Thursday, December 13, 2007

FB Star Column On Blue Ridge Landfill Hearings--

From the FB Star column by Cheryl Skinner

...The controversial Blue Ridge Landfill expansion issue remains controversial, but things need to be kept in perspective. The attorney representing the grass roots organization fighting the landfill’s plan to expand says from now until the summer court hearing, attorneys from both sides will be filing motions sure to punch the buttons of one side or the other. Such is the case with any civil lawsuit and basically that is what the court hearing basically is. The apparent “slant” of one of the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality board members and how that will play in the overall picture seems to be on the minds of all who hope to quash the expansion efforts.

Glenn Shankle, executive director of the TCEQ, filed a motion at the end of November that urges state administrative law judges to shift the burden of proof from the company, Allied Waste, to three local television stations. That is not good, say opposition forces. In fact, some residents believe the TCEQ is actually looking out for the landfill and not the community that they are supposed to protect. Perhaps it is time for the part-time state legislators to take a look at the commission to make sure all is fair and to define which side of the bread is buttered as far as the administration of the TCEQ is concerned. . .

. . .There is a lot more to come and I am sure that the road to the courthouse will include a number of twists, turns and detours.


MCC/CRD appreciates these and any coverage or comments relating to this expansion proposal. We agree with Cheryl that the legislature should fully review how this taxpayer supported agency is functioning (or not).




Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


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