Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Sienna Plans A TIRZ In North Sienna: School District May Not Participate (click title link for the full story from the Chronicle)--

School district cools to idea of participating in TIRZ

Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle

The Fort Bend school district likely will not be part of a tax increment reinvestment zone that Missouri City aims to create over 590 acres in the Sienna North area.

The board of trustees Monday night approved the city's request for a waiver of a 60-day notice period to hold a public hearing, which the city is shooting for this month, on the issue.

The board also OK'd the city's request for not not conducting a presentation on the proposal to the school board.

David Hawes, a consultant for the city, said the city made the requests assuming the school district would not be interested in participating in the TIRZ.

A TIRZ collects taxes from its members and uses the revenues for improvements of the area within the zone, such as on infrastructure.

A 1991 change in a state law concerning school funding financially penalizes school districts for such participation, Hawes said.

"That change made it financially disadvantageous to school districts to participate. So we didn't ask the Fort Bend school district to do that," Hawes said. . . (click the title link above for more).


Visit http://www.fortbendnow.com/news/2645/council-puts-mo-city-on-course-to-acquire-troubled-quail-valley-country-club for an update on the city purchase of QVCC in Quail Valley as a public golf course.

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