Teacher At Baines Middle School In Sienna Plantation Caught With Minor!
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« Anthony1 wrote on Saturday, May 03 at 05:12 PM »
Nice try JBB-
Things like this happen in private schools, home schools- the Mormon thing in West Texas is a great example and charter schools. You don’t get to make the jump in logic that is required for your argument that ultimately leads to the conclusion that if we had vouchers all the problems in education would be solved. I’m assuming your kids go to private school and you want the dough. By the way, we have deviants in gov’t also. Finally I’m not going to give you the argument that you are the only one who sees this as a problem. Everyone feels this is a shameful act.
« JohnBernardBooks wrote on Saturday, May 03 at 05:00 PM »
Anthony I do criminal profiling for the Gvmt. I see criminal behavior like this everday…..
« StanPrince wrote on Saturday, May 03 at 03:29 PM »
TR said:Stan think about your own life while you were in the army. Don’t you wish you waited for a little self discipline? How old are your kidz?
Thanks for adding reality, TR! Sorry everyone. I was just having a moment of frivolity, but should have been a little more serious about this subject.
Yes, there are terrible consequences that can result and parents who have kids in the class with this older 16-year old must be anxious now that this story has come out.
The teachers family, especially her kids and husband, must be in despair now. I would imagine she is too. She rode the merry-go-round and now she is reaping the whirlwind.
This 16 year old now views adults as people who can be manipulated and have no boundaries.
All of these things are true and none of them are frivolous.
No more frivolity from me on this story.
Yes, TR, self-discipline was in short supply back then and though I don’t regret the result (kidz), I wish I would have waited…
« TexasRose wrote on Saturday, May 03 at 02:44 PM »
Stilletos or no stilletos she can be pregnant!
Stan think about your own life while you were in the army. Don’t you wish you waited for a little self discipline? How old are your kidz?
Venus has spoken.
« JohnBernardBooks wrote on Saturday, May 03 at 02:15 PM »
“Really now, how would vouchers resolve the problem?”....taking them out of this environment and putting them in a safe one…..why thats a novel idea…..
“I am the only one that sees something wrong with this picture??”...no you’re not but unfortunately many here see nothing wrong with this behavior….in fact many see it as normal.
« Anthony1 wrote on Saturday, May 03 at 02:10 PM »
What profession do you work in? I’m sure that your field of work has it’s share of deviant and disturbed people. Really now, how would vouchers resolve the problem?
« weatherby wrote on Saturday, May 03 at 01:54 PM »
Sure, he’s a kid…he’s a 16 year old hormone enraged boy….BUT, what she did was WRONG…he knew it, more importantly, SHE knew it. And a sexual predator is a sexual predator, no matter whether they wear loafers or stilletos. She needs to go to jail. Am I the only one concerned that this 16 year old was still in junior high with our 11 and 12 year olds??? I am the only one that sees something wrong with this picture??
StanPrince wrote on Saturday, May 03 at 01:23 PM »
Ann74 said: Why do you think if the roles were reversed a male teacher would have used his athority to seduce a girl?
I guess because I’m a Martian, not a Venusian.
Martians spend their entire lives in pursuit of Venusians and give a Martian any advantage (authority of a teacher over a student) and if he doesn’t have plenty of self-discipline, or fear of the consequences, watch out.
Now I know some Venusians can be pretty aggressive too. But Martians will only avoid aggressive Venusians (of any age) if they think they might get caught, or they’ve got a straight-laced moral code (which, BTW, most all married Martian’s will admit to, esp in front of their wives…. but, mostly they’re lying…. easy to tell too… watch their lips…. if they move when they’re spouting off their disgust,.. they’re lying…. watch for the lips to move…).
Sorry ann74, I’m just having fun. Your story is sad. I’ve seen a similar situation where a man was accused of being a child molester, which was an absolute LIE, perpetrated by a child. It was devistating and even though it was proved the child way lying, the man always had a shadow hanging over him.
But this case makes it appear the boy is the victim. I don’t think so. In his mind, and probably alot of his peer’s minds, they would high-five him comparing it to winning the lottery. And that’s a fact…
What evil webs we Martians and Venusians can weave; regardless of age…. Sad…
« JohnBernardBooks wrote on Saturday, May 03 at 12:53 PM »
thank God we don’t have vouchers….the kids have to come to us…...smiles the TEA…..easy prey huh Anthony?
« ann74 wrote on Saturday, May 03 at 11:04 AM »
Why do you think if the roles were reversed a male teacher would have used his athority to seduce a girl? We have a friend (teacher) who did not fight a case where a 16 yr old girl accused him of having an affair. She was married to a 28 yr old man and had a 6 mth old baby. His atty said that people have preconceived thoughts about male teachers and would run the risk of going to prison should he go to trial. The allegations were absurd, and my heart broke for him and his wife and kids. We were upset at him for giving up so easily, and believe me we didn’t just assume he would never do anything like that. I mean, people are human and they make mistakes. When we heard the evidence we were just floored that the state would pick up a case like that. After your comment, I’m glad he didn’t go to trial. I apologize in advance if I sound sarcastic or rude, that is not at all my intention
« StanPrince wrote on Friday, May 02 at 06:21 PM »
TR said: I’m just wandering why the 16 yr old is out making love & out on his own?
TR, I am troubled about that part too. 1:30AM on a school night. Where were his parents, his guardians. And, they took it pretty nonchalantly when informed of what was going on. That part tells me the “boy” didn’t have much parental supervision because normal supervision would have ensured his 16-year-old butt was home in bed at 1:30AM. If I would have been his dad, he’d sleep in boxing gloves…. some will understand this archaic statement…
« TexasRose wrote on Friday, May 02 at 02:05 PM »
I’m just wandering why the 16 yr old is out making love & out on his own? Where the heck is his mom & dad, sisters, brothers, cousins, dog? Oh my! Sorry, Stan but the only stance I agree with? Is family!
« StanPrince wrote on Friday, May 02 at 01:51 PM »
Don’t you hate it when you’re posting something and as you’re editing your post to make it be more like what you want it to be, you think you’ve deleted something you said when you first started but you didn’t and it shows up when you posted what you thought was your self-edited post? Well, that’s what this tripe is below, which stayed attached to my 1:47PM. Crappola!
didthink there is alot more of this going on than people realize. It was going on back when I was in high school. I had a 16 year old friend who was one of the 3 or 4 boyz in her “entourage” that were privileged to “visit her” occasionally.
tanPrince wrote on Friday, May 02 at 01:47 PM »
Stan, are you out of your mind?
fbm, is it OK if I take the 5th on that?
Stan, You may wish to rethink your post awhile? I know you better than what is misconstrued….
TR, I have sympathy for the teacher’s family. Her whole life has changed and certainly not for the better. But, I’ll standby what I said about the 16 year-old boy. If the report changes and states that he was a helpless youngster who was lured into her clutches and he’s devistated and in grief, etc., then I’ll repudiate my post and acknowledge that I was wrong in my presumption. However, I’ll bet I won’t have to.
In fact, I’ll be the 16-year old won’t be scarred at all. He’ll be telling this fairytale braggadosciously for years to come.
For now, my sympathy is for the teachers family, and to a certain degree, to her. She has really shat in her messkit. What a shame. Her poor kids and family. Loss of respect, probably going to get deeper and deeper in trouble.
But I understand your post, TR and I do see that my post seems to be way over the top, or “out of my mind” quoting fbm.
So thank you both, TR and fbm. I take your criticisms constructively.
didthink there is alot more of this going on than people realize. It was going on back when I was in high school. I had a 16 year old friend who was one of the 3 or 4 boyz in her “entourage” that were privileged to “visit her” occasionally.
« TexasRose wrote on Friday, May 02 at 01:23 PM »
You may wish to rethink your post awhile? I know you better than what is misconstrued….
« fortbendmom wrote on Friday, May 02 at 12:53 PM »
Stan, are you out of your mind? You’re saying that it’s OK for a woman to commit statutory rape, but not a man? Truthfully, I don’t worry nearly as much about the 16-year-old boy, but this woman (who is 33, BTW) completely destroyed her own family. That’s more than just “screwing up”, and no, most people haven’t done what she did.
« StanPrince wrote on Friday, May 02 at 12:34 PM »
I totally disagee with fbm & w. She’s got problems enough to ruin her now w/o going to jail. She screwed up and now she’ll be paying the price. She’ll never teach again, her kids will suffer, which will screw her up even more, if she’s married, that will probably dissolve not in her favor. Why do I think she shouldn’t have the book thrown at her? Because most 16 year old boyz are not victims.
If it were a male teacher using his influence on a 16 year old female student, I would agree with the two previous posters. He would have used his power, influence and pressure to seduce the female.
An attractive, young-looking 26 year old woman does not SEDUCE a 16 year-old, hormone-raging boy. There is as much chance that he was the initiator. Come on posters, have some compassion for the teacher. Believe me, the boys life is NOT ruined. Far from it. Truth be know, he will be admired by many of his fellow-students. Give her a break. She screwed up. Who hasn’t?
« weatherby wrote on Friday, May 02 at 11:18 AM »
How sad for all involved. This woman has children that go to the school where she was teaching. She was a little league mom. And, it was not uncommon at all to see her scantily clad, and in a drunken stupor at many of the games. She apparently had a drinking problem, and WHY she was still teaching is beyond me. What also is beyond me is why a 16 year old boy was still in the 8th grade, and even driving himself to school on occasion. She needs to go to jail, no questions asked, and register as a sex offender, and have EVERYONE know exactly WHO and WHAT she is. In my opinion, people who prey on children are the worst of the worst…..how many other students has she done this with??? Is FBISD STILL paying her?????
« fortbendmom wrote on Friday, May 02 at 10:42 AM »
Absolutely disgusting. This woman is a teacher and a Little League mom. If it had been a male caught with a 16-year-old girl, they’d throw the book at him. Bramlett deserves the same fate.
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