Is Revitalization Going To Be A Reality Or An Election Farse In Missouri City?
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Click this title link for the full chronicle piece by Zen Zheng...
Question: Do you
trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his
Houston corporate backers?
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You know one of the things that we need to do before we redevelop this corridor is take a look at attitudes, priorities, and how the Council itself functions. The main reason that the corridor is the way it is stems from a policy that the Council itself is totally controlled by one person, the Mayor. The Mayor has set the priorities that has left this corridor the way it is because he controls the Council Agenda. A telling factor supporting this is that it was his recommendation that led to the current redevelopment contract because, after all, it is election time and he has to do something. As long as we have the Mayor we do with the attitudes that he has, development in every sector of the City will be stilted and controlled to focus on his priorities.
One factor that is missing from our current Council is strong opinions and persons that will challenge the Mayor's viewpoint and who will institute change in what the Council considers (the Agenda). Missouri City, as it now is, constitutes a product of one person. As residents of this town, are we satisfied with that product?
Posted by: FirstColonyGuy at March 18, 2008 04:37 AM
This area is not on my regular path. In the 8 years I've lived in MC, I've been over there maybe 20 times, and I'll admit, I don't like to because it's so run down. I'd like to see the area revitalized because that will relieve some of the traffic in the Highway 6 corridor, which is becoming as bad as the First Colony Mall area.
Posted by: DC at March 18, 2008 09:20 AM
The corridor is the way it is because businesses choose not to invest in the area. Why don't business want to invest? Probably because many of the businesses that were there previously were not successful. Why are most businesses there not successful? I dont have that answer, but its not the Mayor or the Council's fault.
Posted by: Edward at March 18, 2008 09:52 AM
I would have to totally agree with you Guy. They have neglected it for decades under these permanent council people. Term limits and some investigations are needed into city operations over the last few years. This is the city with the highest crime, highest home foreclosures, highest taxes, etc. in Fort Bend County and this is by design. Neglect of such a large portion of the city and the redirection of those tax dollars for developer projects (roads and infrastructure), many who give to the mayor is unconscionable (some call him the "chameleon" for his ability to constantly reposition himself on issues). He doesn't even deny it, but keeps voting on these projects, which apparently is a conflict of interest, but in Texas NOT illegal. The real question is TRUST. Can you TRUST Owen, a man who will say and do anything to maintain one more term on council, after 24 years. Wyatt has been on longer and behaves often with contempt towards presenters and citizens (27 years) and of course Jimerson who has listed his son-in-law and daughter as "potential conflicts of interest" on his 2007 campaign finance reports, has been on 10 years. All three continue to support projects that are detrimental to the long-term tax base of this city including high density apartments NOW approved in 3 areas of the city and counting. NOT TO MENTION THEIR SUPPORT OF THE EXPANDING LANDFILL, LOSS OF THE HOSPITAL, AND FAILURE TO SAVE THE GOLF COURSE WITHOUT A TAXPAYER BAILOUT, AND FAILURE TO FULLY REPEAL ORD. 46-4 (NOW 46-5). This doesn't even address the special interest taxing zones redirecting our dollars to spec. int. projects....
April 28th thru May 6th is early voting and May 10th is election day. Let's all get out and vote for a new beginning for a brighter future. That's why I'm supporting Kevin Tunstall, Noel Pinnock and Greyling Poats. 3 decades is more than enough time to improve the situtation and to keep the broken promises on lowering the taxes that the incumbents supported in 2007 (3 times).
Get more at:
Posted by: MCtaxpayer at March 18, 2008 10:23 AM
I believe the dates for Pinnock and Tunstall's campaigns were last year (2007) not 2006.
Posted by: Correction at March 18, 2008 10:35 AM
"The city's effort has drawn little interest from some critics, including those challenging some incumbents in the May election." Chronicle
I would describe this as a gross mischaracterization of the "critics/activist" involvement. It sells papers, but does not reflect the reality. I know for a fact that 2 of the challengers attended the recent city congress and discussed this very issue and continue to closely follow this pre-election posturing by a council who is out of touch. Why does this piece fail to mention that several of these so called "critics" spoke up on this very issue in December when Owen and his cronies were pushing for another special interest TIRZ in prime commercial area on hwy 6? And since this is the first such meeting, how can one even characterize it as "little interest" when it is the first such meeting? Unless this is city spin coming back at the public.
PS - I for one want to thank the mayor again for their 2007 vote to increase our property taxes. Just another broken promise, right!
Posted by: NoMoreTaxes at March 18, 2008 10:44 AM
A much stronger police force in action on these two streets would help. I recently moved from Mo. City where I lived for 10 years just off of Cartwright and the traffic violations were so bad on the Texas Parkway that I stopped driving on it. You literally took your life in your own hands when you drove on that street. My family refers to the Texas Parkway as the Black Hole--all common sense, courtesy, civic pride is just sucked into it.
Posted by: JT at March 18, 2008 12:20 PM
This is an interesting comment by an obvious council troll,"but its not the Mayor or the Council's fault." (edward)
--I wonder how in the hell you can make such a claim when most of them have been on council during the deterioration. This is also the council that aided the FB toll road which by-passes much of this original corridor. Who are you trying to deceive? Anyone that has lived in the city knows they have done nothing until now, right before the election. Go back and watch the last 2 years worth of debates and practice reading a bit before sharing such an ignorant comment as this!
Posted by: sarcasmintended at March 18, 2008 01:14 PM
You may have misunderstood that statement and the blog. The blogger clearly was referring to critics' little interest in the city's display of attention to the corridors. The blogger was actually saying the candidates were so concerned about the matter (Parkway and Cartwright) that they decided to "unseat" the incumbents in the second paragraph.
Posted by: Trish at March 18, 2008 01:45 PM
I agree with JT that Texas Parkway is truly pathetic looking. I can't imagine the entrance to MC would look so downright guetto!
Posted by: Xavier at March 18, 2008 01:52 PM
I think FBG couldn't have laid out the arguments better. The mayor is responsible for the direction the city has taken over the last 2-3 decades. Term limits are a must, along with a city independent ethics committee to investigate some of these concerns. Every election is a new opportunity to return authority to the people of the community and limit the strings!
Posted by: Chris D. Calvin, Ph.D. at March 18, 2008 02:15 PM
When they built the toll road it killed the traffic on the parkway. If they really wanted to open it up they would put the road to highway 6, but don't hold your breath.
Posted by: zkxyza at March 18, 2008 07:27 PM
Of course the mayor and council are responsible for the running down of 2234 and Cartwright rd.
When the deterioration of this area began they should have paid attention and stopped it then.
They are irresponsible and lack the ability to move Missouri City forward. Every other nearby city has term limits and so should MISERY CITY.
This so called study and movement to get 2234 back in shape is nothing but a political ploy used often during election time. It is sad but it is true.
Posted by: Nicole at March 18, 2008 08:51 PM
Correction to my previous comment: I wanted to commend Councilwoman Gary for her energy and enthusiasm to get things moving to help redevelop this area. She has been a strong voice and has been involved. While others Councilmembers discuss barbecues and picnics, she organizes, encourages and helps neighborhoods see their potential. I would very much like to see the At-Large Councilmembers follow her example. They should be representing the entire city and getting things done that are too difficult for the one District Councilmember to handle. Have they done that? They seem to have been absent when involvement was needed for these two corridors. There's a good issue for the meeting with the redeveloper. Let's vote to make the Parkway and Cartwright Corridor a priority (which it hasn't been) for at least one of the At-Large Councilmembers.
Posted by: FirstColonyGuy at March 19, 2008 06:09 AM
The use of "Misery City" reminds me of the nearly $60K they spent to study the cities name in '07 and the additional taxes they will use to change the colors from red, white and blue to green and gold on city signs, uniforms, police cars, etc. They did that one before the last election. Now they are studying TX Pkwy for 88k, the sidewalks for 23k, study, study, study all right before another election. I guess they and the special interest are wishing that it will all just go away and everyone will go back to sleep, sticking their heads back in the sand. Maybe they should study the landfill again, the lack of a hospital, the increasing taxes (that they voted on 3 times in '07), crime and what new leadership would bring to the city. Maybe they could seriously study the impact of over-development of certain repeat businesses, high density housing or term limits or the effects of so many council members taking contributions from certain industries and then voting on their projects. Aren't they still studying the golf course? I wonder if anyone paid attention to that news piece on the other two golf courses this development company is locked in litigation with? It's been years of paying the lawyers. How much is that mismanaged affair going to cost taxpayers?
Yep, even if you point this out, many will still vote for fools! It's the others that need to be reached.
Posted by: MCTaxpayer at March 19, 2008 09:59 AM
"This so called study and movement to get 2234 back in shape is nothing but a political ploy used often during election time. It is sad but it is true."
Perhaps this is why they have drawn 4 challengers? People are tired of politicians lies!
Posted by: govote at March 19, 2008 10:39 AM
I would say more than just one of the at large positions and certainly the mayor colony guy. Between them you have almost 70+ years in office, many of them unchallenged.
"I would very much like to see the At-Large Councilmembers follow her example. They should be representing the entire city and getting things done that are too difficult for the one District Councilmember to handle."
Posted by: CleanSweep at March 19, 2008 12:53 PM
I don't know where to begin. It appears that we are always on the hunt in Missouri City to find solutions to problems in all the wrong ways.
In my research, I found the Pinnock's opponent ran against Allen Owen, Mayor in 1994 and was defeated. He was re-elected again in 1998 only after a small margin win in a run-off with Frank Yonish.
I found a record of an incident on file with the MCPD 2003, right about the time I noticed his focus shift from the residents to special interests. I believe our elected officials should possess integrity and that is severely lacking and that is the one reason businesses are not attracted to Missouri City and families are leaving us to other cities. I looked at Pinnock's site and it is very informative...I recommend it to all bloggers on this site. He was also worked to get rid of the livestock chickens in Fondren Park that has infested their areas for 5 plus years. Additionally, I here that he is the Precinct Chair for his precinct and has rallied behind lowering taxes, improving our schools, and increasing our businesses.
Noel Pinnock's Site
Additionally, I have not seen a website for any of the incumbent but I have seen Poat's and Tunstall's.
Posted by: Wanted: Council/Mayor Who Cares at March 19, 2008 04:25 PM
We need term limits in all government offices. I hope all who are concerned cast their votes in May.
Posted by: Xavier at March 20, 2008 01:59 AM
Interesting pieces wanted. I just wonder when the voters all went to sleep and turned city hall over to a bunch of city vendors, contractors? Reading that piece in another local paper about how our mayor and chief county judge are honoring one of them with his own day almost made me sick to my stomach. Someone should write a book about Fort Bend County politics, corruption and the industry protection racket. Thanks for posting the site above. I think the pictures speak volumes about the special interest neglect and the strings attached to council.
Posted by: MCTaxpayer at March 20, 2008 08:44 AM
I agree with the notion of term limits. Of course I think if we stagger them that helps keep some continuity on boards. Another good idea is to pass policies that prevent incumbents or candidates (or their families) from accepting contributions or in-kind gifts from vendors of those entities and changing vendors often (legal, engineering, etc.).
Posted by: zkxyza at March 20, 2008 10:03 AM
So how does the Mayor and the Council make the corridor successful? Give money to property owners and landlords in the corridor to fix up their properties to attract business? And if businesses move in and are unsuccessful and leave, then what? Its blighted because the business that were there didnt make it. Those living in the area didnt support the businesses, so dont complain if you live in the area.
Posted by: Edward at March 20, 2008 02:43 PM
Posted by: Nicole at March 20, 2008 02:44 PM
"Those living in the area didnt support the businesses, so dont complain if you live in the area."
You're making sounds just like the current mayor and council blaming the residents of the community, rather than looking at the bigger picture. You see "edward" over the last several decades quite a bit of development has been going on off hwy 6. To compound it, one of the mayors big financial backers had bought up right of way right next to the city where the toll road is now. As a matter of FACT the toll road is one of the major contributors to the decline because it bypasses the main artery into the city without providing adequate access to TX Pkwy. This mayor and several on council have helped facilitate this diversion and movement of the city, IMO.
At least 4 of the council members take direct campaign contributions from the owner of one or more of these development company owners and several of their employees (recently declaring a special city "day" for one of them). In the political game this is so they can either help by voting on their projects or by not opposing them. Several stores and businesses have relocated to hwy 6 and a NEW town center is going up on hwy 6 and the FB toll road with some of these businesses. This is no coincidence, this is by design. Yes, Edward the current council and mayor IS to blame because during these decades they did NOTHING. Nothing to slow this deliberate development and NOTHING to encourage revitalization in the 1092, TX Pkwy, Cartwright Rd. area. This, IMO, is also a contributing factor to the decline and closing of Willowisp GC and now the former gem of the community, Quail Valley CC. Amazingly enough after almost two years of advocacy for it, the mayor and council are suddenly (as of January) considering a TIRZ for this area, which they originally denied would benefit from just such a project (in April, 2007 city minutes).
All this while the mayor and council were setting up TIRZ board after TIRZ board on the hwy 6 and FB toll road areas to aid new developers and big planned communities. Many of these developers are on the mayors campaign disclosure reports over the last 10+ years, as well as several on council.
A 3 to 1 advantage on the use of this type of zone in areas that they aren't designed for is the mayors and councils responsibility. Yes "edward" these same battles have been fought many times around this and other cities. Better planning and access to the toll road or even a public freeway would have been a possible option. Again, all this by design, not some accident in planning and if it was then we need a new mayor and council anyway. So yes I think they are to blame, because they have been the leaders supposed to be keeping an eye on this for us.
Current council longevity:
Owen -- 24 years
Wyatt -- 27 years
Jimerson -- 10 years
Reiter -- 18 years
Gary has been on 1 year and is the ONLY reformer on the council and was a primary advocate helping to push for the revitalization of TX Pkwy along with several current challengers (Poats, Pinnock and Kevin Tunstall).
Get more of the FACTS and what a new council and mayor would look like and how PROACTIVE non-special interest planning and development can and will benefit all residents of Missouri City at:
Yes "edward" there are solutions, but first we need to take action. The council is the peoples, not the special interests. Not everything is a trade-off to the few on a campaign disclosure report!
If you like to follow local FBISD school board actions, then visit: or more on MC at: or
...and get out and vote April 28 through May 6th and May 10th, elections day!
Posted by: Chris Calvin, Ph.D. at March 21, 2008 07:28 AM
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