Tuesday, February 08, 2011

FBN: Local Activist Group Questioning FBISD Open Records Process

“If this administration wants to espouse a hyper-technical enforcement of the Open Records Act, then what they are saying is that we reserve the right to spoon feed our school board and spoon feed our public information that should be readily available when it is completed,” Scott told Fort Bend Now. George Scott

--Click the link above for the full article...




Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

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Alienware Computers

This site covers the Missouri City, Texas and local vicinity. Copyright (c) c.calvin 2005-2010 ....you can contact the web-blog coordinator for MCC/CRD at responsible_dvlpmnt@yahoo.com