Monday, November 26, 2007
Question: Do you
trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his
Houston corporate backers?
participating said yes
participating said no
participating responded not sure
(N) sample = 632
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FBN related comments:
1 Muckraker - Nov 25, 05:34 PM
It would seem that the frequency of crimes in Missouri City outpaced the other communities on the list in FB county. Arcola just happens to be right next door. These are the numbers that should worry us with the extensive growth and projections of more to come. What are we going to do about it? I remember during the spring council races we found even a higher crime rate (not just frequency) in districts A & C, while the official word from the city was that crime had fallen. In such a fast growth area it is easy to report a dropping crime rate while actually having an increased frequency (actual numbers). What is the city council of MC doing to close the gap between SL & MC rates/frequency? I also remember the county playing the same numbers game in its reporting. I guess it works in the PR world, but not in the victims world…
2 Rodrigo Carreon - Nov 25, 09:03 PM
Arcola city an under staff city, that just hired a new police officer that the city can afford, while Arcola City pulls out of city bankrupcy during 2006 an into 2007 a low income city. Arcola City is a city without public water and lacking water resources for fire security to fight housefires. Most of Arcola City officers are volunteer police officers doing the job, with high ratio numbers being shown?
3 The Whine Buster - Nov 26, 07:41 AM
Just shows you that politicians and public relations type people can do anything with fancy math and numbers. The cities that got a good rating are touting the ranking and statistics, while the one’s that got a bad rating are crying foul. It’s just like gauging the weather, the TV guy says its warm and sunny in your county and he uses all kinds of fancy stuff in a high tech TV studio to make you believe what he is telling you, however, if you want to see what the weather is REALLY like, you still have to go outside and stick your finger in the air. If you want to gauge what violent crime is REALLY like in any given neighborhood, you still have to go fetch the local police reports, or better yet, if you live in Fort Bend County, this here website is the best for tracking local crime.
4 Muckraker - Nov 26, 07:53 AM
I find it interesting that with a higher population (and the hwy 59 corridor) that Sugar Land has a lower crime frequency than Missouri City (with the highest actual crime frequency in the county). I wonder what the city council is doing to address this?
5 wadefishin - Nov 26, 07:58 AM
so muchraker thinks MC isn’t reorting eough crime(another conspiracy)
and Rodrido thinks they need more “fed money”........
as the article says Houston was worst than Ft Bend which is why most of us live here
see dems a half full glass and a half empty glass….which is yours?
6 acemac - Nov 26, 09:22 AM
just going by the numbers in this article, Missouri City isn’t doing that bad especially considering its right next to Houston. Its crime rate is half that of Richmond and Stafford.
7 Carter St.Clair - Nov 26, 09:52 AM
This glass half-empty, half-full argument is getting tired and was stupid to start with. Accusing individuals about being concerned with their community is really immature. I don’t care if I live in the #1 “rated” city, if there are problems, they should be discussed and resolved. Ignoring them doens’t make you a Republican, and trying to solve them doesn’t make you a Democrat. Talking about issues is what politician need to hear rather than the voters sticking their heads in the sand.
8 Muckraker - Nov 26, 09:58 AM
As usual wf mis-labelling (attacking) posters and sticking his head in the sand. Is that a party requirement wf? If so I took mine out and refuse to put it back, why don’t you? – or just go back fishing and pretend we don’t have concerns/issues to address…
Ace—I discussed this with their police chief and asked him if this included the nearly 20 thousand residents in the ETJ of Missouri City and crimes reported in those large communities, he said no. I wonder what those numbers would do to these figures? Still the observation that a city the size of SL has a lower crime frequency and the fact that MC has the highest county frequency (even without the above ETJ numbers) is very telling for this mayor/council leadership, or lack of it (wf you can interpret that as half full or half empty, I will let you pick which . . . =- }
9 Bob Dunn - Nov 26, 10:35 AM
You’re correct, Muckraker, crime within a city’s ETJ generally is reported at the county level (by the county sheriff). But that applies to Sugar Land, Richmond and Rosenberg as well as Missouri City.
10 Muckraker - Nov 26, 10:36 AM
“Talking about issues is what politician need to hear rather than the voters sticking their heads in the sand.”
Thank you Carter for stating what wf already knows, but needs to hear often, while he continues to repeat, like some corporate slogan or mantra we all need to hear though the standard crony diatribe (put your heads back in the sand…). In 2005 we read an article in a local paper which included an interview of the MC mayor saying much the samething as wade. He said newspapers should only report the good news because the rest may hurt business. If you new this mayor it would make sense. He is the one that directed city tax dollars to a PR “remake” of the city last year at taxpayer expense ($60K). They changed the colors of the city from red, white and blue to green and gold…. : – /
11 Muckraker - Nov 26, 10:38 AM
Sure would be nice if crime respected these boundaries Bob, but they don’t and it would be nice to see the aggregate data on it so trends could be evaluated by the public consuming the information…thanks for the clarification and this story…
12 wadefishin - Nov 26, 01:06 PM
muchraker…the conspiracy is only “in YOUR mind”
does any dem ever see the positive in anything?
solutions dems solutions anyone can constantly whine….
13 wadefishin - Nov 26, 01:23 PM
whining isn’t discussing issues and no it doesn’t help… manup….
14 Carter St.Clair - Nov 26, 02:16 PM
Funny thing that most Republicans should relate to – for the taxes I pay, I expect more than a half-full glass.
15 Muckraker - Nov 26, 03:43 PM
I like that one Carter! Wade doesn’t believe in having the facts before you when you discuss…just slogans! He sure likes to use Bob Heberts favorite finger pointing saying, “conspiracy theory” in his weak marginalization tirades…
Maybe there is a fish in that half full/half empty glass he could catch. . .
= – ]
16 Carter St.Clair - Nov 26, 04:27 PM
WF – maybe your idol Rush Limbaugh has some answers, or maybe Hanity – oh wait, no solutions there, all they do is whine…
17 Citizen - Nov 26, 05:20 PM
I live in the tiny town of Arcola and to label the city the most dangerous is just wrong. There are plenty of decent hard working citizens living in Arcola. I’d rather live here than in some of the other cities mentioned in this article.As Rodrigo stated we don’t have city water, but that dosen’t mean we aren’t clean. Arcola is a rual community with a lot of good people who choose to live there.
18 Keith Campbell - Nov 26, 05:31 PM
While I do not comment much, I do read daily.
Mr. Dunn, it is time for you to block those that only make personal attacks. Comments should cause an intelligent debate. These attacks are ridiculous.
19 Muckraker - Nov 26, 05:58 PM
I wonder why Katy doesn’t report their crime to the UCR/FBI?
“Katy was not included in FBI stats because, the agency said, the city’s police department didn’t follow national Uniform Crime Reporting Program guidelines.”
I wonder who makes a decision like that and why? What influences, etc…? I know in the last neighborhood we lived the HOA rarely if ever kept us informed on the crime and the only way to get it, since it was ETJ Mo-City, was to contact the Sheriffs dept and make a FOIA request. We had four break-ins within a few months of each other (one armed), but the official community word was always nothing unusual was going on…it wasn’t until a Texan footballer was tied up and robbed at gun point that the community began to ask questions.
20 Fort Bend Forever - Nov 27, 07:26 AM
Sorry but I don’t believe these numbers either. Meadows Place, which basically is Stafford with a different name, has just three violent crimes and Stafford 84?
Everything can be fudged. Most of Sugar Land’s worst crimes occur near the far west side (Mission Bend, Four Corners) where they can say it’s unincorporated FB or even Houston.
Long time FB residents know where the spots are most dangerous (the furthest four corners of the county – or the spots that criminals have the easiest places to get away from). That’s why residents from those four sections are moving to safer spots of the county like the newest areas of Sugar Land, Missouri City and Richmond/Rosenberg.
21 Muckraker - Nov 27, 11:40 AM
Carter, FBF
I think some of these councils could form citizens groups from the impacted areas to help come up with potential solutions (or at least ways to address these problems). As for the unincorporated areas that may take a level of collaboration beyond the current mix of jurisdictions. As the onslaught of growth continues to impact our schools, property tax appraisals and quality of life more input from the public should become the standard, not less (as is the case with the recent FBISD zoning BOT vote)...
The norm of paternalistic government (often called ‘good ole boys’) can’t adequately address the depth of the issue confronting FBC, not with some of our duplicit politicians.
22 Rodrigo Carreon - Nov 27, 12:20 PM
Arcola City Police Depart. releases monthly police reports in public during regular Arcola City council meetings, presenting police depart. work. What about other wealthy cities presenting monthly police depart. work being done?
23 Muckraker - Nov 27, 12:54 PM
I know when we lived in Houston you could pull the crime reports off the police website, but out here, for some reason, its important to keep this info quiet…selling homes must be kept the priority, not public safety…good points Mr. Carreon!
Anyone can fudge the data anyway they like.
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