FortBendWeb: Missouri City Officials Involved In Potential TOMA Violations During March 3rd City Council Session
Click the title link for the full story!
Click the title link for the full story!
Question: Do you
trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his
Houston corporate backers?
participating said yes
participating said no
participating responded not sure
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area blog comments:
« Muckraker wrote on Wednesday, Mar 05 at 04:56 PM »
“No, we didn’t know which way council was going to vote, we inadvertently did that, and we apologize for that.”
Because her and Frank and the mayor know that if this was the case it would be a TOMA violation, but I would have to agree with the previous poster that this seems to be the common practice with PR offices engaged with the public in our community lately. Just look at the MHS “non-riot” release by FBISD officials and the 911 calls, which directly contradict the communications office release for this Missouri City High school…
« RiceFarmer wrote on Wednesday, Mar 05 at 02:57 PM »
This should be a true insight to what actually takes place in not just Missouri City but all Municipal and County Governments. The decisions are made long before the counsel actually takes a vote.
Kind of gives open meetings a new meaning.
« sister wrote on Friday, Mar 07 at 02:58 AM »
THis is not all they hide and cover up. These corrupt people got to go. It is people in office that is so corrupt will do and say anything to coverup and hide true facts for their own political motives.
Look at the coverup with all these police officers physical assault on the citizens and many times judge sitting the bench is under the infleunce of alcohol. Then he works for three other cities here in Bellaire, and city in Jersey Village. This is why they hold traffic court as they do.
These same police office writes bogus police reports for fake crimes for family and friends. That is a coverup. Many people are charges for traffic violation but it is a person driving around a vehicle without a inspection sticker, no muffle, no current tags, and no auto insurance but he or she is never ticket why.
Then it is HOA stealing big time from the community and that is a coverup.
This is what is going on behind closed door, these are the same people who cover up about Ms. P Rose, and other incident going back to 2000 where this same police officer is repeating physical assaulting citizens out here in Missouri City.
Corrupt corrupt shame on you. But we the people out here can change this by voting them out and expose this corruption. Get out those houses and go to the poll vote them out become poll watcher. Stop all these illegal from voting if you are not a citizen of the US you can not vote that is a Federal crime. Stomp out fraud voting but all citizens go out and do your duty and let move them out of office. We can bring about a change. Just don’t talk about it put in the action and let move them out we can do it. They are few in numbers we can come together as a group and large groups can bring about a change.
This the legal way we can exercise our voice and be heard even behind close doors. I will see you at the poll and vote with you against them. We can clean house and give a message enough is enough. Let get on the move and all join this train to make a change to this city and all it take is a vote that you control. Let start with the city and then go to the county as well. We got a voice let show them.
« Muckraker wrote on Thursday, Mar 06 at 11:28 AM »
This is just good reporting. How many times do you see the real skinny on what is going on behind the scenes. This type of critique is needed throughout the area. So many communications office releases are taken at face value and turned into “news stories” without seeking both sides and multiple perspectives.
Thanks FBN!
« GCOMC wrote on Thursday, Mar 06 at 08:14 AM »
This is pretty sad. For the sake of some well co-ordinated media coverage the elected leaders, city mgr. and communications office decide to violate Texas Open Meetings. Maybe they could just report out all the votes for the rest of the year?
Muckraker wrote on Friday, Mar 07 at 07:27 AM »
I forgot try these area and related blogs:
. . . and read and talk your heads off and like you said, if defender doesn’t like it she/he can go defend censorship somewhere else!
« Muckraker wrote on Friday, Mar 07 at 07:24 AM »
Thank you for joining the discussions. It is always good to see those willing and able to participate without attempting to silence or censor this forum as we see in “defender”. I wonder who and what he/she is defending? Certainly not the constitution of this great country.
Just like in this thread and the story above we see special interest influence at its finest through a city PR office. We also viewed similar spin during the Missouri City MHS “riot” (that we were told wasn’t by FBISD admins and PR types). It would seem if we the citizens/taxpayers/homeowners and residents of this community are tired of being lied to by those who earn a salary off our property taxes then we need more forums, not less, to speak up in. Further if our bond monies (future debt and more taxes) are being controlled by a small pro-elite corporate clique who back only certain candidates that will perpetuate this formula, then I would say yes more free speech forums like this are needed, and not fewer!
You are correct, we do need to get out and voice our concerns, not just here, but at commissioners meetings, school board sessions and your local council. Yes, some have been serving on those entities for far too long and hopefully flushing them out, with their spec. ints. backers, will restore independence and true local control, not just the facade.
Keep it up Sister!
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Bring on the spring elections!
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