More Higher Taxes On The Way For FBISD Via The "Global Taj Mahal"?
Staff report
Recently, in an interview reported in the Fort Bend Independent, the current FBISD BOT president continued the mythical claim that private monies will cover the entire costs of what has become known as the "Global Taj Mahal". Estimates have been cited from $30 million to as high as $100 million dollars, but at NO time has the district administration, nor the vendor, PBK (being investigated by the FBI), produced a list of guaranteed donors and rarely are these projects ever paid for in full via private donations. The board president also claims NO taxpayer funding will be needed (at least 3 days before early voting is slated to begin). Many local media sources have helped in spinning that information after first opposing the proposed excessive spending project, but the likely-hood that NO public tax dollars from the operations budget or bonds will be used is, in our opinion, a pre-election myth. Further we have found little proof that many of the districts claims regarding this "white elephant" can be supported. Not only will this proposal take bond money, which impacts the "debt service" portion of the operations budget (that directly impacts your property taxes) it will more than likely be coming from the "fund balance" (really a bond surplus account which the district doesn't like to discuss). Further, once the massive building project comes online, it will compete directly with other resources, materials and salaries on the "operations budget" for years to come (yes, this is a building project that will impact your taxes with no empirical support as to raising test scores or other outcomes)!
Click this link for more on the "official" spin coming from the district administration and the supporting vendors:
-We will update this as needed!
Also see for more on the early voting times for elections starting Monday.
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