Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Missouri City Gangs at Hightower HS? See This FBN Piece (Not more than 2 miles from Sienna)-

Feud Erupts Into Gunfire In Crowd Of Students; Missouri City Police Seek Suspects
by Bob Dunn, Oct 10, 2006, 09 27 am

Missouri City detectives have identified two suspects in a gunfight that erupted early Sunday as a huge crowd of high school students waited in line at a local restaurant.

Missouri City Police Capt. John Bailey said three innocent bystanders were hit by shotgun pellets – but not seriously hurt – during the gunfire.

The incident began Sunday at about 12:30 a.m. as several hundred people converged on the Denny’s restaurant at 6131 State Highway 6, after a Hightower High School football game, Bailey said.


Comment: Is our city still in denial that we have a gang problem as we experience excessive growth? What if anything is being done?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FBN comments:

1 Robert Cocheu - Oct 10, 10:06 am
One quick note. It was after the Hightower Homecomiong Dance. The Dance was on Saturday and the game was played on Friday night.

2 Just A Bystander - Oct 10, 02:06 pm
This happened too close to where I live. Another case of where are the parents???????? Why are their babies out there running around with guns after midnight? And where is old Quanell X? He ought to be down there leading the chase to catch these punks.

4:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3 stephanie - Oct 10, 03:57 pm
Quanell X should not have to watch after someone else’s children. The police should be leading the chase to catch these “punks” as you call them. Please don’t try to make this into something else.

4 Ron - Oct 10, 06:48 pm
Actually, you have a very good point Bystander. The X man doesn’t get involved unless it is a race issue. After they arrest these punks he may get involved, if he feels their civil rights have been violated….

4:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5 Quannel - Oct 10, 08:53 pm
I attended a presentation for the Hightower academy programs, and it sounded rather similar to Harvard or Yale. They did not mention the extracurriculars at Dennys.

4:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See this Chron. report with comments from EDC Pres. Jeff Wiley on schools and growth:

More schools needed

With growth, however, comes the need for better infrastructure and more schools. Wiley cited several school bond issues on the Nov. 7 ballot as a byproduct of economic expansion and an increasing population.
The Stafford Municipal School District is asking voters to approve a $15.05 million bond issue, Katy Independent School District residents will vote on a $269.5 million referendum, and the Lamar Consolidated Independent School District has a $281 million proposal on the ballot.

"You can't have the kind of growth we have here and not have school bond elections about every three years. That's just the way it is," Wiley said.

Quality schools are a major factor in attracting new businesses and residents, he added.

"Good schools attract; bad schools repel. The quality and reputation of our schools attracts development," Wiley said.

Maintaining existing infrastructure is as important as adding new facilities, Wiley said, and county leaders must also reinvest in older, more established parts of the county.

"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and we can't overlook older areas that need redevelopment," Wiley said. "All of our problems are manageable if we deal with them now. The wrong approach is to wait and get overwhelmed."

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some more comments from this story:

6 buckeyeod - Oct 10, 09:48 pm
The something else as you call it is exactly as it should be called. Everyone who was at Dennys that night knows what group is being referred to. It has become apparent that several high schools in Missouri City are becoming havens for thugs and gang members. If Missouri City does not get a handle on this problem it will not have to worry about city name changes since this will not be able to stem the amount of good, honest and respectable people leaving the city. It is a problem that starts at home and as the juveniles are caught their parent(s) should also be held accountable, a little jail time for all would certainly be appropriate. Declining levels of morality and civility will only lead this city into the trash heap of other cities in this country that have been held hostage by those who have no regard for human life or civilized culture. As for the race issue—it most certainly is in this case, as those present at the incident can attest, only it is not one that would raise the ire of the X man.

7 hot - Oct 11, 06:40 am
I think this is something that businesses and community leaders need to put the heat on the mayor and his administration about (this isn’t the image the realestate industry wants out). Just what are they doing to stem the tide of crime as they build-out!

What’s being done mayor. You can’t change the focus of the public on the real safety issues by trying to redirect the attention of the residents here by something as shallow as a name change. Address the fundamental problems such as the growing gang and crime problems before you build another Wal-Mart or strip center! Remember there is a trade off for excessive growth!

8 Robert Cocheu - Oct 11, 07:37 am
Okay. Before everyone starts the bash Hightower movement. Hightower is a good school with really good programs. Like all High Schools in FBISD there are problems and other issues. The question everyone needs to be asking is where are the parents? My son attended the Homecoming Dance that ended at 12:00 and he was actually home before 12:00. Why were children (they were all under or close to 18) allowed to go out after a function that ended at Midnight. My dad (a former cop) always said only bad things happen after Midnight, looks like he was right. It is time for parents to be parents and tell their children no. It is a really easy word to use, just two letters. The problem is we are all live in an area where the parent wants to be a best friend and make sure little johnny or jenny gets the latest Xbox, not a parent. Until that changes, things will continue to happen.

9 hot - Oct 11, 08:13 am
Good point Robert. The city I grew up in had an 11pm curfew for all children not of legal age (up to 17). If some parents aren’t going to do the job then perhaps the mayor and his admin can encourage it with such an ordinance!

10 Possible Relocator - Oct 11, 09:01 am
Doesn’t Mo City have a curfew already? If so, why was it ignored by their PD.

11 stephanie - Oct 11, 09:52 am
Everyone making these comments towards this certain “group” really needs to be up in arms about other “groups” killing teachers and students, making bombs in “your” homes and having sex with minors. and lets not forget about the online predators. So be clear about our community’s real problems.

12 hot - Oct 11, 11:26 am
Good points Stephanie. These too are problems that our side-tracked politicians seem to be disengaged in with their rush to satisfy their Houston backers. We need term limits on this council and to shake-up this city admin. I’m tired of reading the polly-anna stuff from them and see these reports days after they’ve happended. Voters need to take back this city from the special interest that have it looking at the wrong issues!

PS-Stephanie—I wasn’t aware all that was going on in Mo-City though (thanks . . ;)

“other “groups” killing teachers and students, making bombs in “your” homes and having sex with minors. and lets not forget about the online predators. So be clear about our community’s real problems.” Stephanie

is this an attempt at misdirection?

13 Wichita Lineman - Oct 11, 12:20 pm
Hot MUST BE Susan B.

Fort Bend has an inordinately high violent crime rate. Unfortunately, term limits or any other political action will not solve the problem.

The problem starts, and ends, at the homes of the children and the poor way in which they are raised. Really, there must be something in the water in Fort Bend. No amount of intervention by the schools, the DA, the police, the politicos is going to solve this problem, people.

It is as if Fort Bend is overwhelmed by mass hysteria and a total lack of morals, beginning with both the democrats and the republicans and going through every family. What kind of idiot would blame the mayor or the police or even the schools?

It is the parents job to teach morality, values and all those other things that prevent sociopaths like these thugs and hoodlems from being raised like this, where they kill in cold blood for nothing.

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd very much like to see the City Council start paying our police force what they deserve. MCPD is down about 6 patrol officers already and they can't seem to attract officers for the salaries they're paying. The City Council needs to allot more sales tax funds from those new Hiway 6 businesses and start paying our officers higher salaries.

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


14 K-man - Oct 11, 04:13 pm
All should be equally concerned about all aspects of violence in the teenage and young adult population. However, stats are pretty obvious when it comes to “mob-like” violence. Should someone be offended, as in the case at hand, when someone yells “whites get down”. A true and verifiable statement that was yelled that night. Seems to be a double standard present that has infiltrated all of society.

15 hot - Oct 11, 05:36 pm
“It is the parents job to teach morality, values and all those other things that prevent sociopaths like these thugs and hoodlems from being raised like this, where they kill in cold blood for nothing.”

I guess we will just have to fend for ourselves against your “sociopaths”, right Wichita? Inaction against this kind of violence would be the worst mistake. Gang wars are usually over territory. Better wake up!

16 Ron - Oct 11, 08:21 pm
The problem is a combination of poor parenting, a poor judicial system, and kids role models these days. It’s time parent’s got back to whipping their kids butts, when they get out of line. And if Healey wants to proceed with weak charges on a case like that, then so be it. There is a fine line between getting your kid set straight and child abuse, but the messed up orginazation they call CPS and the DA’s office doesn’t realize it.

17 Quannel - Oct 11, 08:42 pm
The ugly truth about Hightower is that 50 -60 percent of the faculty leave each year due to unhappiness with the principal. This exceeds the turnover at the other FBISD schools except perhaps for Bush. The kids are waiting for FBISD to get it together and for Hightower to get to the level of the best FBISD schools.

18 intheknow - Oct 12, 08:51 am
Let’s put things in perspective…Thanks to FortBendNow, we can be more aware of and alert to crimes in our area.

However, the Chronicle reports this morning:

Houston-area suburbs saw crime rates drop in five of six counties last year, according to the latest statistics released by the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Fort Bend County had the lowest crime rate per capita at 2,487 per 100,000 people last year while Galveston County had the highest among area counties at 4,444 per 100,000. In addition to Fort Bend, Chambers, Brazoria, Liberty and Montgomery counties also saw decreases in their per capita rates last year compared with 2004.

19 hothothot - Oct 12, 09:20 am
I am absolutely sure that this is Healey’s fault. Just like the man shooting his wife.

Likewise, the drug problem, the prison problem and the Trans Texas Corridor are Healey’s fault.

20 Ron - Oct 12, 10:11 am
I find that an interesting claim that Ft. Bend has the lowest crime rate. I would have to meet who came up with those stats. I think that is another example of tweaking the numbers.

The man shooting his wife isn’t Healey’s fault, it will be Healey’s fault when they plea bargain him down for a lesser sentence or just flat out lose the case if he hires a hot shot lawyer. The prison problem is not Healey’s fault either, he has to get convictions first.

21 hot - Oct 12, 10:52 am
Good one Ron. Actually you are correct on both counts. Actual numbers of violent crime can be increasing as does density, while rates of crime are reported as dropping. So like Disraeli always said, you can have lies, damn lies and statistics. It’s really fun to play with the numbers isn’t it ITK & hothothot.

Keep posting Ron. They think they are talking to idiots but the talent pool in this community is rather extensive and will continue to complicate their spin!

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'd very much like to see the City Council start paying our police force what they deserve. MCPD is down about 6 patrol officers already and they can't seem to attract officers for the salaries they're paying. The City Council needs to allot more sales tax funds from those new Hiway 6 businesses and start paying our officers higher salaries."

Good point anonymous. It's much like the problem MC is having with their 3 on a fire truck (can't go into a home or save anyone without 4 riders like HFD). Sounds like administrative priorities are a bit screwed up right now. Everything is being geared for growth, while families are moving here without the correct balance of fire & police safety. This isn't the burbs anymore!

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumor has it the shooters at Denny's were from Marshall H.S. - but the crowd were post-dance students from Hightower. Mostly a school/gang rivalry

And, please, let's not get started on Quanell. When I was working hard at the George R. Brown Convention center, laboriously sorting thru donations, handing out water, etc., Quanell X and his entourage swooped in and stationed themselves all around as observers. They did not lift a finger to help - guess they wanted to make sure all of us guilt-ridden do-gooders did not commit any acts of racial insensitivity while we offered help.

6:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just not comfortable with the gang situation. My neighbors kid says 3 gangs are operating at HHS.

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