HOMEOWNERS/VOTERS/TAXPAYERS VICTORIOUS in Airport Expansion/Road Diversion Project vs. Special Interests!!! (An exclusive from FBNow.com & Bob Dunn)
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County Pulls The Plug On Plans To Divert McKeever Road
by Bob Dunn, Feb 28, 03:51 pm
Fort Bend County Commissioners Court put the brakes on a controversial plan to divert Arcola’s McKeever Road – also known as the South Post Oak extension project.
After an executive session on Tuesday, commissioners and County Judge Bob Hebert voted unanimously to reject the realignment of McKeever Road “as proposed by Houston Southwest Airport.”
The unexpected move means several residents of Newpoint Estates – who’d been led to believe their property would be condemned for right-of-way in the road diversion project – can breathe easier.
“Their property essentially will be intact permanently,” Hebert said. “This county judge will oppose any taking of their land.”
Hebert released a letter to Jamie Griffith, president of the airport, in which he said the county “has determined that any extension of South Post Oak Boulevard, from State Highway 6 to McKeever Road, is premature at this time because no justifiable right-of-way alignment exists…”
Hebert cited intentions by Arcola City Council to retain McKeever as a city street along the proposed diversion to Highway 6; the fact that the proposed right-of-way would take more than 4 acres from four Newpoint Estate lots; and the fact that McKeever Road already existed before the airport owners built their runway.
“And that runway was knowingly built in close proximity to McKeeever Road’s right-of-way. Therefore, Houston Southwest Airport must correct any conflicts existing between its runway and McKeever Road under FAA regulations,” Hebert’s letter states.
”...If you desire to offer right-of-way for South Post Oak Boulevard in the future, we advise you that your runway needs to be adjusted to remove any FAA clearance conflicts with McKeever Road and any proposed extension of South Post Oak Boulevard,” Hebert’s letter states. Any new offer of right-of-way for a new McKeever/South Post Oak alignment “must remain wholly within property that you own, or be accompanied by documentation of the acceptance of the alignment by any other property owners losing property…”
Thus, the county is leaving the door open to realign McKeever in the future, but under restrictions that don’t include condemning private property.
The proposed realignment has drawn fire from a vocal group of Arcola residents, in part because plans originally called for diverting McKeever Road north of a drainage canal running parallel to Houston Southwest Airport property. To accomplish that, the county – or the city of Arcola – would have to acquire or condemn about 100 feet of land from four private parcels in the Newpoint Estates residential community.
Hebert said Griffith isn’t likely to be surprised by the court’s action to dump that plan, because he met with Griffith on Monday to go over the details of what the court was contemplating.
“He accepted it,” Hebert said of Griffith. “He’s not a happy camper, but he’s accepted the reality of it.”
Hebert said the county intends to rebuild McKeever, keeping it as a two-lane road on its current alignment, and adding improved shoulders on each side to improve safety.
“We’re going to have to tear it up and rebuild it,” he said. “It will be a new county road.” He estimated the work will cost about $1.5 million.
He said with the improved McKeever Road, a new road called Steep Bank Trace also will be built, which will provide access to an undeveloped portion of Sienna Plantation property.
Hebert called rebuilding McKeever a temporary solution, because added traffic eventually will require a new plan.
“In the next five or six years, we’ll have to do something,” he said. “But it ain’t going to that alignment.”
Comment: A word of caution on this project. It has been our experience that this plan never really goes away. It only fades from the spotlight to be revisited by those vested interests still pushing it. Keep an eye on it over time and you will see the pattern of behavior.--Thanks Again Tom Hilton and Citizens for Better Government at http://www.citizensforbettergovt.org/ .
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More comments from FBNow.com:
1 Tom Hilton - Feb 28, 04:56 pm
My commendations go out to County Commissioner’s Court for doing the right thing here.
Now, the airport owner needs to remove 950 feet from the west end of the runway to take McKeever Road, and the additional traffic from the new Steep Bank Trace, out of harm’s way. NOW! The FAA needs to follow their own laws and REQUIRE that this airport be brought into compliance. The safety of Fort Bend County citizens is at risk here.
All the best,
Tom Hilton
and more:
2 Chris Calvin, Ph.D. - Feb 28, 06:09 pm
Residents of Sienna, Colony Lakes, Silver Ridge I & II, Waterbrook, Waterbrook West, Arcola Heights, Plantation Oaks, Oakwick, Oyster Creek, West Point, and especially New Point Estates, etc. all owe you a debt of gratitude for your efforts since rediscovering this was not “off the table” this past November.
A word of caution to anyone reading this. This project has been an on-again-off-again deal so it is always necessary to keep an eye on this.
I want to thank those commissioners who genuinely went with the voting public on this and did what was best for the residents and taxpayers of this area of FB county.
Stay informed and keep in touch!
Dr. Calvin, Co-Chair
Committee for Responsible Development-SP Group
Missouri City, TX
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This is great news!
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More comments on this from FBNow:
3 maized&cornfused - Feb 28, 06:58 pm
Thank you all for all of your efforts to make us a safer and a better place to live. I will feel better knowing that the students a BBMS won’t have jets flying over them. I know, and you do too, that this won’t be the last of it, but can celebrate for now.
4 Matthew Feinberg - Feb 28, 08:07 pm
Great Job!.. I think Herbert got the election year jitters. Lets keep an eye on this after the election. It could pop up on us.
Additional comments from FBNow:
3 maized&cornfused - Feb 28, 06:58 pm
Thank you all for all of your efforts to make us a safer and a better place to live. I will feel better knowing that the students a BBMS won’t have jets flying over them. I know, and you do too, that this won’t be the last of it, but can celebrate for now.
4 Matthew Feinberg - Feb 28, 08:07 pm
Great Job!.. I think Herbert got the election year jitters. Lets keep an eye on this after the election. It could pop up on us.
5 Chris Elam - Mar 1, 08:10 am
‘Hebert got the election year jitters’?
What do you base that comment on? There are only two logical reasons you could say that…
1) You believe that Bob Hebert should be worried about his opponent in November (nobody)
or 2) You needed something to say that wouldn’t come out and sound too kind about a man whom you and your buddies have been spending way too much time worrying about in recent weeks, so you quickly came up with a total non sequitur.
6 Matthew Feinberg - Mar 1, 09:10 am
For those with a limited vocab.
Main Entry: sequitur
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a logical
conclusion from the premises; a logical consequence
Chris.. Just because Herbert eliminated his opposition with questionable tactics does not mean he does not have to worry about is constituents. Just three weeks ago Herbert was hell bent on helping getting this project approved. Now there is a sudden turn around after much pressure from community activists like Hilton and Calvin. Hilton and Calvin care more about the community and people than the politicos and their cronies. I applaud them for their efforts. I also thank Herbert for making the right choice.
Chris.. You have your own blog. If you really think that Herbert does not have to answer to anyone then you can vent there. Personally I don’t think elected officials can do what ever they want. They have to answer to the people and need to be held accountable for their decisions. Apparently there are very few people around here that feel that way.
Thanks again to the few people that blocked this pointless project. I still say we need to keep an eye on things after the election. I am not blind to think thinks can’t change.
7 Tom Hilton - Mar 1, 09:37 am
You are correct – Hebert surely doesn’t have any election year jitters, as nobody had the cajones to run against him. (Hundreds of thousands of $ in campaign chest, incumbent, backing of EDC, etc.) As far as spending too much time worrying about Judge Hebert, let’s just say that without plain ‘ol citizens keeping an eye on politicians such as Hebert, I ASSURE you that he would not be reversing his position on this matter. By the way, McDougal is promising to create an Ethics Division in the DA’s office if elected – this is sorely needed in this County where ethics is considered a four-letter word.
All the best,
Tom Hilton
More comments from FBNow.com:
8 Chris Calvin, Ph.D. - Mar 1, 11:22 am
Matt & Tom,
I wouldn’t worry too much about the musings of the young Elam. He works for his dad in a firm that is hired to put “out the spin” for the politicians and their cronies. Hebert must apparently be one of their clients. CE becomes increasingly insignificant in the big picture. You’ll never see him carrying a sign he isn’t paid to carry.
Keep up the activism guys. I know Hebert may be worried about the bond elections coming up rather than Mr. Small whom he smeared out of the race on a ridiculous Elam rumor of an incident which took place 22 years prior.
I hope McDougal does get in and get the ethics panel established and going so the “good ole boys club” can get shook up a bit!
Yes, keep an eye on these special projects backed by the likes of Delay-Hebert-Owen (and their Houston based developer buddies).
Congrats all again!
9 Prescott E Small - Mar 1, 12:35 pm
I have to congratulate Tom Hilton, Chris Calvin and others like them in their efforts to force the County Court and Bob Hebert to do their job and represent the constituency, albeit reluctantly. I guess being dragged along kicking and screaming might be considered progress.
Jamie Griffith isn’t going to go away quiet either. Griffith and his Airport were just sacrificed. I have to bet Griffith isn’t to happy and we haven’t heard the last of him.
I have to say that although it appears the commissioners court is doing the right thing in this instance there is still a lot of room for improvement. It is reassuring to see that even Bob Hebert can Flip-Flop when hammered repeatedly with hard evidence and continuous scrutiny. Although it is a shame that it takes several years of hard scrutiny and constant vigilance to get an elected official to represent the voter.
Hebert and the other commissioners need to start returning campaign contributions from those same people that silence free speech by using SLAPP suits against their constituency. They need to stop representing out of county special interest and get to work for their real bosses – the residents of Fort Bend County.
When you take money from individuals that crush rights, mislead or defraud the public you are no better than they are. Last count there were about 230,000 pieces of evidence in Hebert’s bank account that were valued at $1.00 each. Maybe DeLay has taught him well and now Hebert realizes his price was to low?
Things to improve on:
Give back all the money from the Sienna/Johnson Developers. The same developers that use huge cash reserves and SLAPP suits to crush free speech and deplete the savings of hard working families. Crushing free speech is as un-American as you can get. These families are your constituents Bob.
The Commissioners’ Court needs to start having hearings in the evenings or on weekends so that the constituents can attend the court and still take care of their jobs and families.
Bob Hebert and the Commissioners’ Court need to press our State Legislature and the Texas Secretary of State to approve of the V6 version of the eSlate system and require printers. Then demand that the state provide enough funds to buy the correct number of voting machines and printers for the primaries as they have always been in the first place.
Bob Hebert and the other officials need to get their full disclosure documentation completed and published for everyone to see. Bob Hebert believes HB 914 “Has good intentions” but “It is a bad law.” Why is full disclosure bad? I think it was a good start. It needs to be expanded to show when a contract was “no bid” and include all elected state officials including the Legislature.
The Commissioners’ Court should establish a county wide policy of fiscal transparency and reporting that is in plain language so that the average person can understand what the reports say. That information should be readily available to any constituent in any Library, county office or on the internet.
The county should have ZERO no bid contracts. They are handling our money with complete irresponsibility and need to have competitive bids on all jobs. Bob Hebert and the Court should be demanding that the Legislature re-instate the repealed checks and balances that previously made “no bid” contracts illegal.
Emergency contracts should be pre-bid at a fixed rate of profit based on actual costs. These costs should be independently audited and severe penalties should exist for any form of abuse, including criminal prosecution.
I have heard it from several reliable sources there are republican party plans for Bob Hebert and Sugar Land Mayor David G. Wallace.
Bob Hebert has more campaign money than any County Judge in the U.S. – Why? We will see where the “republican golden boy” heads next.
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More FBNow.com comments:
13 gogetter - Mar 2, 10:08 am
It’s great to see someone was successful with the local EDC crowd. Well done Tom, Chris, Prescott, Matt, Rosie, Anson, John and all the area residents who helped keep the pressure up on this one.
It is amazing to me how many people/voters must get involved to get any movement on the special interest boys!
Well done!
14 Tom Hilton - Mar 3, 08:22 am
The Judge is quoted as saying; “And that runway was knowingly built in close proximity to McKeeever Road’s right-of-way. Therefore, Houston Southwest Airport must correct any conflicts existing between its runway and McKeever Road under FAA regulations,”
I contacted the County Attorney’s office about this safety issue and they claimed that the County has no power to ensure the safety of it’s citizens using County roads. What?
Our position is that this private developer is endangering the safety of County residents using McKeever Road (the runway was built too close to the road which violates mandated safety clearances). This fact is clearly stated above by the Judge, and the County is fully aware of it. Since Griffith cannot go into Newpoint to divert McKeever, (which was the whole reason behind S. Post Oak) the only alternative is to remove 950 feet from the west end of the runway. He’s certainly not going to do it on his own – he will have to be forced to do it. Who is going to step up and enforce the law here? The FAA? Ha! The County should be taking this to the next level and ensuring that County residents are taken out of harm’s way.
I find it hard to believe that the County does not have the authority to require a private developer to take measures to ensure that his runway is not endangering the safety and welfare of the general public.
Any attorneys out there who could shed some light on this?
All the best,
Tom Hilton
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