FBN Editorial: Can We Trust Fort Bend County Officials?--click the title link for more--
FBN Editorial: Fort Bend County Municipalities Need More Transparency
Wed, Jul 28, 2010
Howard Moline
I appreciate the series that Ms. Mock and the rest of (the FortBendNow) staff put together to shed some light on the status of crime reporting for the City of Sugar Land. Those of us in other cities within Fort Bend County would like to see the same type of bright light put on this issue in our own municipalities. Transparency in these hard economic times is doubly important to residents like myself who have to sift through the sometimes obscure municipal press releases and communications that we find ourselves reading and doubting. We need the facts.
What I personally don’t understand is why communities like Sugar Land and Missouri City feel such an overriding obligation to hide the truth. When residents know the true extent of crime in their neighborhood, they will take conscious steps to prevent themselves from being victimized. Hiding the actual incidence of burglaries, thefts, and violent crimes is a disservice to the City’s residents...(follow the title link for the full story and series Mr. Moline, a longtime retired federal law enforcement professional, is referencing).
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