Tuesday, June 19, 2007

MC Council Report (From first hand account, an MCC exclusive)-

MCC Comment: The following is a first hand report on the ongoing saga of whether or not Mayor Allen Owen and City Council, backed by Houston special interests, will allow heavily voter supported (by 63%) reform council woman elect Gary to take her district B seat. Some sepeculate that this is an attempt to block a popular reform candidate by large corporate special interest working to protect the insiders on council (you know, business as usual).

6/18/07 City Council Session--

Last nights city council chamber was packed to over-flowing. Numerous speakers addressed the council and mayor during the open session after the mayor issued a warning to the audience. The crowd was a diverse group from around the city and even Harris Co. citizens concerned about the potential denial of the hard won seat by Ms. Gary (63%). Several political party chair people were present with current and past candidates from council, commission and congressional races showing a great deal of interest. Apparently the spin coming out of the council is that her certification would be illegal (this was not stated at the meeting, but by insiders after). During the public presentations a large number of speakers presented, including the reform council-member elect, which brought resounding cheers and applause from the audience demanding that the council “do the right thing” and seat her. One speaker did approach the mic, whom this witness has seen at several sessions supporting the mayor’s spec. int. projects and stated that he must “enforce the law”. To this point, no one, including the council has specifically stated what law Professor Gary has supposed to have violated (they do use rumor, innuendo, etc.). They also seem to deny the rights of the voters in law and of the candidate (notice this IS a specific accusation). IMHO, I guess the law only applies where the special interest see fit, through their council (and communication plants on the forums).

Mr. Tunstall, an elected county party chairmen, pointed out the specific constitutional provisions, during his presentation, that would be in violation of TX & US law if the mayor and council refuse to seat a popularly elected official (via a landslide).

Much more occurred and I’m sure others will have a different take on this, but it was an interesting SHOW that council was unable to carefully control (democracy is often messy, but real democracy is a thing of beauty). The message was clear!

BTW, council did do other work last night. They raised MC taxes and the mayor, once again, as at many, many council sessions, took bows for saving his golf course (the bill was actually initiated by Dora Olivo, but this often gets left out during the bows).

Get out in ’08 and ring in the rest of the reform candidates and complete the turning of an “out-of-touch spec. int. controlled” council! Keep getting the word out. Recall organizers will be contacting those interested in volunteering for this effort if needed. Stay tuned!

--Council Watch

Stay informed and keep in touch. If you are part of the growing ETJ area (approaching 20,000) of MC you too may want to become a council watcher. Even though you only pay sales tax in the city their decisions directly impact your lives and possibly your future home and property values.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More comments on this from FBN:

1 Larry Barrett - Jun 17, 12:46 AM
It amazes me how far people will go to do that which dont make sense. Did she win? Yes she did! Case closed. I give my heart felt congratulations to her and thank Mr. Smith for the work he has done but his time is up.

2 Chris Calvin, Ph.D. - Jun 17, 07:38 AM
A big congratulations is due to Professor Gary, EJ and all the residents and citizens of the community who came out in support of their candidates. This is a tremendous turn-out for a history making run-off election. Cynthia will serve the city well and I think the council members that won by narrow margins and those coming up for re-election understand the will of the people. In the general election the other two victorious insider candidates only barely won their seats. Ms. Gary, a reformer, won with a very clear message being sent to Mr. Wyatt and others on council who would pretend they are the ultimate deciders on who wins in a democracy. If this election is stolen from the people the block-walking will continue but with a new goal of recall & referendum (and new signs, fliers, etc.). Mr. Owen’s people on council will be recalled along with the mayor and the three at large seats will be up this coming year. Mr. Wyatt, who was a strong supporter during the election for Smith, will have made his last mistake as a POLITICIAN and will be recalled!

Once again appreciation is due to Cynthia, EJ and all the hardworking volunteers and campaign workers and to the community who came out in droves and may need to continue this effort for a council that is out of touch with the people but very much in tune with the Houston special interest. Come to Mondays city council session and watch as MC politics as usual plays out (the SHOW starts at 7 pm).

Let’s liberate this council in ’08 from the special interest and take back local control!

3 Rodrigo Carreon - Jun 17, 08:19 AM
Histoty is on the Rise, to spead for the future to come. A wake-up call for all voters to step forward and vote for the Sun to shine more clearly. Public and all organizations, if any, needs to improve low voters turnout and needs to help endorse candidates to improve elections and more, for voters to step forward often.

4 joeschmo - Jun 17, 08:26 AM
Today District B,, Next year the mayor, Wyatt, and Jimerson.. Great job district B voters.. I only wish the other districts had your vision..

5 anon - Jun 17, 08:39 AM

I think the message is finally getting out with orchestrated maneuvers like the one Owen and Wyatt are engaged in to block certification on this landslide victory for Gary over the incumbent smith.

6 Matthew Feinberg - Jun 17, 09:34 AM
Wyatt is a sore looser, but not just a sore looser.. Wyatt is a looser of the worst kind… Wyatt is a pre-election looser. Wyatt… Really! Com’on….. Geeezzz…

Wyatt.. just move on. Your days are numbered and you are the next to go. The best thing you can do is listen to your constituents. Do some good work for the residents of MoCity before you retire from public office.

7 K D Tunstall - Jun 17, 12:17 PM
Mr. Wyatt stated “If she wins, I’m going to try to block her from City Council.”

I will now state, Mr Wyatt, that I will spearhead the effort to recall you, along with Allen and everyone else involved, from your seat should you choose to attempt to steal this election.

Furthermore, these actions would constitute a violation of the voter’s civil rights. I would suggest that you discuss this matter with your attorneys before making such a monumental error in judgement.

8 Dos Centavos - Jun 17, 02:24 PM
This City Council needs to seriously consider what it is doing on Monday. The only thing a vote to non-certify Gary gets them is a reputation as (resistant to change) sore losers, a lot of legal (and extra election) bills for the City and a very unpopular candidate still in office, who will most likely be recalled, anyway. Remember – next year is election year for several incumbents. Is all that worth it? What have you really got that shows Gary has not been a six month resident, anyway? The Quitclaim Deed from Gary to her husband is actually dated and notarized on September 7, 2006 and shows that it was her intent to live in her District B residence eight months prior to the election! I think you guys need to quit this and cut your losses.

I also think the Council needs to contemplate what following Mr. Wyatt entails. He just doesn’t investigate problems, he has become the problem. What rational person would question a 63% majority of voters in a precinct? That’s a landslide and a strong indicator to me that the incumbent wasn’t doing his job. Also, consider that maybe the reason MoCity doesn’t have a hospital is because Mr. Wyatt is protecting his employer? Who was it that made so many enemies for the Council when he was presiding over the Sidewalk Committee with his rude remarks to the public? Do you really want to ally yourselves with him?

9 anon - Jun 17, 02:34 PM
Our committee will support this effort and network with as many other community groups (in a multi-partisan manner) as possible too Kevin. We would be proud to serve with you on this and help coordinate others to a successful potential recall (and maybe we should consider a referendum on term limits while we are working on the recall & voter registration drive?). BTW, has anyone noticed how this council is trying to slip another grouping of apartments in under the radar into MC to the detriment of the taxpayers/homeowners here? . . . : – }

10 joeschmo - Jun 17, 03:23 PM
anon,, where is the apatments scheduled to go,, not on Cartwright and Colonial Lakes I hope…

6:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12 anon - Jun 17, 06:37 PM
That is correct joeschmo. As usual they will say and do nothing until it’s too late or until media picks up on the controversy. I know 3 distinct communities are already involved in this while some council members are trying to keep it quiet. Let’s shout it out to the community so they know! Let’s stop the reactionary practices of this council.

13 EMMA LEE - Jun 17, 08:21 PM
Inevitably..A New Day Has Arose….and, so have the wishes of Missouri City’s District “B” homeowners. As she is now being called…“A Reformer and a Visionary” Cynthia is just that…A VISION FOR A GREATER MISSOURI CITY.

As for our existing City Council Members…Be Aware…Be Very Aware.
More Visionaries are on the Horizon… with enthusiasm, drive, determination and desire to set an example for a newer Missiouri City. And this too shall come to pass.

What Mr. Wyatt and the other City Council Members are doing..by trying to keep Cynthia from her rightful place as our newly elected City Councilwoman is illegal.

14 Etta C. Bell - Jun 17, 11:51 PM
I am very proud to say I worked on City Councilwomen CYNTHIA LENTON-GARY’s campaign. We are a great team I must say, Gary you are a wonderful hardworking MANAGER! It was a joy and honor. Cynthia ran a spiritual, clean and honest campaign. District B keep the prayers coming.

Congrats to Cynthia!


15 anon - Jun 18, 06:42 AM
“City Council Members are doing..by trying to keep Cynthia from her rightful place as our newly elected City Councilwoman is illegal.”

They’re wrongly assuming that taxpayers/voters/homeowners won’t rise up and take “their” seats once they see the amount of finances the city will have to spend defending the defeated district B longtime incumbents seat (Jerry’s friend).

Regardless, if they decide to be dictators in America then the people WILL recall them. You DO NOT ignore the mandate of the people. This victory is significant and a turning point in MC politics. Not only was smith fully backed and endorsed by the special interest, Wyatt and others on council, he was strongly backed by Allen Owen, the lynchpin on council backed by the Houston developer elites running this city & county.

Let’s watch their actions between now and certification (the 25th) and ready the petitions and organize, organize, organize!

PS- Professor Gary & EJ, you don’t want to take this to an FBC district court. Take it to a federal court as a constitutional violation of the 63% of voters who went to the polls and spoke loudly against a closed shop!!! Others will follow and file separately if Wyatt/Owen/smith do not certify and encourage smith to vacate the seat he no longer earned. The growing community coalition for open & responsible governance will take care of the rest!

16 Tommy Blankenship - Jun 18, 06:51 AM
It’s apparent that the people have made a solid and overwhelming statement supporting change. Our city government would be wise to respond in a favorable manner and welcome Cynthia to her new position in city government. Sixty-two percent of the vote clearly indicates that this is what the governed desire.

Hopefully several hundred of these voters will show up for the city council meeting tonight and make sure that our elected officials “get the message” and stop attempting to counteract the will of the people.

The word “recall” has been used in several previous posts, and if Mr. Wyatt and other persist it becomes the only viable option left to the citizens of Missouri City.

17 stephanie Means-Brown - Jun 18, 07:29 AM
Thanks to all of the voters for making history this weekend. This is the just the beginning for Missouri City. Over the last two months, I have been very impressed seeing how we can work together for a common goal – the betterment of our community. it is my hope that we will continue to work together to promote improvements within our own community by continuing to work together and showing up at the voting polls just as we did this weekend. If we continue to do this, we can change the face of Missouri city making it a better, more attractive and safer place to raise our families. When you look up community in the dictionary it stands for something positive. One of the things that we must be able to do in our community is to work TOGETHER and stop competing and separating ourselves, thus becoming weak when it is time to present our concerns. I admire what Lou Hunter did in this campaign. He and Mrs. Gary shared some of the same goals and he joined forces with her. It is my prayer that the councilmen, past and present will open up their minds and their hearts to Mrs. Gary. After all, it is not about us, but the continued progress and improvement of our community to help make Missouri City a place to call “our home”.

God Bless you all and
thanks again for all of your support during this election.

Stephanie Brown
Born Blessed

18 Noel Pinnock - Jun 18, 08:07 AM
This is one small step for Cynthia Lenton-Gary but one giant leap for the citizens and taxpayers in Missouri City, District B. That’s the beauty of single-member districts…there is a geographical area that looks to hold an “elected” official/leader accountable for the economical stability, efficiency, growth, and survival of their community’s infrastructure, commercial and retail areas, as well as protecting their property, taxes, schools, and inalienable rights to life…liberty…in pursuit of happiness.

I know Cynthia will continue to be a strong advocate for her constituents. God bless you Councilwoman Cynthia, in Jesus name!

Hey EJ (Campaign Manager Connoisseur),

Job well done, campaign manager…we will always admire the dedication, motivation, and commitment you expended on Cynthia’s behalf…God bless family!

19 Tobin - Jun 18, 08:29 AM
62% is a political LANDSLIDE.

OVERWHELMING support for change.

Wyatt, Jimerson, and Owen have to run city wide in less than a year.
All three may as well write off District B.

Councilmember Cynthia Lenton-Gary will be seated.
Attention will be focused on Wyatt’s
Excessive confrontation, that is sure to make his
Supporters question their support.

Wyatt, Jimerson, and Owen are on the wrong side of History,
or maybe they are History.

20 Stephanie Means-Brown - Jun 18, 08:46 AM
Congratulations Cynthia!!!

It is said that behind every successful man is a woman, well Mr. Gary reversed that saying during this Campaign/Election.

Mr. E.J. thank you for loving my sister so much and being the best campaign manager that money couldn’t even buy.

I really enjoyed working on the campaign and also enjoyed meeting and working with the wonderful people on the “Blue Team”.

To each of the team members, it was very obvious that not only was your time involved in this, but also your hearts. We all developed friendships that will probably last a lifetime.

God was truly pleased with the relationships and the events that took place during this election.

Remember: “It’s not how high you jump when you get excited, but it’s how straight you walk once your feet hit the ground”.

Let’s hit the ground running with Cynthia Gary and continue to make history for our community by putting God first in our lives and knowing that everything else will be added and fall right into place as promised by HIM.

Thanks again to all of the team and especially the Lenton-Gary Family for treating everyone like family!

6:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

22 gerry hookstra - Jun 18, 11:51 AM
I comment only because I have been asked for my support. I do support Gary. I’m not sure what Wyatt’s issues really are or why he is so ready to back Owen’s opinions. Especailly, when they tend to be at odds most of the time. This all seems so silly. On a closing note, I would like to note that most of the responses have been enlightening and well stated. However, dinner plans, and orthodontics appointments are way off topic and way too much information!

23 Prescott E. Small - Jun 18, 11:57 AM
The behavior of these elected officials can only be rivaled by an out of control two year old screaming “It’s Mine, It’s Mine!”

The people have voted. This desperate attempt to hold onto power is despicable and un-American. This is a prime example of the consequences of having leaders in the White House, Congress and the Senate (on both sides) that feel they are above the law. This narcissistic attitude has repeatedly manifested in a Machiavellian agenda.

Once again we see another fine example of: Actions speak louder than words.

Time for someone to do some homework, maybe contact a lawyer or the ACLU.

I very briefly reviewed the Texas State code governing elections. I didn’t see anything specifically addressing this scenario. There also seems to be an issue because MC has a population less than 200,000.

There are some key elements of the election law that seem, indisputable:

§ 2.001. PLURALITY VOTE REQUIRED. Except as otherwise provided by law, to be elected to a public office, a candidate must receive more votes than any other candidate for the office.


(a) After the results of the election at a polling place using mechanical voting machines have been entered on the election returns, the presiding judge and at least two election clerks shall review the returns to determine whether they are in proper order. (b) The presiding judge shall make the appropriate corrections in the election returns. (c) When the reviewing election officers are satisfied that the election returns are in proper order, they shall sign the
returns to certify their accuracy.

There are some very key elements here – the word SHALL is used repeatedly – this means that by law they have to certify the results once satisfied about the integrity of the election results.


Texas State election Law covers failure to act if an official is unable to fulfill duties. The question I have is could this be applied by refusal to act?


§ 31.121. PRESIDING OFFICER FAILING TO ACT. Two or more members of the governing body of a political subdivision may perform a duty placed by this code on the presiding officer of the governing body if the office is vacant or the presiding officer fails to perform the duty unless:

(1) a single member of the governing body designated by law to act in place of the presiding officer performs the duty;
(2) this code specifies that the duty is to be performed by another authority acting in place of the presiding officer.

Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.

I would strongly recommend that those people that have an interest in this election contact the Secretary of State’s office. Make them aware of the issues and what is happening.

elections@sos.state.tx.us , or you may phone the Elections Division toll-free at 1-800-252-VOTE.

What might really get action is having numerous people call the Secretary of State’s office demanding an investigation.

Here is the link to the entire Elections Code for the State of Texas:

Congratulations Cynthia Lenton-Gary!

24 anon - Jun 18, 12:14 PM
“However, dinner plans, and orthodontics appointments are way off topic and way too much information!”

Amen Gerry, amen!

25 K Tunstall - Jun 18, 02:26 PM
With all due repsect to a certain poster, you have admitted that you are not a resident of MC and that you do not know all the facts. Why then do yo continue to chime in on a subject in which you should have no interest?

As a county chair & a vice-chair of a state party, I am very familiar with the election code as well as aware of the facts.

Claiming “sour grapes” when civil rights of 63% of the voters would be violated on a conditional act is quite telling. If one would condone this type of behavior, it certainly would bring into question one’s character.

26 Dos Centavos - Jun 18, 02:48 PM
The City Council will be discussing the proposed annual city budget tonite. Let’s remind the City Manager to allocate at least $500,000 for recall election costs for the Councilmembers that vote against certifying Professor Gary.

27 anon - Jun 18, 04:37 PM
(a) After the results of the election at a polling place using mechanical voting machines have been entered on the election returns, the presiding judge and at least two election clerks shall review the returns to determine whether they are in proper order. (b) The presiding judge shall make the appropriate corrections in the election returns. (c) When the reviewing election officers are satisfied that the election returns are in proper order, they shall sign the
returns to certify their accuracy.

There are some very key elements here – the word SHALL is used repeatedly – this means that by law they have to certify the results once satisfied about the integrity of the election results.” Small

This is all I see as their duty. To review the returns and certify the race. The law does not give them the power to interpret or mind read. It says they SHALL (thanks Mr. Small for reminding these people what their role is in all this and who employs them, not spec. ints.).

28 Nicole - Jun 18, 04:38 PM
Cynthia’s victory was blessed by GOD and if GOD has blessed her with this victory then nobody can take it away from her, and that does includes the man that appears to have horns himself Jerry Wyatt. #21
One would agree that anyone that does not know enough about a particular situation might want to withhold comments that are not of good use and stick with ones that make sense if you want your points to be taken with full credence

29 Burt Levine - Jun 18, 04:44 PM

No the City of Missouri City will need those funds for the high priced attorney and outside legal counsel they will need to keep to continue to bar our new Council Member form taking her seat.

Mario Gallegos lives and gets a homestead exemption in a rich white Republican part around Clear Lake but says he loves his Mexican American mama so much he’ll runs and represents her in Austin.

Hubert Vo I have heard sent his daughter to school at Dulles in Charlie Howard’s State Rep District and built a home on west Memorial in Jim Murphy’s State Rep. District but he loves his aging Asian American mama so much he wanted to run and represent her Austin is what I heard and yes there now are Houston City Council Members and Houston City Council candidates with alleged homes in Memorial Villages and in the Sugar Land area outside of the City of Houston.

None of those facts or those allegations have kept those individuals out of office.

In Texas legal residency is in the eye of the beholder as in where you intend to live, love and serve.

Having a long time driver’s license, a long time voter registration card, deeds to property and records of paying property taxes in the district plus having had Houston television station news crews in your bedroom and closet and having the incumbent and the fmr Mayor Pro-Tem ride down your block in front of your house in the middle of the night and in early morning hours is incredibly far more depth than ever any of those above mentioned elected more than once and long time serving public officials have ever faced in periods in their public service.

30 anon - Jun 18, 06:11 PM
“Having a long time driver’s license, a long time voter registration card, deeds to property and records of paying property taxes in the district plus having had Houston television station news crews in your bedroom and closet and having the incumbent and the fmr Mayor Pro-Tem ride down your block in front of your house in the middle of the night and in early morning hours is incredibly far more depth than ever any of those above mentioned elected more than once and long time serving public officials have ever faced in periods in their public service.” BL

Any council member that engages in this type of spying/compulsive behavior may want to seek professional help (friendship is one thing, but you don’t spy on your neighbors/voters/etc. like this).

6:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the same Owen and council that voted in the thousands of apartments into Missouri City? Aren't they trying to slip more in over on colonial drive? Could you all repost their campaign finance reports here please. I would like to have a look.

6:26 AM  

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