Visit Texans For HOA Reform To Get More On Property Rights Reform Efforts In Texas!
Get the list of legal vendors that are the most abusive in this bottom feeding industry. Most current state property codes have been written by some of these lawyers showing up on the abuse list:
-Learn more about the TCREA, CAI and other related lobby groups that work to reduce your property rights and often negatively impact your home and property values while feeding their affiliated vendors. Visit the list below for some of our county and city elected officials involved in this ongoing activity: (Read about these potential illegal board actions denying seats to legally elected board members in this Missouri City community apparently on the advice of a legal vendor company whose partner is a current Sugar Land city council member, Russell Jones.)
Update 2-12-10: (related grass-roots group advocating for individual homeowners) (related investigative report from Austin)
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Labels: council ethics, cronyism, fort bend county
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