Friday, January 25, 2008

Missouri City Families Upset At Current Focus Of FBISD Zoning--

See this FBN coverage from FBISDWatch:

Packed House At FBISD Lexington Zoning Meeting--

FBISDWatch was in attendance at the recent Missouri City/FBISD zoning meetings at Sienna Plantation and First Colony MC/Quail Valley. Our concern continues to be the lack of parent and community representation on the zoning committee headed by Lee Petros and other senior district officials only. Here is a report from


Lexington Creek Elementary Parents Take Strong Stance Against FBISD Rezoning
by Jamie Mock, Jan 25, 2008

Lexington Creek Elementary parents showed up en masse Thursday night to a redistricting meeting held by the Fort Bend County Independent School District. Their message, and that of all the speakers, was similar: Don’t rezone.

The redistricting plan is a result of the opening of Elementary School #39, located near Lexington Boulevard and FM 1092, which has been a temporary home for Quail Valley Elementary as that campus was rebuilt. Both building will open for students in August, requiring the district to outline the attendance zone for #39.

The suggested zones, under fire at the meeting, would: Rezone students in Dove Country, Lexington Square and the Park at Fort Bend Apartments to Missouri City Middle School and Marshall High School from Dulles Middle and High Schools. Rezone Dulles Elementary students east of FM 1092, E.A. Jones Elementary students west of Staffordshire Road, Quail Valley Elementary students north of a line extending west from Court Road to FM 1092, to the yet-to-be-named Elementary #39. Rezone Lexington Creek students south of Cartwright road and the northern portion of the Palmer Elementary zone to Quail Valley Elementary. Rezone the area south and west of the intersection of 5th Street and FM 1092, currently zoned to Quail Valley Elementary, to Lexington Creek Elementary.

To adjust to the district’s new kindergarten through sixth grade program, the following changes have been suggested: The area east of FM 1092, currently zoned to Dulles Middle School, would be rezoned to Missouri City Middle School. The Dulles High School zone east of FM 1092 would be rezoned to Marshall High School.

The neighborhood of Oyster Creek Plantation, comprised of about 25 homes with elementary-aged children, was well represented, unanimous in their desire not to be moved from Lexington Creek Elementary. Among their concerns was the safety of crossing FM 1092, the fact that they bought homes in that area specifically for the schools, home value and the same issue that brought most of the other speakers to the meeting – quality of education.

Many parents suggested that Quail Valley Middle School, Missouri City Middle School and Marshall High School were unacceptable alternatives to the schools their children were currently zoned to. Comments included parents saying they would move, some saying they would put their children in private school, and one suggesting possible legal issues. Several parents suggested their neighborhoods were being rezoned to bring up test scores in low-performing schools.

Dawn Wilson, Oyster Creek Plantation resident and mother of a high school graduate, said the focus should be on improving individual schools.

“Perhaps a principal (of FBISD) not reported has something to do with the neighborhood draw to perhaps increase scores and things that are involved at the state of Texas level,” said Wilson. “I think Fort Bend has some excellent teachers and some wonderful things going on, so perhaps the change should be in faculty and some professional development…let’s fix the problems at the campus levels and we can all be in excellent schools instead of moving kids around and making us pay the price.” . . .

See full story at:

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Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

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