Tuesday, April 25, 2006

JUST IN FROM FORTBENDNOW.COM: Citizen Backed Poats or Houston Developer-Backed Incumbent Allen Owen -- The Sign Wars Wage On!

OP/ED: When Schoolhouse Bullies Grow Up

Having spent a few years on school playgrounds, I’ve had the opportunity to observe childhood behavior during free play extensively. One disturbing reoccurring theme in this environment is the emergence of those who attempt to dominate or physically bully other children.

It is a problem that faculty, staff and administration spend a great deal of time on. Government programs have even been funded with much research ongoing, yet still the problem persists.

One of the first interventions monitors use in any situation, where bullying may occur, is to remove the victim and confront the bully over the behavior. This seems like such a simple solution, until we realize that the children are learning this inappropriate interaction from us adults.

As you would expect, this rather simplistic intervention only solves the problem temporarily. The actions usually continue, but only in less obvious areas of the playground. A more covert behavior emerges as the child adapts (because through compliance, by the victim, it is rewarded).

Over the last year and a half I’ve had the opportunity to witness first-hand adult bullying and like many children on the playground have hoped that someone in authority will come and intervene. Of course, in the adult world, bullying is often allowed and encouraged.

Even Stanford professor Jeff Pfeffer’s 1992 seminal work “Managing With Power,” and countless other leadership texts, seem to be encouraging the bullying mentality of those “with the most gold get all the power.”

Legislation and the courts are easily subverted in this process and become part of the adult game. Those with less power are merely expected to comply and even apologize for their efforts to “call the bullies” on their behaviors.

In the current local elections we see the culture of political-business co-optation in more of the adult gaming processes. In Missouri City, like many other communities, we have an entrenched mayoral incumbent heavily backed by large Houston land corporate interests, who have decided that they need this mayor and council until they are finished with their area projects.

The message seems to be that we can have our local government back when they are finished with their work/profit taking here. How do local voters, taxpayers, and residents deal with such antics on the adult playground? The simple answer is you don’t, but I believe most of us still have an infantile memory of schoolhouse justice. At least enough to expect that something can be done.

The answer, for me and many others, seems to be in the political process itself (voting). As I write this piece a sign war is going on between the local incumbent mayor’s backers (bullies) and local residents of this community (victims) supporting his opponent.

I’ve never replaced so many yard signs in my life, not even when the developer was pulling our “No More Apartment” signs here in the controversial ‘05 issue that led to the SLAPP suit and eventual TX Supreme Ct. case. What can be done about this? . . Nothing, maybe, but I’m writing to let you all know my sense of infantile schoolhouse justice! . . . =-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recent FBNow threaded comments on this:

1 Prescott E Small - Apr 24, 12:43 pm
Unfortunately it is part to of our nature and the nature of all living organisms to operate and live in an environment of the Alpha_____.

But, as far as we know, we are the only species on the planet that is aware of this behavior that can do something about it.

Voting is definitely an option.

Bullies also have a tendency to pick on individuals when they are vulnerable and alone.

The mistake bullies make is to pick on too many individuals.

This might be that type of case.

What needs to happen is enough individuals that have been bullied will have to stand up, approach the bully and tell them “Go to hell, we aren’t taking this crap anymore!”

Now that can be done at the ballot box. But it can also be done here in Op-Ed Articles like this one. Through letters to the bullies in mass quantities. Through lots of phone calls.

Then, if need be, through class action in the form of a law suit.

Sometimes to stop a bully you have to punch them in the nose.

2 Chris Calvin, Ph.D. - Apr 24, 04:16 pm
I agree with you Mr. Small! If people keep networking the clique grows smaller and the masses seem to multiply until you have a reform effort.

On a side note, one of the “bullies” (a Houston based developer) called our candidate (Poats) this morning urging him not to put anymore signs in, that they have rules. I guess those “rules” do not apply to their benefactor mayor Allen Owen who signs are all over their development (along with other area candidates). Is this more selective enforcement?

6:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More FBNow threaded comments (related):

3 Burt Levine - Apr 24, 06:28 pm
Dr. Calvin A) 4×8 signs are for commercial areas and yard signs are for homes that hopefully for the candidate have at least two voters w/ a history and liklihood of voting living there. Yard signs in front of a business next to an opponent’s 4×8 who has permission to put his 4×8 there does not make me sympathize with the challenger that can not get his act together enough to get 4×8s or the support of someone to permit or authorize him to put it there and B) Why on your candidate’s signs for Missouri City Mayor do you need to take up valuable font space by informing voters that Missouri City is in Texas. Isn’t that a fact you’d hope your voters would’ve learned before registering to vote in Missouri City? A private property owner has THE right to permit whoever he backs to plant signs on his property and not those he does not back. I’d hope you agree that choice and private property right is part of what makes this America? I would not want to live in a country where a property owner is forced to host signs of candidates he did not back in philosophy or principle.

4 Chris Calvin, Ph.D. - Apr 25, 07:56 am

It’s interesting that you call them “my signs”. I seem to recall I’m a volunteer and am not personally responsible for every sign someone puts out. Of course I have noticed your signs in many of the same areas and they haven’t been pulled (and are yard signs).

I did not order or design these signs nor do I run this campaign. I am a volunteer and BTW you seem to have a great deal of information on the “sign pulling” which I find interesting (thanks for your comments they are very telling).

7:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And another:

5 jls - Apr 25, 08:12 am

Where did you get all the details on the signs? I don’t see any of that in the article above. Are you perhaps in the sign biz?

7:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a good one JK (good luck at your hearing today):

Lawyer and the Devil

An attorney was sitting in his office late one night, when the Devil appeared before him. The Devil told the lawyer, "I have a proposition for you. You can win every case you try, for the rest of your life. Your clients will adore you, your colleagues will stand in awe of you, and you will make embarrassing sums of money. All I want in exchange is your soul, your wife's soul, your children's souls, the souls of your parents, grandparents, and parents-in-law, and the souls of all of your friends and law partners."

The lawyer thought about this for a moment, then asked, "So, what's the catch?"

5:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wonder if mayor Owen was trying to keep the hospital situation under raps until after the election. Sure looks like it!

8:53 AM  
Blogger responsible_dvlpmnt said...

Ck this linked story out:


5:31 AM  
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11:51 PM  

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Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




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(N) sample =  632


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