Friday, May 15, 2009

FBI OP/ED: Missouri City has new priorities

Missouri City has new priorities
H. Moline

I wanted to congratulate our new Missouri City Council Member Robin Elackatt on running a very clean campaign focused on the issues of importance for District C and the rest of Missouri City.

Two of Elackatt’s top priorities during the campaign were to improve communication with his constituents and to enhance and focus Council resources on improving the business environment in Missouri City. These are two pivotal issues for the City and did much to help Elackatt win the election.

Too much of the Council’s resources are currently being spent on the Quail Valley Golf Course when, in fact, the new Golf Course as refurbished will do little to improve the City’s finances or future.

As of this time, a staggering sum of City money, almost $15 million has been spent on the Golf Course renovations.

Virtually none of the City’s recent Bond Issue has been spent on Park amenities, which were a major reason many residents voted for the Bond Issue.

I very much hope that Elackatt’s influence on the Council will help his co-members to get refocused on issues that matter to residents.

I look forward to the City Council having better communication with City residents. As indicated by a recent Chronicle article, the City Council has a General Fund surplus (Reserve Fund Balance) of about $8 million. Very few residents of Missouri City would wish that this Surplus be used to cover the operating losses of the Quail Valley Golf Course.

However, because it is the Reserve Fund, it can be used for whatever purposes that the Council desires. The Council should ask for input from voters as to how to best allocate these extra funds.

We have very critical and pressing priorities in Missouri City including business promotion, infrastructure and redevelopment needs, and public safety. Subsidizing the green fees of golfers at the local Golf Course should be a low priority.

MCC Comment: What ever happened to the planned city hospital in 2006 at Sienna Plantation?




Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

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