FB Indep: Talk In Parts Of MC Of De-annexation!
De-annex First Colony from Missouri City
Howard Moline
Will Rogers once made an interesting analogy when he said, “Politics is applesauce,” and I agree with him.
What does a neighborhood do when its elected officials make repeated unfulfilled promises and the community’s needs have long been neglected? What are the best options to resolve these issues?
Lately, a frequent discussion topic among First Colony residents of Missouri City is whether our combined communities should de-annex from Missouri City.
The issue is receiving more attention due to 1) a realization that our spending habits and lifestyles brand us as residents of other cities; 2) monumental dissatisfaction with Missouri City’s taxing policies, that higher taxes are coming and our neighborhoods will gain little; and 3) the knowledge that we are residents of a vibrant, economically thriving community with much to offer other cities.
First Colony neighborhoods are at the western edge of Missouri City, and most of us frequent shopping areas, libraries, restaurants, and parks in other cities.
Why is this important? Primarily because our shopping and spending dollars contribute to the sales taxes revenue for those cities. This is a big deal because the taxes we pay benefit another City’s residents, not us.
We also impose ourselves on other governmental entities by using their libraries and parks. First Colony is an HOA with its own unique environment and issues that are mostly compatible with the other cities besides Missouri City. A good example is our sidewalks that are still not repaired. This is a long settled issue in other cities.
Indeed, why should First Colony residents like myself feel connected to Missouri City when our finances and our entire lives revolve around another community?
I and many First Colony residents see the spending issues and tax issues surrounding the acquisition of the Quail Valley Golf Course as a boondoggle and one that we will never see any benefit from.
The bond issue that authorized spending for the Quail Valley Parks complex never mentioned that the City’s first spending priority was the Golf Course and to date, there has been no spending for parks, to my knowledge .
Would you be in favor of a major City spending initiative that promised little benefit for your neighborhood? QV Parks spending, when it comes, may enhance all of Misssouri City’s neighborhoods but most long time residents see this as one of the many unfulfilled promises that Missouri City elected officials are prone to make. Property taxes will increase in Missouri City and those tax dollars will never benefit First Colony.
Some First Colony residents see a de-annexation move as futile because our neighborhoods (allegedly) don’t have much to offer other municipalities and we are (allegedly) a negative tax draw on Missouri City. In fact, this is total hogwash.
Residents should take a good look at their community. The First Colony area and surrounding Highway 6 shopping areas are one of the most economically thriving areas of Fort Bend County.
Our home prices are rising, we have several high volume retail stores nearby and our area would be a welcome addition to any other municipality. We benefit from the same diversity, HOA rules, and other attractions that enhance all the other First Colony communities. De-annexation would be the start of a prosperous future.
I should add that I have recently been impressed by the courage and energy that Councilmembers Cynthia Gary and Robin Eleckatt have demonstrated in representing their constituencies but they are only two against a majority on the City Council.
I think it is time that First Colony residents looked forward, not back. I understand that de-annexation would be a long, immensely difficult process but are there any better options? As a community, we are very tired of applesauce.
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