Thursday, August 21, 2008

FBS: FBISD Adopts Deficit Budget For The First Time In District History (this includes a near $100 million dollar fund balance surplus)-

In 2007 the school district asked for and received a record bond debt for the fast growing school district. Now in this Fort Bend Star piece, for the first time in district history, the system will be operating a deficit budget. This while sitting on a near $100 million dollar surplus in their fund balance. What does this mean for the future of the district? Are we selling out our childrens future to further taxes and bond debt? Why won't the BOT and central office use the surplus, which is close to $20 million dollars over the states guides for these accounts?-follow the link above for more--




Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

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