Tuesday, September 18, 2007

FB Chronicle Reports On Increasing Tax Vote In Missouri City--

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From FBChron blogs:

responsible_dvlpmnt wrote:
After years of Allen Owen, and clique, promising, via the media, that we were just around the corner from a tax break, which is misinformation given the multi-year increases driven by the CADs, why would anyone be surprised about Wyatt, Jimerson, Reiter, Gibson & Kolaja's vote? Not only did they vote for it once, but because of a new state law they had to vote for it x3 times.

I know others in the community won't forget the broken promises as this council heads down the slippery slope in its attempt to fund a public take-over of a private golf course. Have they even considered the private option of the QV Fund and/or QV MUD purchasing the facility? Of course, this tax increase came even before this BIG purchase. How will Owen, Wyatt, Jimerson and clan defend the increases when the course doesn't take-off as they project? No data supports their claims from the city funded consultants report, how much did that cost taxpayers? At best a public take-over has a marginal chance of success, IMHO and based on my reading.

Point 2--Why is the city continuing to support the tax reinvestment zones and the diversion of these tax dollars to the areas outside of the city (the ETJ)? These TIRZs have been established for Houston companies operating outside the Missouri City limits and are diverting city tax dollars. Some of these companies, through key executives, have been on Owen's campaign finance/disclosures list for years. Isn't this diversion of tax dollars by him a conflict of interest? No wonder Owen and clan had to vote an increase.

Thank you Mr. Tunstall, former district c candidate, and council-member Cynthia Lenton-Gary for speaking up and voting against this long line of crony mistakes. Last night council-member Gibson asked Mr. Tunstall, after he sat down, "where are we going to get the money from, police and fire protection?". Well Ms. Gibson, If Kevin had been allowed to respond I think he would have told you NO on that, but would have suggested reducing the bloated administrative bureaucracy. You see, just in the last year, several high tax supported management positions have been created within the city budget by the city manager and approved by council. So I believe that would have been his answer if he had been given the opportunity to respond, that and the redirection of the dollars out of the city for the special interests.

Chris Calvin, Ph.D.
Co-chair, Committee for Responsible Development
Fort Bend County
9/18/2007 10:38:55 AM
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cynic2020 wrote:
That's just great! Not only is the county increasing taxes via the CADs and the FBISD through the record bond vote in November, but now the second largest city in the county is following this pattern. What party are these people in?
9/18/2007 10:55:50 AM
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transparencyingovt wrote:
I guess if Jerry says "This tax rate represents what is best for the city of Missouri City," then that is good enough for me. Lord knows elected officials only want what's best for us, right? They would never cater to vendors or contributors now would they? I remember reading a post by a blogger suggesting some of our elected officials should wear sponsor shirts like race car drivers. I wonder what sponsors would be all over this councils?

It was nice to see one true independent on that vote. Maybe we can still hope!
9/18/2007 7:04:21 PM

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


KDTunstall wrote:
Just remember the actions of these "tax and spend" Republicans. When city revenue is at an all time high, an increase in the rate can not be justified.
9/19/2007 9:49:07 AM
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machiavelli wrote:
Very good point Mr. Tunstall! Isn't this that council that makes you all pay for city infrastructure repair?
9/19/2007 11:34:48 AM

12:38 PM  

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