FB Sun: More Voting Irregularities Reported To Secretary of States Office In Mo-City District A Recount 8 Weeks After Elections!
Griffin cites irregularity in recent District A race
By: Diane Tezeno
The race may not go to the swift, but it may go to the candidate whose full name is included on the election ballot. Or at least that is what District A challenger Rodney Griffin believes may have impacted the outcome of his recent bid for election in Missouri City.
Griffin lost by a narrow three-vote margin to incumbent Missouri City councilmember Eunice Reiter in the election.
In a recent e-mail to the media, Griffin shared his concerns with what he called "a significant voter irregularity and egregious error" in the May 12 District A election. . . (click the title link above for full story).
Labels: e-slate, Missouri City Council Elections, voting irregularities
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