FB Star: Is McKeever Road Diversion Near Sienna Plantation Still On Counties Agenda?

Arcola councilman still maintains airport is out of compliance
By Cheryl Skinner
Arcola city council member Tom Hilton is no more convinced now than before the city’s mayor received a letter from the Federal Aviation Administration saying Houston Southwest Airport is in compliance with FAA rules and McKeever Road is no problem.
Hilton maintains that proposed changes to South Post Oak and McKeever puts more people in danger because more people will be traveling the highways flanked by the airport runway.
“We heard back from the FAA, which claimed that the dimensions for the threshold siting surface (TSS) have changed since 2004, and that the runway safety area now fits entirely inside the airport property. They also state that McKeever and vehicles traveling on McKeever do not penetrate the TSS. However, they go on to say that they don’t have a problem with the road improvement project as long as there is a DISPLACED THRESHOLD AS REQUIRED. Question: Why do you need to displace the threshold if the TSS is not being penetrated?” Hilton questioned...
...In the meantime, Hilton will continue his quest to get what he deems viable explanations about the airport from the FAA. Hilton’s home is located adjacent to the airport and he has been a very outspoken opponent of the facility for several years.
MCC Comment:
In an article by the FB Star a few months ago one of the county commissioners was unable to account for nearly 4 million in mobility bonds for the McKeever Rd. improvements. We would still like to know where the money is?
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