Sunday, December 04, 2005

Comments on the Johnson Development SLAPP Case (from the

(this in from

My Side

When we decided to move to Texas so my wife can take an opportunity in the Medical Center we choose Sienna Plantation for various reasons. These include the highly rated schools, open spaces with trees everywhere with limited commercial development in the community and no apartments. Where we lived before there were apartments everywhere and more being added. The schools became overcrowded and poorly rated. We had to pay for our children’s school work books and they got photo copies of chapters from a text book because of the lack of funding and resources. First and Third grade classes has as many as 35 students per class. It was a poor situation getting worse.

No.. I admit that I did not go to City Hall and investigate every plan on file. That is not realistic and like many people I trusted the builders to provide and disclose information to me freely. I took the maps, brochures and the word of the receptionist that no apartments are planned for this community.

After living here for around 6 months I decided to start a website as a community service to get to know people and learn more about the area. I thought that new people moving in the community would benefit from having a community bulletin board. I wanted a place where people could freely discuss topics like shopping or car washes and community issues.

When I found out that a few people had multiple identities I was devastated. I thought more people were visiting. However that does not mean that no one visited. There were 272 registered visitors; maybe 30 of them were aliases from two or three people. There were many 100’s more visitors per month that were not registered. Interestingly enough one of the individuals that had 12 or more identities was not brought into court and forced into a deposition. If SJD simply asked me about the identities of those specific users I would have told them. They wanted to know the identities of ALL the users and to me that was unacceptable. This is why I fought so hard and why the ACLU decided to help me.

I have this to say the following before I agree to not speak out about this issue any more:

I believe it is irresponsible to add apartments to this community with no plans on expanding the schools. Both elementary schools here are over capacity or will be by the beginning of the next school year. The district should step in and work with the developers to make sure the schools can handle the load.

I believe that poor ethics are involved when public officials take political contributions from builders and then vote in favor in everything the builder wants. Council members should abstain from any vote that there may be a conflict of interest.

I believe that everyone has a right to free and anonymous speech, even if that speech hurts someone’s feelings. You don’t have to like or agree with what I say but you do have to allow me to say it. That is the American way.

I believe that it is our civic duty as tax paying citizens to question not only our government but the actions of corporations that involve the community. Yes, you have to answer to me. The balance between corporate greed and responsibility lies with the public conscience.

I believe that Missouri City is abusing the ETJ and that the laws do not protect the large number of citizens living in these zones. The constitutionality of the ETJs should be challenged. Based on projections more than 60,000 people will be living in Sienna before Missouri City will annex the lands. How many non-voting citizens can live in an area?

I believe it is evil to use the courts to silence the community when they are obviously speaking out against an issue facing the community. The Civil Code needs to be changed or laws need to be introduced to stop this insanity.

Thats that about that. I will speak no more about this case.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Civil Code needs to be changed or laws need to be introduced to stop this insanity."

I think a template exists for anti-SLAPP laws that could keep corporate censors from at least one tool in their arsenal against unhappy customers.

4:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this from Matthew Feinberg's website?

5:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the legislative suggestion above. Texas needs an anti-SLAPP law on the books like other states.

5:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are 3 from the LA Times (not related to the thread but funny):

We had a huge rainstorm here in Los Angeles yesterday. Lightning … thunder … it's tough living in Beverly Hills when it rains. Nobody from FEMA shows up. You know, I think George Bush doesn't care about rich, white people.

You know, I feel bad for sludge. You never hear about the non- toxic sludge. The sludge that feeds schoolchildren, helps the homeless. Always the toxic.

Yesterday, President Bush made his fifth visit to the area that received the most damage from Hurricane Katrina. In other words, the White House.

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's one for a change of pace:

Trying to be impressive

A young lawyer, starting up his private practice, was very anxious to impress potential clients. When he saw the first visitor to his office come through the door, he immediately picked up his phone and spoke into it," I'm sorry, but my caseload is so tremendous that I'm not going to be able to look into your problem for at least a month. I'll have to get back to you then." He then turned to the man who had just walked in, and said, "Now, what can I do for you?"

"Nothing," replied the man. "I'm here to hook up your phone."

3:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:49 AM  
Blogger responsible_dvlpmnt said...

Answer to the poster asking whose website this post comes from:

The website/blog being run currently by Matt Feinberg is located at He was the admin for the website and website both shut down because of the legal actions being taken as listed in the post that starts this thread.

4:03 AM  
Blogger responsible_dvlpmnt said...

Arcola Airport Expansion

We received a report today that the commissioners court is meeting in closed session to discuss "McKeever Rd. Expansion" which according to our sources has more to do with FAA compliance for SW Regional Airport in Arcola proposed runway extension for jet traffic which would prove a detriment to the 10-15K residents/homeowners and voters of the area. --See earlier thread on this for contact information.

The session is being held at 1:00pm Tuesday at the county court in Richmond (of course this isn't a convenient time for anyone to attend).-CRD

6:27 AM  
Anonymous Moore said...

Another popular use of these facilities by small business owners is to hold inventory. Buying more items than you need to fully stock your store has a cost benefit because you are buying in bulk. You know how much you save by buying 24 rolls of toilet paper instead of buying just four rolls at a time, right? The same thing applies to small business inventory. Simply top up your Utility Warehouse CashBack card with the amount of money you choose, then use it like any normal debit card and get 5% CashBack whenever you go shopping! CashBack appears on your monthly Utility Warehouse bill. 0.234

7:28 PM  

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