FB Star: County Still Pushing For Airport Expansion (& road diversion) Over Sienna!
McKeever Road still a source of controversy
Arcola city official says county is
strong-arming city because of airport
By Cheryl Skinner
In what has become a long-standing debate on mobility projects in Arcola, at least one city official believes the county is dead-set and determined to help Houston Southwest Airport push through a mobility plan that will ultimately allow for an expanded runway. County officials, on the other hand, say that the plan is to improve mobility and “the future of Arcola” is at stake.
Arcola city councilman Tom Hilton, a long time opponent of the airport, says he met with county officials last spring prior to South Post Oak Road being included in the mobility bond election, which was approved by voters in May. Hilton said officials ignored his recommendations and included the project in the mobility plan.
Hilton said Precinct 1 Commissioner Tom Stavinoha brought a plan to Arcola officials on South Post Oak that had never been seen before and had not been approved by the city. And then in late August, a meeting between city and county officials, as well as Jamie Griffith, the airport owner, and representatives of the Federal Aviation Administration was held. During that meeting Hilton says Griffith admitted he planned to extend the runway 1,000 feet. “He denied this in past meetings,” Hilton notes.
Hilton says he feels that the real reason behind the move to expand South Post Oak is to allow Griffith to expand the runway. And, he says, the county is letting Griffith call the shots. Stavinoha, he says, is “issuing ultimatums” by calling for the city to agree to resurface McKeever instead of expanding the road, or the city will lose the funds from the 2000 bond election which called for the expansion of McKeever. . . click the link above for the entire story!
Comment (OP/ED): "If the stalemate can’t be rectified, Stavinoha says, the county will most likely abandon current plans and relegate the latest bond funds for other projects in the Arcola area. “They will be losing out, but that is up to them,” he said."
From this FBS reporter statement above it looks as if the county commissioner is trying to use a great deal of leverage on city officials. All this in an election year for Stavinoha (you remember, one of the commissioners who supported the Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion by accepting "tipping fees" to allow it to go to almost 20 stories......vote..vote..vote! Sienna this effort impacts air traffic flow over the community!)
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