Monday, December 15, 2008

FB Star Covers Houston SW Airport Compromise Offer (This airport expansion would impact negatively many hwy 6 MC neighborhoods if allowed to continue)

They are waiting to see if he “bites”
Morrison: Houston Southwest Airport owner
handed a new carrot by officials

By Cheryl Skinner

Commissioner-elect Richard Morrison says the controversial McKeever Road project could take a bend in the road if Houston Southwest Airport owner Jamie Griffith bites on a new carrot thrown his way. Morrison says that he hoped the road dispute could be settled before he settles into his new elected position in January.

Morrison said he has followed events in Arcola on a number of issues and attended an Arcola City Council meeting last week where discussion of alternative road plans was discussed.

“I have listened to both sides of this issue and feel that I bring a fresh set of eyes to the table to look at the proposals. I don’t have any baggage on this issue, so I figured why not jump in and see what I can do,” Morrison said.

Arcola City Council members discussed the McKeever Road project with Morrison and Marc Grant, the county’s road and bridge supervisor. One councilmember suggested a change in the planned road that would be more beneficial to the city and would, if accepted by Griffith, actually give the airport owner more opportunity to make money off of the land he has suggested would be annexed by the city if the planned road improvements go through.

However, Morrison admits that Griffith, who has steadfastly pushed for the current road improvements, holds the “wild card” in the plan to potentially change the current plan.

“I understand that he (Griffith) wants to get as rich as possible and I certainly don’t begrudge him that. He wants hangars on that land and we have offered him a different kind of carrot. We just have to see if he bites. I think that opening that land up to more commercial development would be very beneficial to him in the long run and it would be good for the city but it is in his court and he is out of town right now,” Morrison explained.

Under the new proposal, city officials have suggested rebuilding McKeever in two phases, extending Post Oak in two, and establishing a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone, or TIRZ, for a large parcel of land belonging to Houston Southwest Airport owner Jamie Griffith.

Morrison said that is where Griffith could ultimately benefit. “I really think he would make more money and benefit by a TIRZ,” he noted.

The city of Arcola, Fort Bend County officials and Griffith have been in somewhat of a stalemate for years over improvements to McKeever Road and the extension of South Post Oak Road. . . (get the full story by following the title link above)

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