Zoning Picture for Sienna Area Clearing//Bond Election On The Way (is it the best plan?)-click title link for full FBN story
FBISD May Seek $600 Million Bond Issue; Wants New Elementary Now
by Bob Dunn, Feb 23, 2007
In October, Fort Bend Independent School District officials indicated they would tackle challenges stemming from the district’s rapid growth by proposing a May bond issue for about $260 million to finance the building of about eight schools.
Then, a second bond issue would be prepared for some additional building and renovation needs a year later.
On Friday evening, however, FBISD Superintendent Dr. Timothy Jenney proposed waiting until November to hold an election on a bond issue that could reach $600 million.
Jenney also proposed borrowing about $15 million from the district’s fund balance in order to proceed almost immediately with plans and construction of a new elementary school in Sienna Plantation. . .
. . .The new elementary would relieve severe overcrowding at Scanlan Oaks and Sienna Crossing elementaries. According to district figures, Scanlan Oaks has a functional capacity of 738 students, but its actual enrollment is 1,061. Sienna Crossing’s functional capacity also is 738, but actual enrollment is 912 students.
Jenney said he has been advised the district can legally borrow from the fund balance, which now contains $104 million.
“And we would immediately pay that back when the bond passes,” FBISD Board President Steve Smelley said.
In the event the bond issue doesn’t pass, Magee said the district’s finances still would be sound with $89 million in the fund.
Get more at http://www.fortbendnow.com/news/2604/in-final-fort-bend-isd-rezoning-proposal-k-6-concept-would-be-delayed and attend the Monday FBISD board meeting!
***Update to this story: Monday nights board mtg. produced a 6-1 vote in favor of the current zoning plan.
Comment: The zoning proposal still leaves the long-term problem in place. Can the district continue to keep up with the rate of future growth in east FBISD (our area). One group involved in this hasn't been heard from. Will they get involved in the open and help solve this unsustainable growth problem.
Labels: FBISD zoning, over-crowding, Sienna Plantation Schools, sustainable development
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Comments posted on FBN from this story:
1 Mark - Feb 23, 09:04 pm
Sienna residents are going to have mixed feelings about tonight’s recommendations. Obviously moving ahead on the 3rd grade school is good news. And a larger bond issue is good news down the road as well.
But they got zero concessions on the Elkins/Hightower split really. And a 3rd grade school still means we’re looking at nearly 1100 and 1300 students at our two elementary schools next year, which is ridiculously overcrowded. Especially when almost 500 of those students could EASILY be zoned to nearer schools north of Highway 6 that are under capacity.
The only other concession is that Sienna parents have the ‘luxury’ of driving their kids to an under-utilized elementary school if they so desire.
2 Chris D. Calvin, Ph.D. - Feb 24, 02:55 pm
Good assessment Mark. No doubt the extra elem. is welcome with the 165+% functional capacity issues with Scanlon and SCE (145%+). It doesn’t solve the long-term problems, nor will the current pattern of growth stress be curbed for long. Cooperation between cities, county, the district and the developers to make this untenable situation manageable is needed.
1. As we’ve seen suggested many times, have the large developers, who so desperately want these schools as amenities in their communities, donate or significantly reduce the land cost (much purchased at agr. prices anyway). This could save the district millions.
2. Have cities, within the school systems, set-up committees to help facilitate communication and trouble shoot areas of need (some areas see this already, but it isn’t consistent). The cities could also help with item 1.
3. The county officials who work so closely with many of those in this industry should better understand their role to in this and could participate on these committees also. If the larger developers really want to help keep the growth booming and manageable they too would participate in this process in the open (not in the workshops or on the local links).
Dr. Jenney could lead this or at least facilitate the process for this. It’s apparent that something needs to be done. A long-term plan, bond, etc. is only the start. If we don’t add additional components to this mix we will be right back here in a decade (assuming this massive bond issue goes through and doesn’t further negatively impact our already compromised bond rating, not the borrowed states rating but FBISDs actual rating).
Some food for thought.
3 Rodrigo Carreon - Feb 24, 03:42 pm
Support C.Calvins idea for big developers to donate 20 to 30 acres to FBISD NEW school to serve its community. And to eliminate MUD taxes, so consumer to pay annual school taxes. For MUD taxes to continue, we need healthier safe, clean Bayous and creeks.
1 anon - Feb 23, 09:58 pm
Sienna definitely got the short end of the stick here. The East end as well. Why is that always the case on the east side of the district? Is it because they think no one notices out here? Even when we express our concerns it does not seem to matter as no BOT member is there to hear them. We that live in that area all need to notice that they don’t seem to care and get out at voting time and find someone that might take our interests in mind as well. Our schools on this side of the district have been overcrowded for too long with nothing done except band aid solutions. Not seeing much leadership in this direction to help by the BOT or Mr. Supt. Same story, different verse.
2 intheknow - Feb 23, 11:59 pm
What are you talking about? It looks like Sienna got exactly what it wants — an immediate new elementary ahead of the bond. Plus, looks like they are compromising on or delaying programs based on input from mainly the east side. What’s your beef exactly?
3 tealrunproud - Feb 24, 07:42 am
I agree with “intheknow”. Quit whining Sienna. We have been overcrowded in Teal Run for years when you were sitting pretty under capacity. Our reliever school will be opened in August to provide us much needed relief but Sienna can’t believe someone else got a new school before they did. No doubt next year will be hard for the two Sienna Elementaries but we have been there and done that for years at Burton. The move to borrow from the fund balance to get you a 3rd school in 2008 is unprecedented. Quit whining and enjoy that victory.
4 What are you talking about. - Feb 24, 08:48 am
Do we want an elementary or do we NEED an elementary. They never even suggested an option for 1240 students at Scanlan Oaks next year prior to Dr. Jenney’s recommendation. This recommendation was made only after the decision was made to move the bond to November. Do you really have a problem with that?
When that third elementary opens in 2008 it is already expected that all three schools will be in the 850 range.
But yes, we did get something we needed.
Can we agree to disagree and support the issues of the entire district. Sienna wasn’t the only one who lost out here. There were other communities who did not get what they were asking for either.
A bond in November puts a high school and middle school calendar off by at least 6 months. It will take the community a little while to build confidence in what is ahead for us.
Sienna’s concern is not only about not getting what it wanted, but the fact the ultimate fixing of what we’ve been dealing with has been delayed. Give us a chance to adjust!
5 Rodrigo Carreon - Feb 24, 09:46 am
Oppose K-6 & 7-8 ideas, thence to oppose overcrowded elementry schools. Six graders will be jointing Fifth graders outside in tempory
facilities already on mostly overcrowded elementry campuses
like Burton, Goodman, Sienna Crossing, Blue Ridge and other elementaries like Windfield Lakes elem. to open this fall. 7-8 grade middle school program will relieve three middle schools, but thence increase elem. overcrowding six grades outside in temporary facilities in elementray school campuses.
6 DMM - Feb 24, 10:01 am
I’ve been at three public meetings now regarding this rezoning, and it’s true, “You really don’t want to see how sausage is made.” At last night’s meeting, I found myself more stunned than angry. True, my personal issue is Sugar Mill Elementary. I don’t deny that other areas have big, maybe even bigger problems. I don’t pretend to know exactly how those problems should be fixed.
However, what has been proposed for SME is wrong and borders on apparent vendetta-like. Exhaustive research was provided to the board and administration showing that their “official capacity” measures of SME were wrong. We provided schematics, physically measured rooms they mistakenly state are “classrooms”, provided aerial photos of campuses to show the limitations (and absurdity) of moving portables from a campus actually well-suited for them to another that places them in less safe locations. (I guess as long as it’s our kids who are put at greater risk, it’s no sweat off of others.)
We repeatedly asked for members of the board or administration to visit the campus so we could show them what we meant. They declined. YET, Mr. Petros apparently misled the board last evening and stated that “they” had visited the campus. We have checked with the school administration and they have no record of this. (And do you think anyone from the board or admin would visit “secretly.” They seem very proud to announce how many campuses they visit.)
On top of that, Dr. Jenney, at the 11:30 hour (so to speak) then tells us last night that their estimates for Meadows’ capacity have been improperly over-estimated all of this time (and in the information they gave us), because it didn’t reflect two special programs housed there. (Meadows, by their projections would be well below capacity next year after they overwhelm SME with this transfer.) WELL GUESS WHAT? THAT IS ONE OF THE EXACT ARGUMENTS WE GAVE THEM ABOUT SME. SME has two special programs as well that were not factored into their numbers.
So, to add insult to injury, they absolutely ignore our well-researched information and then selectively choose to acknowledge special-needs classes at one campus and not ours.
As I said, I’m more stunned than anything.
On the bright side, this is all great news for places like Katy and Richmond. We are seeing how communities such as ours become ghosts of what they were. We moved here five years ago, and have purchased two homes in Sugar Mill subdivision ONLY for the quality of SME. Were we to have to make that decision today, we’d be looking anywhere but in FBISD.
7 LaTanya Maxey - Feb 24, 10:32 am
To Teal Run Proud
Let me update you, Scanlan Oaks has 1,089 students in only its 3rd year. We are not under capacity and next year we will have in excess of 1300. Was Burton overcrowded in its 3rd year. We are facing difficulties this year and we will next year. But, as always are parents will do what we have to in order to support our schools and ALL the children that go there. That is what we do.
Post #4 is right, the district has been set back and the same things the district always does was done again. Temporary fixes and long term planning put off.
8 Another Sienna Parent - Feb 24, 10:49 am
Actually if you look at the TEA web site to see the reported student numbers at FBISD elementary schools this decade, what isn’t being done this year for Scanlan Oaks Elementary School is unique. There have been seven FBISD primary schools that completed a school year at more than 125% of capacity, including the forementioned Burton in 05-06 (the only year it qualified at that 125%+ level). In every other case, a plan was implemented to help that school’s overcrowding and lower the student numbers for the following year. Burton, for example, had 1029 students in 05-06, but the district put together a plan that has it back down to 918 this year. That’s the way it should be for every elementary school in this district; if it’s so crowded that our 8,9,10-year-olds have to be in outside portable classrooms, a solution/new school needs to be found.
Currently Scanlan Oaks has 1092 students in a building built for 820. (LaTanya’s numbers are probably just a few days old—Scanlan gets new students every week) There was no plan to alleviate that overcrowding for next year and the district forecasts 1240 students there next year.
Please don’t confuse that dangerous situation with the fact that perhaps the general fund will be utilized to start construction on the much needed 3rd elementary campus in Sienna Plantation before the bond vote.
You might also want to bear in mind that the Sienna campuses house much more than the Sienna community. About 250-400 students who live outside of Sienna Plantation also attend the two elementary schools at Sienna. It’s not fair that any of these families have to put their children in dangerous situations and that the board and district failed to look at that fact this year.
I don’t know anyone who looks at the opening of elementary school #41 as a situation where parents can’t believe someone else got a new school before they did. If you happen to know someone who believes that, I’d be happy to write them the facts so they know that’s a mistaken attitude to take. But I also believe the parents who believe Sienna is “whining” are not allowing parents to put the safety of their children as the rightful concern it should be.
9 jh - Feb 24, 11:53 am
Ok, a quick time out.
I don’t live in Sienna, but that doesn’t change the facts. Scanlon Oaks in particular is extremely overcrowded. NONE of us would want to experience that, though many of us have endured less severe overcrowding, but for many more years. Sienna needs a new elementary school, period. In the interim, the choices are for parents to voluntarily send their students to Elem 41 or any other undercrowded elementary. Not optimal, but probably just as palatable as rezoning any one group of students for 1 year. If there is a group that does want to be rezoned for such a short period, they should raise their hands and ask for transportation to be provided by the District. I support going ahead and getting started with the elementary since the bond is being delayed.
The Sienna parents who have been complaining about the location of Elem 41 appear not to be informed as to how the bond process actually works. Bonds are passed years in advance for specific campuses. Campuses that are already in trouble get consideration before areas that MAY be in trouble in several years. Hence the decision to provide relief to Burton and Goodman, which were already there. Hindsight is a perfect thing, but the last bond was based on data that was known at that time. And the campuses that were in the bond were clearly identified to anyone who cared to look.
If everyone would acknowledge that a new school is needed and stop trying to rewrite history (incorrectly), I think the finger pointing would go away. This argument is a no win for everyone. Should a high performing school that is now severely overcrowded trump a lower performing school that has been less overcrowded, but for a longer period of time? Your answer will be solely based on where you live and how your child is impacted.
I personally am ready to get the rezoning behind us and get on with improving education and opportunities at all of our campuses. There is still a lot of work in front of Dr Jenney and the Board.
10 DMM - Feb 24, 12:57 pm
Unfortunately, this rezoning issue will not simply be “put behind” us. It’s going to alter some of our communities permanently. Sure, it sounds nice to say we’ll “get on with improving education… yadda yadda.” Again, as an SME parent, I sit here wondering how the needless overwhelminng of our school – in direct opposition to what our highly-paid demographer suggested – (and yes, we’ve listened to the tapes) improves education.
The only way this plan makes sense is if it is felt by some in power that the safety and education of Drabek, Meadows, Lakeview and others’ kids are more important than SME. We certainly don’t think our kids should be considered more important than anyones. We’ve even offered… that’s right… OFFERED to take on extra kids in the previous years that the board originally intended to send to an already crowded Drabek.
Even now, we are arguing that SME could take on some students, but nowhere near the number they are projecting. And by the way, this board and administration show an uneasy willingness to change numbers when you aren’t paying attention. They aren’t simply projecting to send a certain amount of kids to SME. They’re rezoning an area. At a minimum, we’re looking at a 33% increase in student population overnight, with more reasonable estimates in the 40 to 45% range.
What business, government entity, or ELEMENTARY school wouldn’t be overwhelmed. All the while, there is both existing capacity and more safe locations on other campuses if portables are needed. In fact, there are very easy and reasonable shifts that could eliminate the need for ANY portables. Yet, the plan seems to be to spend about 50K to move a set of portables to another school, still have the same amount of kids in portables, only now in less safe places. Truly, truly stunning mismanagement here.
One of the saddest things here is we end up arguing over who is getting the worse deal here. I (sadly) think there are some who are actually glad to see other schools “getting theirs.” We don’t expect anyone to have a magic wand solution. We just wish this board and administration would make better researched, better thought out decisions.
11 sgl - Feb 24, 04:20 pm
When the “logic” of a move isn’t apparent, maybe you should consider less noble reasons for the Drabek student dump. I hear that Drabek is over 50% Asian right now. That ratio will be even higher after this proposed plan. Which board member made the suggestion? Where they Irish? Latino? African American?
Who was lobbying members the most before the plan? The true reason for this proposal may be one that nobody would be proud of.
12 Sophia Lopez - Feb 24, 05:56 pm
DMM-When reading your piece I did think it was fascinating that there is an elementary school with around 50 percent Asian pop in Fort Bend or anywhere in America.
Then I read further and did or do know we do have an elected Irish American trustee now on our seven member board.
I do know we have had an elected Asian American trustee.
However, there are no and have never been any Fort Bend ISD Trustees of Hispanic or Latino descent.
Even though FBISD is overall now 33 percent African American, 27 Caucasian, 20 percent Hispanic and 20 percent Asian there has never been elected in the history FBISD a trustee of Hispanic, Latino/Mexican American background.
13 teacher - Feb 24, 07:05 pm
As I said earlier this year, it is a bad idea to rezone the whole district at once and get everyone stirred up at the same time. No one that still works for FBISD dared tell Dr. Jenney that.
Wait until the next board election and see the idiocy.
14 DMM - Feb 24, 07:24 pm
That theory was actually suggested to me by a parent who has been in this area longer than I. Up to this point, I have chosen not to believe that this could be the case. However, I’ve been disillusioned enough by these actions, this administration, and this board that I find myself willing to consider anything about now.
15 sgl - Feb 24, 08:04 pm
Ms. Lopez-
I was being sarcastic when I listed possible nationalities of trustees. (It wasn’t DMM.) I don’t think anyone is Irish, and I’m pretty sure none are Hispanic or Latino. I do know that the person who originally made the suggestion that Towne West begin being bused to Sugar Mill Elementary was the Asian American trustee.
Maybe that’s just a coincidence.
16 Canidate - Feb 24, 08:37 pm
More concerns, thence more votes this year. Under 10%
ten percent voter turnout in FBISD annual ELECTION is not enough tobe heard to correct overcrowded schools since year 2000! !
17 DMM - Feb 24, 10:05 pm
Truth be told, I have never given the FBISD election the attention I should . Where I grew up, school board elections were about as important as Dog Catcher elections. But it’s pretty safe to say that in this day and time, and in our communities, few people can have as significant and as immediate an impact on our communities as these trustees. Consider that one woman, against what a hired “outside expert” suggested, was able to unnecessarily overcrowd a school with all of about 90 seconds worth of discussion, and no apparent research before or after the fact. How many lives are going to be significantly affected by the whim of one woman and subsequent washing-their-hands-of-it from her board peers. No, you’re right. Fort Bend’s voter turnout has been shameful… and we apparently have the board we deserve.
I wonder what the record is for an individual being targetted in a series of harassment suits before a court/jury/judge actually brings an end to it?
Story update at:
The plan was voted in 6-1.
More on the SLAPP-suit from:
16 fed up - Feb 28, 05:44 pm
intheknow – please move on. Find someone else to pick on. Dr. Baitland deserves to be retired in peace. The Dr. Baitland bashing is really old.
17 DMM - Feb 28, 10:56 pm
Thanks for post number 15. That’s the funniest thing I’ve read in ages. No… really… I… can’t…. stop…. laughing. Whew, gotta catch my breath.
18 intheknow - Feb 28, 11:51 pm
Might be possible to move on if posters like “Citizen” would stop trying to rewrite history and bash current board members for doing the job they were elected to do.
Citizen— so are you of the opinion that district-wide rezoning was not necessary? Do you think the old method of gerrymandering zones was preferable? Are you implying that Rickert or Bryant (who voted along with 4 other trustees) to pass this rezoning had some secret political agenda? If so, what do you think it is?
I agree with Citizen 2. Rickert has done yeomen’s work for the past three years and deserves reelection.
However, if anyone with any credibility steps forward to challenge Bryant (should he decide to run again) I’d look for a change there. Bryant has shown he’s more interested in advancing his political career and running for higher office than he is about paying attention to the school district. His recent run for the state house, his defense of a questionable vendor, and his frequent absences from Board meetings don’t bode well for him in his first term.
19 Sign of the Times - Mar 1, 12:06 am
How many years has Baitland been gone now? When does the new regime accept responsibility? At what point are we allowed to start holding them accountable? I hope it’s soon because my bet is they won’t all be in office for much longer. Voters are ready to to try out those electronic voting contraptions again.
20 citizen2 - Mar 1, 06:33 am
DMM laugh all you want! Some people can’t or don’t want to see the truth, so they laugh so they don’t have to face facts. So laugh laugh laugh! Meanwhile realize that the district has problems that started years ago, that when you tried to point them out you were laughed at.
21 intheknow - Mar 1, 08:13 am
Sign — Baitland went on administrative leave in January 2006 (just about a year ago). However, many of her policies, programs and poor leadership appointees have remained. Dr. Jenney came on board in September ’06. Working with the current Board, he acted quickly to reorganize the bloated administration, and aims to hire some qualified leaders (as opposed to the numerous incompetent “friends” that were hired by the last couple of supers). IMHO he inherited a boatload of problems that the previous administration had been covering up. Be patient. The time to judge their efforts will be when we see if the programs Jenney is putting in place start making a measureable difference or not in terms of academic performance, teacher morale, and district ratings. I think he’s very much on the right track and thank Ms. Rickert, Mr. Smelley and other Board members who not only had the foresight to bring him here, but have the courage to stand by him as some tough decisions will have to be made.
22 DMM - Mar 1, 10:03 am
Just catching my breath. Rickert went along with Buchar’s questionable suggestion to just simply move Towne West to SME. The demographer said it wasn’t a good idea. SME isn’t big enough to handle it. There were other, more logical moves to make. Apparently, Buchar and Rickert were not moved by logic and were bound and determine to overload SME. They did it, and now my kids get to go to school in trailers. So forgive me if I’m not exactly moved by the argument these folks are pure as the driven snow. I HOPE Rickert runs again, just for the pleasure of helping her be defeated. It would be so disappointing if she just quit. Please… please… let us fire her.
23 anon - Mar 1, 08:04 pm
i think a lot of people will be on the bandwagon to defeat Rickert, She should lose in a landslide.
24 smeparent - Mar 1, 10:18 pm
Ms. Rickert has told all of her friends that she was the one who looked like the “bad guy” and all she wanted was to do what was right? She wouldn’t know what was right if she tried. I went to several of the board meetings and the workshop only to be disgusted with our board. Steve Smelley was so rude! Not just to Sugar Mill parents but to all of the parents. If they really cared about our kids, then they wouldn’t move the kids from 1464 three times in three years. They wouldn’t move Townewest kids once again at a cost of $50,000 plus only to overcrowd another school that can’t possibly handle it! They did not want to listen and it just doesn’t make any sense. If rezoning has to happen, then the board members need to do their homework. They need to walk on the campuses (yes, get out of their comfort zone)and talk to the principles and the staff and the demographer that we paid to do a job which apparently they didn’t listen to when it came to Sugar Mill! Wouldn’t the staff who makes all the day to day decisions know what is best for our schools? I realize that they can’t make everyone happy but before the make even more mistakes they need to get a clue!
Why would they move the 1464 bunch to Oakland only for it to be over capacity on day one. That is poor planning!!
This isn’t from Betty Baitland -this is from our current BOT! I still wonder why we had these workshops? Why even bother if you aren’t going to listen to the parents anyway? Or maybe it is just the Sugar Mill parents who truly have the facts that they don’t want to listen to?
25 classic - Mar 1, 10:21 pm
DMM- classy, anywhere but my backyard. Very selffish
26 rcocheu - Mar 2, 05:42 am
The east and west sides of the district were ignored for many years while the administration took care of First Colony. I cannot speak specifically to the west side, but on the east the situation at Hightower was on the way and was simply ignored. Burton, Goodman, Palmer, Sienna Crossing and recently Scanlan Oaks have all been dealing with massive overcrowding since each school was built. Lake Olympia got one year of relief this year with the opening of Baines, but now both schools will be back to SOP (overcrowded). The focus now needs to be the bond issue. It is imperative that a resonable plan be put together to meet the long range needs of the district. Passing this bond is crucial to avoiding more of this pain.
27 Thank You - Mar 2, 07:18 am
Thank you Ms. Rickert for all you do. You and your family have given so much. We hope you decide to give one more time.
28 Citizen - Mar 2, 08:27 am
Signofthetimes (#19)
If you read posts from “intheknow” and other Rickert apologists, you will find that anything good that happened since her election was directly due to her influence, brilliance, foresight, altruism or generosity—no matter who made the decision or when it was made. Furthermore, anything that went wrong was the fault of the evil Dr. Baitland and previous boards.
In spite of this blind support/cheer leading, I still predict that Rickert and Bryant will be defeated—should they dare to run again.
29 BBE Parent - Mar 2, 08:53 am
DMM, I take personal offence to your attacks on Ms. Rickert. My children paid their dues in t-shacks at BBE along side Ms. Rickert’s children and when she was given the opportunity to move her children to the under capacity and much acclaimed WSE she kept her children at BBE where they were zoned, and did not bail out on the rest of us. She spent many hours of her time working to make things better for our children under the circumstances. I suggest you give her a call and ask for advice on what you could do to help rather then going on the attack.
30 anon - Mar 2, 12:36 pm
Well the exodus starts. Already seeing signs of students transferring to private schools over the changes in Hightower area rezoning because of the Sienna Split. . Many in the areas affected are not happy with the socioeconomic and racial imbalance created by your newly adopted rezoning. As a parent of a future 9th grader we will give it a chance but may be soon to follow.
31 Chicken Little - Mar 2, 01:50 pm
There are many versions of the story, but the basic premise is that a chicken called Chicken Licken (or Chicken Little) eats lunch one day, and believes the sky is falling down because an acorn falls on her head.
32 Chris D. Calvin, Ph.D. - Mar 2, 02:46 pm
I would still like to see the big Houston development companies kick-in the land to save millions for the district and help balance the excessive growth impact (it really isn’t sustainable). Do like other states and help out guys. BTW to the poster who questioned the cost of just the land at Sienna for the schools here I checked with the district (it took them a few days to get back) and they said over 2 million dollars was paid for the property. Not a bad days work on land that was getting agri. tax reduction and was purchased that way.
Come on industry. You want these schools to attract the buyers is it really too much to ask for a true investment in the kids futures!
33 Mother Hubbard - Mar 2, 03:36 pm
Chicken Little-is that the same acorn that we saw falling over by Willowridge? Do you want Hightower to be another Willowridge?Looks like the sky fell over their except Willowridge students have the option to go whatever school they choose.
34 Something had to change - Mar 2, 04:39 pm
You’ve got to go out on a limb sometimes because that’s where the fruit is. – Will Rogers
35 DMM - Mar 2, 06:50 pm
Yes, yes… my kids went to school in trailers so yours should too. Thanks.
We moved to this area 5 years ago (silly us) because of the reputation of Fort Bend schools. I have a job that allows me to live anywhere, but we chose Sugar Land because of it’s mix of big-city access with small town touches. That is going out of the window. Fine. We’ll pull up and go elsewhere as will many others. What good is choosing a neighborhood for it’s school when single individuals, against the advice of PAID outside experts, can overwhelm your school. Okie Dokie. Have it your way. Good luck with your new status as Houston-south.
36 Mother Hubbard - Mar 2, 08:51 pm
dmm-good luck selling your home as property values drop, sell now while you have a chance before everyone else catches on. I hear the Woodlands is a good area to raise a family!
I want to make you aware that Oyster Creek Plantation is about to go thru a transition. Fort Bend I.S.D. recently announced that the neighborhood of Oyster Creek Plantation will be rezoned from Lexington Creek Elementary to a Quail Valley school. There are many concerns that residents have and I wanted to highlight three.
First and foremost is the quality of the education. By rezoning Oyster Creek Plantation to a Quail Valley school it will take a student from a State "Recognized " school to a State "Acceptable" school.
Secondly, the rezoning goes against a Fort Bend I.S.D. “Guiding Principle”
source : http://www.fortbend.k12.tx.us/about/zoning/zone_wkshp_011408.pdf
It is obvious that FBISD is NOT being mindful of traffic patterns. If they were, then families would not have to cross a major State Highway (FM1092) to get to the new school. Furthermore, they are not being mindful to safety concerns. Oyster Creek Plantation kids will now have to cross a very busy State Highway by foot, bike or vehicle. This also exposes OUR KIDS to predators and other criminal activities in that area. Finally, FBISD is not considering the transportation costs. The new school is farther and with the rising costs of fuel ($2.89) this is going to hit everyone’s pocket book.
Thirdly, we strongly feel that our property value will decrease tremendously and eventually this will change the demographics of this very small, crime free and quiet neighborhood.
The residents of Oyster Creek Plantation will voice their concerns on Thursday the 24th. Our hopes are that FBISD reconsiders this rezoning. We have informed the RED GROUP, developers of the RETIREMENT RESORT so that they know that the demographics will chnage if this goes thru.
Dr. Jenny needs to walk the walk and understand how and who this effects. He is a numbers guy and has not walked the halls or nieghborhoods
Check out this update on the zoning issues at:
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- Евроремонт квартир ,домиков также офисных помещений с любым обьемом работ
- отличный ремонт, переделка промышленых а также жилых зданий
- первоклассный ремонт также обновление торговых, игровых и развлекательных центров,медицинских,финансовых и также правительственных учреждений.
- все виды строительно-инженерных, отделочных работ,покраска,побелка,стяжка,поклейка обоев ,плитка и пр.
- контроль и гарантия качественного выполнения работ,
Строительно-инвестиционная компания ПРИОР предлагает :
- отличный ремонт квартир и офисов по конкурентным ценам
- Евроремонт квартир ,дач и также офисных помещений с любым обьемом работ
- отличный ремонт, реконструкция промышленых и жилых зданий
- высококачественный ремонт и перестройка торговых, игровых и также развлекательных центров,медицинских,финансовых и правительственных учреждений.
- все виды строительно-инженерных, отделочных работ,покраска,побелка,стяжка,поклейка обоев ,плитка и пр.
- контроль а также гарантия качественного выполнения работ,
Составление сметы а также Договора
ПРИОР Ивестиционно-строительная фирма предлагает :
- высококачественный ремонт квартир и офисов по низким ценам
- Евроремонт квартир ,дач и также офисных помещений с любым обьемом работ
- комплексный ремонт, перестройка промышленых а также жилых зданий
- отличный ремонт также реконструкция торговых, игровых и также развлекательных центров,медицинских,финансовых также правительственных учреждений.
- все виды строительно-инженерных, отделочных работ,покраска,побелка,стяжка,поклейка обоев ,плитка и пр.
- контроль а также гарантия качественного выполнения работ,
Составление сметы а также Договора
ПРИОР Строительно-инвестиционная фирма предлагает :
- высококачественный ремонт квартир и офисов по самым низким ценам
- Евроремонт квартир ,дач и офисных помещений с любым обьемом работ
- комплексный ремонт, реконструкция промышленых а также жилых зданий
- первоклассный ремонт также перестройка торговых, игровых а также развлекательных центров,медицинских,финансовых также правительственных учреждений.
- все виды строительно-инженерных, отделочных работ,покраска,побелка,стяжка,поклейка обоев ,плитка и пр.
- контроль также гарантия качественного выполнения работ,
Составление сметы и Договора
Ивестиционно-строительное предприятие ПРИОР предлагает :
- Очень качественный ремонт квартир и офисов по приемлемым ценам
- Евроремонт квартир ,домиков и офисных помещений с любым обьемом работ
- первоклассный ремонт, реставрация промышленых и жилых зданий
- первоклассный ремонт также обновление торговых, игровых и также развлекательных центров,медицинских,финансовых также правительственных учреждений.
- все виды строительно-инженерных, отделочных работ,покраска,побелка,стяжка,поклейка обоев ,плитка и пр.
- контроль а также гарантия качественного выполнения работ,
Любая форма оплаты
Ивестиционно-строительное предприятие ПРИОР предлагает :
- Очень качественный ремонт квартир и офисов по низким (со скидкой)) ценам
- Евроремонт квартир ,коттеджей также офисных помещений с любым обьемом работ
- комплексный ремонт, переделка промышленых а также жилых зданий
- отличный ремонт также реконструкция торговых, игровых также развлекательных центров,медицинских,финансовых и также правительственных учреждений.
- все виды строительно-инженерных, отделочных работ,покраска,побелка,стяжка,поклейка обоев ,плитка и пр.
- контроль а также гарантия качественного исполнения работ,
Летние скидки на все виды работ
Если у Вас : ломит спину или ощущаются боли в шее или стали ощущаться боли в позвоночнике или появились боли в пояснице то возможно у Вас остеохондроз и Вас заинтересует сайт [url=http://astreyasystem.narod.ru]шейный остеохондроз [/url] и возможно Вас заинтересует книга по излечению остеохондроза (и не только) с помощью методики АСТРЕЯ.
ПРИОР Строительно-инвестиционная фирма предлагает :
- отличный ремонт квартир и офисов по очень доступным ценам
- Евроремонт квартир ,коттеджей также офисных помещений с любым обьемом работ
- фирменный ремонт, обновление промышленых также жилых зданий
- Очень качественный ремонт и также реставрация торговых, игровых и развлекательных центров,медицинских,финансовых также правительственных учреждений.
- все виды строительно-инженерных, отделочных работ,покраска,побелка,стяжка,поклейка обоев ,плитка и пр.
- контроль также гарантия качественного производства работ,
Летние скидки на все виды работ
Строительно-инвестиционная компания ПРИОР предлагает :
- комплексный ремонт квартир и офисов по приемлемым ценам
- Евроремонт квартир ,коттеджей и офисных помещений с любым обьемом работ
- фирменный ремонт, переделка промышленых а также жилых зданий
- качественный ремонт а также переделка торговых, игровых и развлекательных центров,медицинских,финансовых и правительственных учреждений.
- все виды строительно-инженерных, отделочных работ,покраска,побелка,стяжка,поклейка обоев ,плитка и пр.
- контроль и также гарантия качественного выполнения работ,
Любая форма оплаты
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