Potential Conflicts With Missouri City Incumbents Owen, Wyatt & Jimerson In Missouri City Council Races, Click Here On The Title Link For More
With permission from the Tunstall campaign we have reposted his editorial here:
Ethical Government
Political discourse among many often is accompanied by disfavor of how our elected officials tend to vote with their wallet instead of for the interests of their constituents. Some even label Washington DC as the Den of Corruption. Likewise we see the same symptom of this political disease controlling the agenda in Austin. However, many if not most fail to realize that special interest groups also control their civic agenda. Missouri City is no different.
Conservatives and Liberals alike, gaze in disgust as our elected officials pander to lobbyists and financial interest that certainly benefit the few, but have a detrimental effect to most. The conversion of our interstates to toll ways is one such issue. The overwhelming majority disapprove of such actions. However, money speaks louder than words and our elected officials ignore the will of the electorate so that they may feed at the corporate trough.
The impetus of these egregious actions can be found by simply looking at who are the primary fund givers for an elected official’s campaigns. As Deep Throat stated in All the President’s Men, “Follow the Money.”
It is time for Missouri City voters to make a decision. This decision will affect our city for generations to come. A few questions we all must ask ourselves are as follows:
Is it proper for city officials to accept campaign contributions from employees and owners of companies that, as a matter of routine, seek to do business with the city?
Is it proper for city officials to hire family members to provide city services?
Is it proper for city officials to profit off of their office of trust?
Certainly and unfortunately these actions are not illegal. However, are they ethical? I would hope that we could agree that they are deplorable by nature.
As an example of the first question, I provide you with three items of evidence. The following links are the campaign finance reports for the incumbents. The key to “who’s who” is listed below.
Regarding the second question, a family member of my opponent provides the “independent audit” for the city on a yearly basis. I hardly consider this to be “independent.”
Lastly, my opponent sits on the county mobility committee yet owns (or consults for, depending on the news article) a construction company that performs work for various governmental entities. Is he on council to perform the business of the people, or to conduct his own business?
Last year, my opponent listed two family members (construction & auditing) as potential conflicts of interest. Why did he not declare them as such this year?
Is it proper?
Source: http://elect.kdtunstall.com/node/73 (get the campaign finance reports here or follow the title link above)
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