Fort Bend Sun Covers Pinnock Race For The School Board--
Noel Pinnock, a long-time Missouri City resident, has filed as a candidate for Position 7 in the upcoming Fort Bend ISD school board race.
In announcing his candidacy, Pinnock said that he wanted to be a "beacon of hope" on the school board.
"My platform for running in this year's election is to provide a beacon of hope to the citizens in Fort Bend County. It is my belief that every student, every parent, every citizen, and our business community at-large should be integral in the overall proficiency, efficiency, growth, and survival of our communities schools," Pinnock said in announcing his bid. "Schools represent the nesting grounds for the cultivation of non-bias ideas, social matriculation, academic acceleration, and a spring of life's most impressionable and memorable experiences, which define the very fabric and essence of our existence."
Pinnock also said he believes schools should focus on ensuring that all students succeed. . .(click title link above for the full story).
Comment--Although Sienna & Sienna area residents can't vote in the city races of Arcola or Mo-City it is important to remember we have an interest in those races (the airport expansion/road diversion issues in Arcola and development issues with MC). Please support Mr. Hilton & Ms. Rojas along with Jim DeVoge as independent candidates in those races (not EDC backed). You can volunteer to block-walk make phone calls etc. for these candidates or the Mo-City challengers Rodney Griffin, Lou Hunter & Kevin Tunstall. E-mail us at to find out how to volunteer and help these candidates who have sworn off the special interest funding (they need your help to take back local control). We can vote in the school board races and have endorsed Noel Pinnock, a Missouri City educator with long-term experience in the schools at all levels (he also has kids in the system). Please look into these races and decide for yourself.
Labels: honesty, integrity, Local Control, school board
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