Monday, February 12, 2007

From Candidates Search Committee Makes Progress in Missouri City!

Candidates Search Committee Makes Progress in Missouri City!

With recent events involving Missouri City Officials and an administration that has become increasingly out of touch with the taxpayers of this community, with regard to issues like the long delayed Hospital for our town, refusal by council to support residents in their opposition to the landfill, rubber stamping thousands of apartments for developers, lack of investigation into ethics complaints filed last year against the mayor and the current attempt by some on council to extend the lien powers of the city in a cost shifting ordinance that requires homeowners to pay for public side-walks, a diverse group of area citizens formed up in 2006 to address these and other issues and seek out viable candidates is moving forward on the reform agenda. After recent meetings we have been fortunate enough to find three willing to go after district seats on council. In the forth-coming weeks we will release these names and engage in a door-to-door campaign to return local control to our citizens from the special interest now operating through our city officials. This attempt began last spring with the Owen/Poats mayoral contest and nearby Arcola races. Help continue this reform movement and effect positive change here locally! -(click title link for the full post from FBW)-

Related links:

Comment: This is great news for this area of Mo-City and Sienna!




Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

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This site covers the Missouri City, Texas and local vicinity. Copyright (c) c.calvin 2005-2010 can contact the web-blog coordinator for MCC/CRD at