmas Wrapping paper and left them in his unlocked car. He was the only person in all of New York City who continued to get his trash hauled...
8/13/2007 4:46:23 PM"
Hey, thanks for the great laughs, I needed that. I bet that thief was never busted and was never called "bah humbug!" Great post, classic comic gold!
8/13/2007 10:12:22 PM
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mrjimbo wrote:
There used to be a hamburger joint in the Fourth Ward that rented poisionous snakes for the night after many break-ins. In the morning the snake, security, service would pick up the snakes before opening. Note on the door warned of the poisionus snakes inside. No more break-ins. Wonder how you can make that work for a car, maybe a warning note about a pet rattler loose inside or something.
8/13/2007 11:28:16 PM
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KCharles wrote:
My wife's car was broken into the same night (July 21) in our driveway (in Cypress). This is just making the news now???
8/13/2007 11:50:12 PM
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Straight wrote:
Might be the Katrina storm debris showing their gratitude to the Houston area again.
8/14/2007 12:21:08 AM
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commonsents wrote:
Maybe we should include criminals to dove season, deer season, and call it criminal season. Just a rather extreme thought, but hey, it's open season on us for them.
8/13/2007 5:45:11 PM
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CWSmith wrote:
More about crime on the southside:
And this article from about the Super Target at 288 and 518:;jsessionid=5B81DD96864E328B58718EB3CEC4BADE?contentId=4045762&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1
8/13/2007 5:45:11 PM
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crimefighter56 wrote:
How about everybody get off the "it can't happen to me" and lock your cars and take the stuff out that is valuable. Better yet, clean out the junk in your garages and park your cars in them at night. Some streets you can barely get through at night in Sugarland because of all the street parking. Must be 20 people living in every house. People, just like the people cruising at night looking for goodies in your trash, other people are looking for cars to break into.
8/13/2007 5:56:01 PM
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bluecollar wrote:
auda, you don't know much about modern fingerprinting..... it is easy to lift a finger print and now the police just scan the lifted print and the computer does the searching and matching.... Pretty simple really.
8/13/2007 5:56:57 PM
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LookUp wrote:
commonsents......I'm thinking, if the county DAs would give the victims the first go at the scumbags, our jails would not be crowded.
8/13/2007 6:10:40 PM
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rock1 wrote:
I can't believe someone would leave credit cards in there vehicle.
8/13/2007 6:14:11 PM
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LookUp wrote:
What bluecollar said earlier bears repeating..... Thanks bluecollar!
I agree 100%. I sat on a criminal trial jury a few years back and was appalled at the sermon we got before the trial began. The judge all but told us to be sympathetic to the perp and said absolutely nothing about the victims and what they suffered. We need to heed the call to sweep a lot of other offices too but that's another story.
8/13/2007 6:18:02 PM
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boyohboy1 wrote:
8/13/2007 6:31:47 PM
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ShanaPunim wrote:
My street was hit last month.9 cars broken into and 1 house.
8/13/2007 4:39:58 PM
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sicem wrote:
Same crap going on in the apartment on Dulles Avenue. 3 people held up at gun point
8/13/2007 4:41:08 PM
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RUKidding wrote:
Does anyone remember when NYC was having a Sanitation Worker Strike one winter? One genius wrapped his trash in Christmas Wrapping paper and left them in his unlocked car. He was the only person in all of New York City who continued to get his trash hauled...
8/13/2007 4:46:23 PM
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Sexyswtks wrote:
I work at the home owners association next to a popular park. On 5 different occasions 2 to 3 cars were broken into in our parking lot. All occured during 12:00-2:00 in the afternoon. Each burgler left with a purse of wallet. Lock your cars and stop leaving valuable inside people!
8/13/2007 4:51:20 PM
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LookUp wrote:
Sexyswtks......I take MY valuable everywhere I go and rarely leave it inside people.
8/13/2007 5:04:19 PM
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notsurprised wrote:
Someone in this subdivision should get a briefcase, put a couple of Texas rattlesnakes in there, and then leave it in the front seat with the window rolled down ...
8/13/2007 5:19:24 PM
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Rossi wrote:
Again, we need a justice system that has the backbone to punish people who break the laws of society. Obviously these scum bags have no fear of the law, but then again why should they? We need a Sheriff like that guy in Arizona, this guy ain't scared of nobody, not even the ACLU, unlike what we have here in Harris County...Put the convicted in tents and bring back the chain gangs...
8/13/2007 5:20:25 PM
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bluecollar wrote:
Race----- NO.............. Bad parents------maybe....
But one thing that is for sure, most all crime is committed by those who have broken the law and then sent to prison and then released early before serving their full sentence...........
And Judges hardly ever give someone the fullest penalty............
So these law breakers do a real quick turn around and then commit another offense........ The cycle seems to seldom end in a positive note....
Most of these career criminals become hardend and uncorrectable each time they're sent up.... And each time they're released their crimes become more violent......
Most career criminals began with minor felonies and then escalate into homicides and serious criminal assault crimes....
But the Judges keep giving light sentences and the prisons keep releasing them back to create another crime.....
8/13/2007 5:23:13 PM
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CWSmith wrote:
We are friends with a couple, an anesthesiologist and her restauranteur husband, who live in Shadow Creek Ranch. Friday, August 10, 2007, they were coming home after dark and stopped to check their mail at the entrance to their neighborhood. When the husband was at the mail box, an armed man jumped him from behind, made him lie face-down on the ground, and held a gun to the back of his head. A second armed man pointed a gun at the wife who had laid on the car horn hoping in vain that a neighbor would look outside.
The two forced the couple to drive to several local ATMs and withdraw sizeable amounts of cash. They then fled with a third accomplice who had followed in another car. Fortunately, they left the couple only shaken but not physically harmed after collecting the money. Our friends filed a report with the Pearland police afterward. Our friends described the three men were described as African American.
Pearland police and the Shadow Creek Ranch Homeowners Association can do only so much. This just shows that you have to stay vigilant at all times even in the seemingly safest of communities.
8/13/2007 5:29:21 PM
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LookUp wrote:
Rossi.....Here, here! We need Sherriff Joe Arpaio for Pres. '08!
Or better yet, why don't we go back to a territorial justice system. Let Arpaio be territorial judge over Harris, Ft. Bend, and Galveston counties.
People, we need to take back America from the bumbleheads that have been ruining it since about 1964.
8/13/2007 5:29:30 PM
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LookUp wrote:
CWSmith......and carry a LEGALLY PERMITED gun.
8/13/2007 5:31:59 PM
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auds wrote:
I love the suggestion, notsurprised! If I lived in that subdivision, I'd do it in a heartbeat - but not parked in front of my house, of course, for fear of retaliation.
To those suggesting EVERY car that gets broken into be fingerprinted, you people watch too much CSI! I mean, I'm a big fan, too, but let's be serious here, fingerprinting is costly and takes a long time to turn up results, if any.
8/13/2007 5:38:43 PM
eclipse wrote:
I like to leave my windows down overnight so I can see how many mosquitoes it takes to fill up my car.
8/13/2007 2:46:38 PM
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SuburbanMiss wrote:
I would have to agree with "Viking Ruler"! Couldnt have said it better. My vehicle was burglarized (windows broken out) and the cops came & ...took my information to file a report. No fingerprints were taken. My vehicle was locked and windows rolled up.
8/13/2007 2:52:07 PM
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TappaKeggaBeer wrote:
In one instance, a resident stored his credit cards and other forms of identification in a small pouch located on the driver side door.
Who in their right mind is going to leave credit card and ID's inside their vehicles in plain view? Does common sense come to mind?
Don't give the thugs an opportunity to steal anything inside your vehicles. Take your personal property inside the house and close your windows, and lock the doors.
8/13/2007 3:00:30 PM
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SandyDo wrote:
I always lock my car, even if I'm coming right back out. But it's a real shame that we have to do that in our own driveways!
8/13/2007 3:22:11 PM
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PHV wrote:
Crayon3 wrote:
>>> Man you figure the people in these nice Nieghborhoods were smart enough to good paying jobs, That they would be smart enough to know how to lock doors.
I guess they think everyone lives nice like them and that no one would want to hurt them because the world is filled with nice people and every one has enough money to feed there families and not have to resort to robbery.
-- First, let's place the blame where it should be: the thugs that commit these crimes. I am sure you are not be naive to believe that a thief would leave your car or home alone if you simply lock the door. Secondly, 'not having enough money' does NOT justify crime . If you take something that does not belong to you, it's called stealing. I personally know many folks are not doing well financially, and they make ends meet by working hard, sometimes taking additional job(s) or see higher to better themselves. But they do not steal my friend, because they have dignity (spelled D-I-G-N-I-T-Y).
8/13/2007 3:22:22 PM
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ep16three wrote:
The Word DUH comes to mind.
8/13/2007 3:22:55 PM
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Garth_Beaumont wrote:
I never lock my car because I have had to replace several broken windows. Now, I do not leave valuables in the car and I let the thieves take a look! No more broken windows!
8/13/2007 3:27:40 PM
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txtrogers wrote:
I second that TCopelin!
8/13/2007 3:29:16 PM
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rachaeld84 wrote:
I lock my car every time I get out and I don't have anything in it and on top of that i have a very touchy alarm system, but that doesn't deter the robbers! No sir they still broke in just to find out i didn't have anything in the stupid car! GET A JOB like the rest of us and quit trying to be gangstas or whatever it is and pull up you r stupid jeans! I so don't want to see your freakin' butt crack or your undies and if i did want to see that i'd call a plummer! What morons!
8/13/2007 3:32:54 PM
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mahoney927 wrote:
it's happening everywhere. my car was broken into TWICE in rice village. the second time they stole my gym bag that was tucked under my seat that had a paid of socks in it-and broken headphones. i still curse whoever did that because it cost 200 bucks to fix my damn window. these people (criminals i mean!) will never learn that living outside of a crime-free life is NOT the way to go. yes, it's hard to make money these days-EVERYONE is in debt-and we are all working like dogs to get out of it...but, the ones who follow the law, ultimately won't have the worry of prison on their shoulders. put these morons in the pen for life. make an example of them-because, it starts with credit card fraud, and turns into murder. it's happened a BILLION times before.
8/13/2007 3:57:35 PM
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eclipse wrote:
I used to have a convertable and I never locked the door because I didn't want the thugs to cut their way thru the roof to get inside.
8/13/2007 3:59:57 PM
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paperview909 wrote:
Thank God these weren't hate crimes.
8/13/2007 4:03:14 PM
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LookUp wrote:
TappaKeggaBeer.....You know darn well that there is no common sense left in this world and you of all people to bring it up in this story. Why I oughtta! It's a joke son, get it? LOL
8/13/2007 4:35:15 PM
Dakto wrote:
I didn't have all the great fortunes that BibBen1 spoke of. As a matter of fact not very many people have had these great fortunes, otherwise they would be called normal fortunes, not great. And last but not least, MOST PEOPLE DON'T STEAL!!!! The problem you have is with statistics, they tell the truth regardless of race. Most black victims of crime were from other blacks. Most Hispanic victims are from other Hispanics. Using facts is not racist, it's just the truth.
8/13/2007 2:00:47 PM
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dannyR wrote:
I missed the part in the article about this being Katrina evacuees.
8/13/2007 2:02:15 PM
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Crayon3 wrote:
Every thing always seems to make it's way back to race and social status. You gotta love this country.
8/13/2007 2:03:05 PM
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Crayon3 wrote:
Shandrap, No need to thank me for my service, It was my plessure to serve.
8/13/2007 2:04:11 PM
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belovedspear711 wrote:
Mayberry is only on TVLand! Citizens of today's world should know by now to LOCK YOUR CARS, and make sure you haven't left a child behind!
8/13/2007 2:10:15 PM
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VikingRuler wrote:
Wait just a minute, the most common reason for car burglaries is neither unlocked doors or cracked windows. The main reason is punks walking the streets of Houston. Quit putting the blame on the car owner, put the blame on the people who commit the crimes, and on the police for not giving a rat's ass about this stuff......This is a crime completely void of consequence, even if you got caught, there would be no punishment. It is such a joke that they have the contact info for the police here. Like they would do anything but file a report, and ask you to take it up with your insurance co.
8/13/2007 2:20:25 PM
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Crayon3 wrote:
Yeah blame Hip Hop not bad parenting...
8/13/2007 2:22:18 PM
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Brak wrote: house came with a garage.....or to most people it seems...a storage unit for worthless items........
Let's a $20-30k car in the garage or.... get robbed.....
8/13/2007 2:23:47 PM
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Crayon3 wrote:
Vikingruler you aint lieing my wife car got broken into along with 2 others at our apartments and all they did was file a report.They didn't take figure prints or any thing. Then for all we know the Kid gets caught breaking into a car and the judge gives him a light sentence for a first time pffence instead of being like hey we have you fingure prints on 20 other cars, this aint your first and give them what they deserve.
8/13/2007 2:37:07 PM
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TCopelin wrote:
VikingRuler, You may have written the most intelligent post I have read on any Chronicle board today
8/13/2007 2:45:18 PM
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Bigben1 wrote:
ghvz1 I could not agree with you more. I don't hold the victims responsible for becoming victims by believing that we live in a world of civilized human beings. I really do applaud those victims but I am saddened because they had to learn the hard way that there are some individulas out there who would steal a pair of their grandma's drawers if they thought they could sell them for profit. It really pains me to have to harden my heart and brace myself each time I go out of my home, and even when I am home behind closed and locked doors and windows because of the low-lifed scum that crawls around like so much vermin and prey on the goodness and honesty of others. I grew up when there was no air conditioning in most homes or cars and the only times we rolled up the car windows or closed the windows in the house was when it either was cold, raining, or rain was imminent. But oh how things have changed.
8/13/2007 1:16:20 PM
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Crayon3 wrote:
Shandrap, your right it's not people out trying to feed there kids it's probably Teens in that area that are trying to be gangsta before school so they can bragg on how gangsta they are.
8/13/2007 1:24:33 PM
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JRL wrote:
"The most common motive for vehicle burglaries are leaving the car unlocked, car windows left open, and valuables left in plain sight."
So me leaving my car window unlocked is what motivates someone to steal? Fascinating take on the world, Chronicle.
8/13/2007 1:27:04 PM
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Dakto wrote:
The victims can't be blamed for the crime. What they are to blame for though is the items they left in the car. Credit cards, driver's license's, guns, money, these are the type of things that keep the morons out there looking to break into cars. In the last month I've read about 2 different cops, one a fed and one city, who lost their guns, badges, mace, and police id's from their cars. Common sense folks, just common sense, don't leave ANYTHING in your car that you will miss if it's stolen. But if you do, then shame on ya!!!
8/13/2007 1:30:06 PM
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KyleJO wrote:
Of course no one should be blamed when they are victim of a crime, however leaving anything unlocked in this day and age is idiotic, no matter where you live. A lot of cars in the First Colony Little League parking lot were being broken into, however leaving your window rolled down and car unlocked is asking for it. You can't help if they bust out a window, but geez, leaving an open invitation?? Sienna is a nice community, but Missouri City has some pretty rough areas around there. Hightower High School out there is pretty rough.. these kids probably go there. That school is known for having a thug mentality.
8/13/2007 1:35:22 PM
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Stump1970 wrote:
And just why the heck was my comment deleted? Was it not "politically correct" enough?
Nice First Amendment Chronicle.
8/13/2007 1:38:05 PM
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hstnnative wrote:
We started having a rash of car and house burgleries in my neighborhood....
My neighbor who used to leave his car unlocked had a computer, cell phone, and credit cards stolen. The burglers came back a week or so later and stole most of his tools out of his unlocked garage.
No one has bothered our LOCKED cars or house though we are closer to the street.
Sadly its true that locking your cars will help deter crime. I guess those who are to lazy to work for their money, are also (sometimes) to lazy to work to hard to steal yours.
Lock up!
8/13/2007 1:39:51 PM
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Crayon3 wrote:
Yeah lets blame the poor kids again. Some people crack me up. Not all poor kids are out breaking laws actually the millitary is filled with poor kids trying to do better. I should know i was one of them.
8/13/2007 1:40:47 PM
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Dakto wrote:
Hey Stump1970 just change a couple of words and repost. Works every time
8/13/2007 1:45:09 PM
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dj101 wrote:
BIGBEN1, this is not about the US President, and I am sick of the excuses and smoke thatall races are doing it, when was the last time you saw an asian, middle -eastern, chinese, commit a crime, yeah there are whites, hispanics, but damn, black people do this crap each day and when they flood schools or guilty, call Al sharpton on Quanell.That kid did not even apologize, just said pray for me. Why can't they just stop, get a job, do right, oh yeah, I am black, no father raised by grandmother, graduated high school, army, college, management job, ...i did it with no help, what is SW side, katrina,NO, etcs, problem, oh tell me right, not everyone has time for the military or school..LOL
8/13/2007 1:50:58 PM
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shandrap wrote:
Crayon3, I appreciate your response about how they're probably trying to be gangsta and brag about it. I guess we're more on the same page than I originally thought. Thanks for your service too.
8/13/2007 1:51:11 PM
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