Missouri City, After Decades, Finally Considers A Tax Reinvestment Zone For Cartwright & Texas Parkway!!!
"Charges that the city has neglected Cartwright Road and Texas Parkway, which runs past City Hall, became an issue in recent council elections. Candidates said the city was focusing its attention on the development of Texas 6, near affluent new subdivisions, at the expense of these once-vibrant commercial and residential corridors.
Pictures of empty commercial buildings, potholed parking lots and other eyesores were part of Monday's presentation.
"After a year of talking about it, it's something we've finally done something about," Mayor Allen Owen said just before Monday's vote. "I think it's a great deal." Houston Chronicle Report
This position is in stark contrast to April of 2007 when the mayor and other, now former council members, said that TIRZs couldn't be used in this corridor. See this release from Ap. 18th 2007 (local media at: http://www.fortbendnow.com/opinion/2801/the-politics-of-land-development-and-tax-breaks). My concern as always is how this particular mayor and his diminishing council supporters are reactive rather than proactive on growth issues. They pushed and fully supported the TIRZs (reinvestment zones) on the hwy 6 corridor for large Houston development companies (many with executives and mgmt employees on campaign disclosure lists for those directly benefitting from these tax abatements) in prime commercial areas, which is not what they are supposed to be used for. Then after nearly two decades in office he is finally supporting a TIRZ where it belongs.
"Tunstall said he’d been prompted to study up on the concept of a TIRZ, after two other Missouri City residents – one a past political candidate and the other a current council candidate – had approached council at consecutive recent meetings to suggest a TIRZ should be used to attract business and development along Texas Parkway and Cartwright Road. Council members suggested the two citizens were short on facts about TIRZs and how they operate." FortBendNow.com
Who were these citizens pushing for proper use of the TIRZs within the city? They were Lou Hunter, Rodney Griffin, Greyling Poats, Kevin Tunstall, Cynthia Gary and many other reform minded citizens and volunteers. Finally, after decades of neglect, Owen sees this as a "good thing".
We need new, fresh and more proactive people on this council, starting with a NEW mayor with vision. One who will represent all the people of the community and NOT just the special interests!
Recent comments on this issue (from the chron article):
responsible_dvlpmnt wrote:
"Charges that the city has neglected Cartwright Road and Texas Parkway, which runs past City Hall, became an issue in recent council elections. Candidates said the city was focusing its attention on the development of Texas 6, near affluent new subdivisions, at the expense of these once-vibrant commercial and residential corridors.
Pictures of empty commercial buildings, potholed parking lots and other eyesores were part of Monday's presentation.
"After a year of talking about it, it's something we've finally done something about," Mayor Allen Owen said just before Monday's vote. "I think it's a great deal."
This position is in stark contrast to April of 2007 when the mayor and other, now former council members, said that TIRZs couldn't be used in this corridor. See this release from Ap. 18th 2007 (local media at: http://www.fortbendnow.com/opinion/2801/the-politics-of-land-development-and-tax-breaks). My concern as always is how this particular mayor and his diminishing council supporters are reactive rather than proactive on growth issues. They pushed and fully supported the TIRZs (reinvestment zones) on the hwy 6 corridor for large Houston development companies (many with executives and mgmt employees on campaign disclosure lists for those directly benefitting from these tax abatements) in prime commercial areas, which is not what they are supposed to be used for. Then after nearly two decades in office he is finally supporting a TIRZ where it belongs.
"Tunstall said he’d been prompted to study up on the concept of a TIRZ, after two other Missouri City residents – one a past political candidate and the other a current council candidate – had approached council at consecutive recent meetings to suggest a TIRZ should be used to attract business and development along Texas Parkway and Cartwright Road. Council members suggested the two citizens were short on facts about TIRZs and how they operate."
Who were these citizens pushing for proper use of the TIRZs within the city? They were Lou Hunter, Rodney Griffin, Greyling Poats, Kevin Tunstall, Cynthia Gary and many other reform minded citizens and volunteers. Finally, after decades of neglect, Owen sees this as a "good thing".
We need new, fresh and more proactive people on this council, starting with a NEW mayor with vision. One who will represent all the people of the community and NOT just the special interests!
Chris Calvin, Ph.D.
Committee for Responsible Development - FBC
Fort Bend County
1/8/2008 1:06 PM CST
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transparencyingovt wrote:
"Saying that property owners in the area "haven't been very willing to do anything to revitalize the area," Mayor Owen added, "Maybe this will encourage them." -----This is such a typical Owen comment. Blame the small business owners and not the cities neglect. I wonder why they have 3 of these near the Fort Bend Toll Road/Hwy 6 and never had them in the city? Aren't these what reinvestment zones are supposed to be used for? How long has this guy been in office?
1/8/2008 1:15 PM CST
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Wakeup wrote:
Johnson Developers cry to Fort Bend Co. local official for more corprate welfare. While Fort Bend CAD members override state annual ten percent limit unlawful appraisal valuation(crime) on homestead exempt properties. District court covers up CAD unlawful valuation to increase taxes an fund TIRZ corprate(Johnson Developers) get richer.
1/8/2008 3:03 PM CST
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machiavelli wrote:
Finally, after all these years. Good news!
1/8/2008 4:40 PM CST
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HappyMCResident wrote:
Mr. Calvin, a non-resident of Missouri City, continues to his push his own agenda and attacks against the City Council. What he needs to realize is that a study will determine what type of development the area would like to see, then the company doing the study will put together what they believe is an action plan. This plan will be taken to developers to see if there is any interest. For a TIRZ to work anywhere, you must have a developer willing to undertake risking their capital, in hopes a project is profitable. Without that developer, a TIRZ means nothing.
1/9/2008 7:10 PM CST
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responsible_dvlpmnt wrote:
As you know we lived in the ETJ for about 5 years of that city and were forced out in June by one of the top givers (a developer) to the mayor after a protracted suit for opposing their projects that impacted our neighborhood after filing ethics complaints on this against Allen Owen for not recusing himself on the voting (The SLAPP-suit by his developer backer cost us our home, land, savings, kids college fund, property improvements, etc. just to defend against. Typical of these cases).
Additionally, the use of TIRZs impacts several taxing entities, not just the developer, often including the county in which we still live (our group requested and received an FOIA in the spring of last year, when we still lived in that community, all MC TIRZ records and we did spend a great deal of time reviewing them since then. So yes we are very much aware of how TIRZs are funded and operate). So we will continue to speak up on issues impacting the county, and when asked, Missouri City, as many still seek our committees help on varying issues from schools, poor planning, neighborhood issues, etc. and some on our committee live in MC (so yes we will continue to get involved Happy). You see "Happy" only through continued activism and community involvement would issues like this even begin to be studied and looked at. Further we now actually live 6 to 7 miles from the current Missouri City hall (closer than when we were in the ETJ) so poor planning does still impact our area.
We are also very glad the city is finally looking at this much delayed concern, as city leaders like Gary, Tunstall, Poats, Hunter, Griffin and others have been drawing attention to it for years now (as if a drive down Cartwright & TX Pkwy didn't make it more obvious). It is also nice to see the city (and other interested parties) looking into it because this is what they (TIRZs) were originally set up for (see TX Tax code 313 at: http://tlo2.tlc.state.tx.us/statutes/docs/TX/content/htm/tx.003.00.000311.00.htm#311.001.00).
I'm glad you are happy, "Happy" and continue to be with this planning issue that is squarely in the spot light now. We have already sent this out on our nearly 2000 MC area contact list. Hopefully more will follow it and keep the pressure on Owen and council to move forward. As you already know the city is facing many problems because of decades of neglect under the current administration. I often wonder would the Quail Valley Golf Club be in the state it is currently, no doubt hurting those property values, if the city had acted on this 10 years ago before the current developer purchased it to eventually break it up? Why didn't the city get involved with that one when that developer was looking at the property. Remember the mayor and 4 council members live in that community, so ignorance is not a defense. Proactive involvement is something that has, IMO, long been neglected under the current leadership.
Thank you for your response.
For background:
Chris Calvin, Ph.D.
Committee for Responsible Development - FBC
Fort Bend County
1/10/2008 8:30 AM CST
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transparencyingovt wrote:
Don't mean to 'butt in' but these tax abatements limit developer investment risks by sharing the burden with taxpayers.
1/10/2008 9:13 AM CST
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responsible_dvlpmnt wrote:
As you know we lived in the ETJ for about 5 years of that city and were forced out in June by one of the top givers (a developer) to the mayor after a protracted suit for opposing their projects that impacted our neighborhood after filing ethics complaints on this against Allen Owen for not recusing himself on the voting (The SLAPP-suit by his developer backer cost us our home, land, savings, kids college fund, property improvements, etc. just to defend against. Typical of these cases).
Additionally, the use of TIRZs impacts several taxing entities, not just the developer, often including the county in which we still live (our group requested and received an FOIA in the spring of last year, when we still lived in that community, all MC TIRZ records and we did spend a great deal of time reviewing them since then. So yes we are very much aware of how TIRZs are funded and operate). So we will continue to speak up on issues impacting the county, and when asked, Missouri City, as many still seek our committees help on varying issues from schools, poor planning, neighborhood issues, etc. and some on our committee live in MC (so yes we will continue to get involved Happy). You see "Happy" only through continued activism and community involvement would issues like this even begin to be studied and looked at. Further we now actually live 6 to 7 miles from the current Missouri City hall (closer than when we were in the ETJ) so poor planning does still impact our area.
We are also very glad the city is finally looking at this much delayed concern, as city leaders like Gary, Tunstall, Poats, Hunter, Griffin and others have been drawing attention to it for years now (as if a drive down Cartwright & TX Pkwy didn't make it more obvious). It is also nice to see the city (and other interested parties) looking into it because this is what they (TIRZs) were originally set up for (see TX Tax code 313 at: http://tlo2.tlc.state.tx.us/statutes/docs/TX/content/htm/tx.003.00.000311.00.htm#311.001.00).
I'm glad you are happy, "Happy" and continue to be with this planning issue that is squarely in the spot light now. We have already sent this out on our nearly 2000 MC area contact list. Hopefully more will follow it and keep the pressure on Owen and council to move forward. As you already know the city is facing many problems because of decades of neglect under the current administration. I often wonder would the Quail Valley Golf Club be in the state it is currently, no doubt hurting those property values, if the city had acted on this 10 years ago before the current developer purchased it to eventually break it up? Why didn't the city get involved with that one when that developer was looking at the property. Remember the mayor and 4 council members live in that community, so ignorance is not a defense. Proactive involvement is something that has, IMO, long been neglected under the current leadership.
Thank you for your response.
For background:
Chris Calvin, Ph.D.
Committee for Responsible Development - FBC
Fort Bend County
1/10/2008 8:30 AM CST
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transparencyingovt wrote:
Don't mean to 'butt in' but these tax abatements limit developer investment risks by sharing the burden with taxpayers.
1/10/2008 9:13 AM CST
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responsible_dvlpmnt wrote:
Here is a recent update to this:
1/10/2008 2:24 PM CST
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HappyMCResident wrote:
You lost all credibility with your slanderous actions while living in Sienna.
You have been proven wrong time after time.
A City cannot control who buys a piece of land. They CAN control the zoning.
They cannot tell a business owner he cannot move in, unless he does not have the proper zoning, and then they can apply for a change.
The City cannot control a business from closing, if it is not profitable, and the area residents do not support it.
1/10/2008 6:30 PM CST
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responsible_dvlpmnt wrote:
Hello Happy (you don't seem so happy though),
You've once again been misinformed as usual. As court records confirm no claims where ever adequately supported and that's why the case was dropped, as most of these types of cases are (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SLAPP_suit) that actually made it to the TX Supremes, at one point. Further you might want to look up what SLAPP-suits (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, Canen & Pring, 1996) are, if the concept is beyond you. They have been well researched and documented and I'm not the one hiding and casting aspersions in here. I'm also assuming you know that the Fraud and Trade Deception suit against the company was also dropped? Of course you do, or you wouldn't be hiding in here and posting such unsupported cowardly and disparaging statements from behind the veil attempting to discredit me since you can't counter the real issues impacting this city. I also assume you know that over 1100+ homeowners in that subdivision sought to stop that land use and had every right to protest it before city council and in the media (as is the RIGHT of all Americans according to the TX & US Bill of Rights) along with thousands of others.
Now, if a city or government entity can't stop it (a particular land use) then why did some on council try so hard to? Some actually voting against it. Further the company involved, through earlier pressure, did compromise on the initial land use, so obviously applying grassroots pressure is effective and a normal part of democracy. One of the most SLAPPed organizations in the U.S. is the Sierra Club (it's why they keep a fleet of lawyers on staff now, which most homeowners can't afford to do). 24 states have added legislation to bolster the constitution, but not Texas (very strong land lobby stopped 4 attempts), to stop harassing cases like these, most often used by development companies in NIMBYS (Not In My Back Yard Protests).--So your secret is out. Please read "Getting Sued For Speaking Out" as a primer so I don't have to type on this anymore or contact other homeowners that were harassed during the course of that case (also you may want to visit http://www.ahrc.com for more on similar types of cases against homeowners across the country and how these business and political networks work to silence citizens/taxpayers).
...And since you made the claim of slander, don't you think you should provide supporting documentary evidence, otherwise you are simply blowing hot air as usual, since obviously the court didn't find any. Of course you are more knowledgeable than any court, right?
"The City cannot control a business from closing, if it is not profitable, and the area residents do not support it."
Who has made any statement remotely related to this quote above? Again if you are going to spin in here you really need to get your FACTS lined up. I'm prepared to discuss any of your misperceptions as I have no hidden agenda or profit motive depending on it, just a family and neighbors we are trying to protect.
--Our committee fully supports the establishment of a TIRZ on TX Pkwy and Cartwright but oppose further tax abatements in prime commercial areas for large out of area developers. That is why we have continued to confront the council and mayor on this repeatedly over the last few years. It does seem to be making some movement now and I congratulate the dedicated homeowners/voters and taxpayers who got involved and stuck through the tough times. Democracy isn't always pretty, but, at least for now, can still cause change in the right direction, even at an extremely high personal cost. The only regret I have is that it didn't happen 10 years ago, so maybe conditions on Cartwright, TX Pkwy and 1092 hadn't deteriorated so much.
If you think I'm the only one that feels this way then check out the latest releases (or local media, along with this article) from other community leaders on this (one from a party executive committee member and former council candidate who vowed off the special interest funding that his opponent gladly accepts. See: http://griffinforcouncil.blogspot.com/2008/01/griffin-responds-to-recent-city-change.html or http://missouricitychatter.blogspot.com/2008/01/community-leader-rodney-griffin.html.
Now go get a good TRUTH shot and come out from hiding. I don't bite!
For background on the misinformation from "happy":,+Laura+Hermer&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us
Chris Calvin, Ph.D.
Committee for Responsible Development - FBC
Fort Bend County
1/10/2008 7:17 PM CST
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It was great to see so many people at the gathering last night. Dora, Richard, Kevin and many others presented themselves well. It was good to get a chance to talk to them about many of the issues impacting our community.
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