Controversy Surrounding FBISD Board of Trustees-
This just in from the Save-Our-Schools site in reaction to recent media events:
SOS Editorial: Knox, Bain, Clarke out of control
The Fort Bend Star continued its unprofessional approach to “journalism” today with regard to its ongoing coverage of Fort Bend ISD. In what amounts to a front page political ad for Trustees Bruce Bain, Cynthia Knox and former trustee Jane Clarke, Star reporter Barbara Fulenwider sunk to new journalistic lows.
It seems that Knox, Bain and Clarke are having a temper tantrum and want the Texas Education Agency to pacify their desire to derail the efforts of Trustees Rickert, Bryant, Magee and Caldwell to bring some fiscal accountability and responsible management to the District. So, in a peevish fit, each of the three has written separate letters to the TEA asking them to investigate allegations of improper governance by the new Board majority. In doing so, they may have sunk their own ship and have proven just out of control they are over losing a majority voice on the Board in the May elections.
What terrible accusations have they been able to mount? Are they on the take? Is the District on the verge of financial collapse? Are teachers not getting paid? Are children unable to attend classes? No…
Hold on to your hats, folks. Why, the newer Board members are accused of actually visiting campuses and talking to teachers and principals! How dare they? They supposedly made public statements in the media demoralizing staff and administration. They did? When? They’ve had the nerve to reprimand the superintendent publicly and questioned the professional ability of district staff to perform jobs. In light of recent audit findings of substantial mismanagement over a period of several years would that be a bad thing? Knox, who until recently didn’t even know she had line item veto authority for the annual budget, accuses the newer Trustees of being ill-prepared for Board meetings. And, our personal favorite, “Trustees routinely hear complaints from teachers and citizens without going through chain of command.” Hang them from the nearest tree someone, please. The list goes on, but you get the idea.
What will likely come of this? The TEA, which typically moves in glacial fashion, has written to Mrs. Clarke advising her that her letter “has been forwarded to the division of school governance for any action that may be required. If it is determined that formal intervention by the agency is necessary, agency procedures allow up to 60 days for resolutions from the date assigned by the complaints management unit.”
SOS has spoken with Trustees Rickert, Magee and Caldwell today. Each expressed surprise at the allegations and said they had no knowledge that the TEA was being contacted. All three, however, stated that they would welcome a TEA investigation into board governance and oversight. None were ever contacted by the Star for fair comment before the story was printed. No one from the TEA is quoted directly in the story. No evidence to support the allegations being made is offered in the Star story.
“I’ve been concerned for some time about what has been going on and the evidence that the previous Board had not provided the proper oversight or management of this District,” said Caldwell. “In fact, I’ve been in contact with the TEA myself and would welcome them looking into some of the same issues I have concerns about.”
SOS contacted the publisher of the Fort Bend Sun (the Star’s chief local competitor) and was told that none of the information given to the Star had been released to the Sun as of this morning. This is telling, as the Sun has been much more even-handed and professional in its approach to reporting both sides of an issue – something Knox, Bain and Clarke clearly did not want.
What do Knox, Bain and Clarke want? It seems clear they are unhappy with the results of the last Board election. They no longer control the management oversight (or lack thereof) of Board decisions and that is something they have enjoyed for a very long time. Their past role as a rubber stamp for the administration is being revealed and they do not want the public to become more aware of the contents of numerous audit reports that detail substantial and widespread evidence of mismanagement, waste and possible fraud. They want to distract people from a current investigation into serious allegations of criminal wrongdoing by an administrative employee that is linked to the Risk Management audit. The want to protect Superintendent Baitland at all costs and, in the process, their own inadequacies as Board members.
Bain, in particular, clearly hints that he is trying to negotiate a buyout deal for Baitland. In his letter to the TEA he writes, “I realize that it is entirely possible for a situation to occur that could be the superintendent’s fault, and in such a case, it might be appropriate for a properly negotiated buy-out or retirement….” SOS wonders just what Mr. Bain is suggesting here?
For those of you who support the efforts of the Board majority in demanding greater accountability and fiscal responsibility in FBISD, here are some actions you can take this week:
1) Write a letter to the Fort Bend Star and let Publisher Bev Carter know your feelings in this matter. Insist that the paper provide more balanced coverage of FBISD issues.
2) Send a note of support to each of the members of the Board majority (Rickert, Magee, Caldwell and Bryant).
3) Send Knox and Bain a clear message as well. It’s time they start working for the betterment of the District and the education of our children and stop the petty politics.
4) Encourage others in the community to visit this site and voice their opinions. It’s important that the yellow-journalism of the Star and the childish temper tantrums of Knox, Bain and Clarke are revealed for what they are.
I wonder why, if open meetings violations occurred, why they didn't file a complaint with the district attorneys office?
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I just read this article yesterday. I think it's a pretty lame ones-sided report. If it is all true, the violations should have been brought before the board first and then to TEA but this was obviously done for maximum impact.
My kids go to private school because of this type of political fighting. It's just to bad we are required to support the system through our taxes. I wish the dollar followed the students to whatever school they attend.
Everyone knows the Star likes sensational reporting.
The mud is flying on the SOS site on this issue. It's better than reruns. .
Here's my take.
The District Atty is up for reelection. He's not going to do anything that might cost him a vote.
My guess is (reading between the lines) that they are hoping for TEA intervention. If indeed there have been Open Meetings Act violations, the TEA will forward the information to the Atty General who will then decide whether or not to proceed.
Maybe the TEA will clean this mess up!
It looks like a political spat. Why would the attorney general get involved?
"The transformation of FBISD from a suburban district to an urban district has already begun. The days of high scores across the board are over. The same urban issues facing Houston ISD are beginning to appear in FBISD as well. What are the realities facing FBISD within 5 year to 10 years? Hispanic students are pressing districts around the country including FBISD for resources and trained educators. This will be compounding year in and year out. " Jim Kilpatrick
I couldn't agree with this assessment more. What's going on at the BOT is evidence of the growing pains here. I think finding ways to address this inside the organization as well as in the community is essential. For one we should require developers to kick in to the start up costs of new schools since much of the extensive growth is a result of their efforts. They also benefit from sales when the schools perform. I know they discuss this on another site ( This needs to be looked at from a systems perspective. Much of what is going on extends well beyond the school house.
I'm not in the "legal field", but I think the AG won't get involved unless there is proof of Open Meetings Act violations. If this is, indeed, just a political spat, I don't think the TEA will do anything. If I'm reading this right, the TEA will only get involved if there are proven governance issues.
With regard to the developers kicking in with start up costs,I know there has been a push in the past to force them to donate land for schools. However, that would take legislation (won't happen).
I think our local developers have done things like landscaping around schools, but not much more.
"We" can't require them to do anything without legislation.
It seems the "fast track" advertised by many cities (and Missouri City) to attract development could be used as inducement to encourage deeper community investment in schools and other areas. I think the 2234 corridor could use this type of incentive locally too.
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I know in our community a charity fund run by residents pays for many contributions made to the schools but the developers carefully publicize that as if it were their gift.
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Fepublican County Chairman Eric Thode sent the following to 3-4,000 of his friends:
As has been reported in various newspapers, there are major problems within the Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees that you need to be aware of. Many of the issues will be enumerated below.
However, the most pressing issue is that the four Trustees who currently act in a block appear to be making plans to REMOVE Dr. Betty Baitland as Superintendent. The "gang of four" who do not have the district's best interests at heart are Lisa Rickert, Ken Bryant, Stan Magee and Laurie Caldwell.
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 3 at 4:00 pm at the FBISD Building. If you want to help save the district, you should make plans to attend.
Removing Dr. Baitland would be a travesty. In addition to giving 100% to the students, parents and taxpayers for 30 years as a teacher, assistant principal, principal and administrator, Dr. Baitland is currently recognized as one of the top 5 Superintendents in the State of Texas.
Up front, I must sadly point out that I supported 2 of the 4 Trustees who are now wrecking our school district. However, I am ashamed to admit it now and its a mistake I will not repeat. Their actions will negatively affect the education of our children, negatively impact the district's bond rating, cost additional tax dollars (which has already occurred), and bring the Texas Education Agency into our district (which is about to occur).
Here is a laundry list of issues you should be aware:
* Two current and one former Trustee have alerted the Texas Education Agency to (1) various violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act; (2) interference in the daily operations of the district; (3) inappropriately directing district staff to perform specific duties; (4) compromising the confidentiality of district information; (5) requesting confidential student information from two campuses; (6) issuing a press release on behalf of the board that was never discussed by the board; (7) visiting a campus to counsel a teacher regarding her certificaton; and (8) directly negotiating a construction manager at risk contract outside of the board.
These actions may bring a Texas Education Agency investigation, which could result in major damage to the district.
* Purposefully scheduling a meeting on Rosh Hashanah (and refusing to reschedule it) in order to disenfranchise certain members of the Jewish community, who wish to speak at the meeting. Although Dr. Baitland and the Administration are willing to change the meeting date, Trustee Rickert refuses to do so. In the past FBISD has been recognized for its efforts within our diverse community, the new regime seems to want to change this.
* Here is a posting from a local FBISD oriented blog:
"Well, for the skeptics the TRUTH is now out. Lisa Rickert REFUSES to postpone the meeting now scheduled on Rosh Hashanah because she is DETERMINED, come hell or high water, that she WILL NOT WAIT one more week to get rid of Dr. Baitland. It is on the 10/3, 4PM posted agenda as follows:
2. Consider amendment to superintendent’s contract
B. 551.071 (2) – private consultation with Staff attorney and/or Board attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflict with the Texas Open Meetings Act.
V. Reconvene in open session
A. Personnel matters
1. Possible action on the administrative appointments
2. Possible action on amendment to superintendent’s contract
This is a HUGE issue and one must assume that Rickert, Bryant, Caldwell and Magee have a plan to implement a change at the top before the TEA gets here to investigate allegations of their own illegal activity. They cannot take a chance that there will be a large pro-Baitland audience who will disagree with their predetermined decision.
They also want to make certain that Ms. Hauenstein is not present for this monumental decision--which will obviously occur much after the 5:30pm time when most Jewish people would need to leave to get to their religious services.
This stinks to high heaven!!!!!!"
* Although Administration officials and the construction company involved said it would cost the district money and possibly delay a new school's opening, the "gang of four" delayed a contract on a school construction project claiming they wanted to save money. Instead, their decision has cost the district at least $50,000. These are taxpayer funds and should not be wasted.
* Although Dr. Baitland and FBISD Trustee Cynthia Knox were invited to attend and make presentations at a conference offered by the Council of Urban Boards of Education, the "gand of four" has all decided to attend at taxpayer's expense. Baitland's and Knox's expenses are paid for by the Council of Urban Boards of Education.
There is no justification for the "gang of four" to attend. Maybe they just wanted a trip to Las Vegas. Maybe they wanted to get far enough away from Fort Bend County, in order to hold additional unethical and/or illegal meetings outside of the rules required under the Texas Open Meetings Act. Regardless of the reason, the taxpayers are paying $350 each for attending, plus airfare for four, plus hotel rooms for four, plus food for four, etc., etc., etc.
Clearly, every taxpayer, and parent should be alarmed by what's going on at FBISD. Damage to the District will ruin our children's education, kill our property values and wreak havoc for years to come. I hope you will take the time to get the answers and be prepared to make changes on the Board of Trustees before it's too late.
Just in from
Show Me The Money: Fort Bend 2nd In U.S.
by Bob Dunn, Sep 30, 04:09 pm
Just-released Census Bureau figures paint a paradoxical picture of Fort Bend County....
"So where’s the bad news from these Census figures? Fort Bend County’s median household income dropped in 2004 compared with the previous year – which hasn’t happened since 2001. The 2004 figure of $67,902 represents a drop of about 2.8% over 2003’s median household income of $69,848..."
Thanks Watchdog for sharing this. It seems obvious to me that a political agenda is at play here.
I wonder why crime, traffic is increasing and earnings decreasing here in the county?--duh--is Houston knocking? Rather than find ways to prepare for the onslaught of urbanization courtesy of our friendly Houston developers we embrace the dollars the short-term tax increase will bring and ignore the long-term impact.--Oh well we might as well get used to it or head to the next exit and watch those local politicians cash in too! Just remember our trusted mayors (Mo-city) advice and "sell if you don't like it" . . .
I don't think it is all that simple. Did you read that entire article? It looks like the data is highly suspect. Always question the obvious.
I think the TEA investigation may even uncover support for the majority board members. This may actually back fire on the "sore losers". The current BOT members may want to find a way to broaden the TEA investigation by providing the materials/issues they have exposed.
It seems absurd that the very thing the "old guard" accused the new BOT of doing is being replicated by them. How can they defend their actions after using such a ploy.
Is that the same Lee Petros the developers around here love so much?--I wonder why?
It looks like the board went the other way on Baitlands contract tonight (3-4 to keep her). They will revisit the issue next week at the 10/10 session.
Keep us posted someone!
I clipped this from the SOS site:
Trustees charge that some board members violated Open Meetings Act
By ERIC HANSON Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle
SUGAR LAND - The Texas Education Agency is looking into allegations that the Fort Bend Independent School District board of trustees violated the Texas Open Meetings Act and that some board members interfered in daily operations of school district personnel.
State officials said the allegations, made last month, will be reviewed to determine if a formal investigation is warranted.
The complaints are signs of a growing rift between four recently elected trustees and three longtime, serving board members. The new trustees think the district has management problems and that the school board should be more than just a rubber stamp for the administration.
Board President Lisa Rickert called the accusations an apparent political move on the part of trustees Bruce Bain and Cynthia Knox, and former trustee Jane Clarke.
"The allegations they have made, which I was only made aware of this past Wednesday, against a duly elected majority on the board are spurious and hinge on the ridiculous," Rickert said in a written statement.
I think the Chronicle just has better reporters and they aren't asked to rush so many articles.
Thanks for posting this watchdog!
Thode won't be running for the county chair position again.
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Any updates on the local zoning issues?
There is an online survey at the FBISD website relating to the zoning issues. Fill one out and let the district hear your voice.
Thanks CRD.
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I beleive the SOS site has threads discussing the zoning issue at
It's great to hear a small power shift may be on the way in the county republican party (long overdue!).
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Its a free report on how to earn money online, however there is only a couple left.
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