FB Star Reports On FCCA (HOA) Abuses--click for the full story--
BREAKING NEWS on lawsuit in the meadowcreek case coming next...
FBS blurb on FCCA abuses:
Something doesn’t smell right.....It’s hard to understand why a civic organization like First Colony Community Association would continue with its plans to fill in five neighborhood pools with dirt for a cost of $1 million and leave them as green space when such opposition has come forth from the neighborhoods. But then I started getting emails from residents who have had dealings with FCCA over the years and their current high-handed treatment of their own ratepayers are not so surprising. They’ve gotten away with it for years. Why stop now?
I find it interesting that the company that did the “survey” that found that the communities wanted all these parks razed and a new “schlitterbahn” style water park built in the neighborhood had as its vice-president an individual who is also on the FCCA board of directors. When I called both Sherrie Knoepfel, executive director of FCCA and Joyce Walter, board member and Vice-President of Creative Consumer Research, both were on vacation. In fact, after numerous phone calls and an office visit, I have yet to be able to speak to Sherrie Knoepfel who seems to be dodging my calls....follow the link above for more (why is this the exception in so many of the large HOAs, rather than the rule?)
Trivia: What is a blockwart?
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