Monday, January 30, 2006

Many Questions Left Unanswered in TX Supreme Ct. Refusal to Protect its Citizens from Corporate Censorship

Just in from:

Supremes Side With Developer, Deny ACLU Bid To Seal Deposition
by Bob Dunn, Jan 28, 09:53 am

The Texas Supreme Court has ended a Missouri City man’s attempt to protect identities of anonymous posters to his web site forums, denying his petition for writ of mandamus without comment.

In denying his petition, the court left forum operator Matthew Feinberg’s key questions – whether Texans have a constitutional right to make anonymous postings on the Internet, and whether a web site forum operator can be compelled to reveal the identities of those posters – unanswered.

An attorney for Sienna/Johnson Developers, which opposed Feinberg and the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas in the case, said the petitioners were misguided in construing the matter as a First Amendment case.

“Sienna believes that the ‘right’ Mr. Feinberg’s counsel argues they are attempting to protect is not a right that is implicated by this case,” said John Keville of Howrey LLP. “The ACLU, through Mr. Feinberg, says they are trying to protect the identities of all the people who used Mr. Feinberg’s website, but Sienna has never sought this information.”

Last summer, postings on Feinberg’s forums, many anonymous, criticized Sienna/Johnson, developer of the Sienna Plantation community where Feinberg lives.

The developer also had been criticized during Missouri City Council meetings as the city considered the developer’s plans to add apartment units at Sienna Plantation. Chris Calvin, a community activist also living in Sienna Plantation, spoke out against the apartment plans several times, and posted criticisms of Sienna/Johnson on Feinberg’s forums.

In August, Sienna/Johnson filed a petition with the 240th District Court in Fort Bend County seeking to take sworn testimony in the form of depositions from Feinberg and Calvin.

In its petition, Sienna/Johnson said it and its employees “have been the subjects of false and disparaging statements, including malicious accusations of criminal conduct,” made anonymously on Feinberg’s web sites.

The petition also said Sienna/Johnson believed Calvin repeatedly posted on Feinberg’s web sites using multiple pseudonyms “to create the impression that large numbers of residents of Sienna Plantation and Missouri City oppose further development by Petitioner, and thereby affect Petitioner’s economic interest.”

Among other things, the petition asked that Feinberg produce “all documents concerning the identities and IP addresses for the registered users” of Feinberg’s web sites.

Despite opposition, and last-minute appeals by Feinberg’s attorneys, the two men were deposed.

Feinberg’s petition asked the Texas Supreme Court to order Fort Bend District Judge Thomas Culver to seal the record of Feinberg’s deposition and prohibit its use in any lawsuit the developer might pursue.

However, by the time the high court considered Feinberg’s petition, Sienna/Johnson already had filed suit against Calvin for defamation and business disparagement.

“The question Mr. Feinberg wishes to raise is whether he can be required to disclose the identity of anonymous web site users in a pre-suit deposition,” Sienna/Johnson noted in its response to Feinberg’s Supreme Court petition. “That question is moot because Mr. Feinberg appeared at his deposition and answered questions (and revealed only that he did not know any such identities).”

The high court apparently agreed.

“Sienna/Johnson is certainly pleased with this proper result, and the court’s quick disposal of the petition,” Keville said. “Their petitions and appeals having been denied in every possible venue, we hope that the ACLU’s barrage of court filings is now finally completed.”

“I am disappointed that the court did not address the constitutional issue, but hope that it does so in a future case,” Laura Hermer, Feinberg’s attorney, said after the ruling. “Given the widespread use of the Internet and the growing prevalence of Internet-related SLAPP suits, it’s probably just a matter of time.”

She referred to a legal tactic that has become known as Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, in which an entity might attempt to blunt criticism against it by burdening opponents with the cost of a legal defense.

“In their repeated court filings, the ACLU has not been shy about its desire to make new law, but this is the wrong case in which to make it because the facts don’t fit,” Keville said. “Please keep in mind that the gist of Sienna’s complaint has nothing to do with whether one can find out the identity behind a screen name, much less the right to anonymous free speech.”

“This case is about whether Chris Calvin has a right to make up dozens of fictitious names to create the false impression of widespread support for his disparaging statements, his false facts, and his disguised opinions,” Keville said. “We believe such fabrications have harmed and continue to harm the community, and that is what the lawsuit is about.”

“The ACLU’s appeals and petitions are about something else entirely – their desire to make law, without regard for the real families who live in Sienna Plantation and at the expense of Sienna/Johnson.”

Comment: I wonder if this means that the complaints Keville and JDC filed against the ACLU and Matthew for frivilous appeal and/or sanctions (to silence them) were also refused?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“I am disappointed that the court did not address the constitutional issue, but hope that it does so in a future case,” Laura Hermer, Feinberg’s attorney, said after the ruling. “Given the widespread use of the Internet and the growing prevalence of Internet-related SLAPP suits, it’s probably just a matter of time.”

7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comments from

1 Chris Calvin, Ph.D. - Jan 30, 09:11 am
I wonder if Keville’s comment about the “real families” in Sienna include the 1100+ homeowners who signed the petition against his clients 2700+ apartment units now coming here, or the hundreds who attended city council sessions on this issue? I also wonder if it addresses the inevitable school over-crowding or increased traffic and density to our area?

Did he even read the FB Sun article on the negative impact these complexes will have on our community in the interview with John Wiley of the EDC? I have to admit that Keville has done a fair job in “camouflaging” (Canen & Pring, 1997) the intent of this case. As SLAPP experts would say we are in for a long battle and I promise Mr. Keville and SJD/JDC we will not go quietly. Your politicians will be exposed and we will continue to speak out against land use that hurts our families and this community (this includes the airport expansion issue). You have won nothing. The real deceptions will be addressed too!

The court did not address whether or not we can post anonymously or not. You have not stopped free speech. You can continue to try to scare people out of speaking up, but so far no court has supported your request for sanctions/injunctions.—The court has not determined that in these proceedings!

I would like to encourage all who read this to contact their state representatives and encourage them to pass anti-SLAPP legislation to stop these frivilous anti-participation lawsuits before they have a chance to do real harm to the voters/tax-payers and citizens of this county & state.

Stay informed and keep in touch and get out this year and vote!!!

For more visit:

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More FBNow comments:

2 Matthew Feinberg - Jan 30, 09:46 am
Mr. Keville says …”Sienna has never sought this information.”

This is an outright LIE. Mr. Keville made it very clear in the deposition he had every intention on finding out the identities of all the users of the site so he can investigate his claims.

During the deposition they asked me about dozens of users identities that was known not to be Calvin (nor did I know the true identities, but that is not the point). I was deposed under extreme duress and under court order even though we had an active appeal. Failure to comply with the court order could have put me and my attorneys under contempt.

Mr. Keville. If you (Sienna) does not care to discover the identities of the hundreds of other anonymous users then why do you want to discover them? They had requested the complete database and other documents during the pre-trial depositions and they had REFUSED to settle our dispute when we tried to limit their discovery only to posts made by Chris Calvin.

I fully expect a discover request from Mr. Keville for the database from the web sites (why? Because Keville has already called Laura Hermer and made it very clear to her that was his intention). This database includes the email address for hundreds innocent of users. With this information they can obtain the true identities of innocent anonymous users. Any and all of these users are at risk of being either sued or dragged into court, even if they were innocent.

My contention has been from the beginning that SJD did not have the right to even request a deposition from me and that they do not have a right discover innocent anonymous users. I would continue to fight for the rights of anonymous posters, however I am bankrupt. If you have posted at my site(s) you run the risk of being sued or at least brought into court requiring you to hire an attorney to protect your rights.

Thank you everyone for your support. I’ve received dozens of emails from people supporting my fight and some emails from other that have gone through what I am going through now. I am sorry I failed so many and sorry that so many peoples privacy and constitutional rights are going to be violated by the SDJ and their attorneys. The Texas Supreme Court apparently does not give a hoot about your privacy or first amendment rights either.

I only hope the ACLU will continue to help.

3 responsible_dvlpmnt - Jan 30, 10:10 am
I noticed lawyer Keville claims they only were seeking information about Dr. Calvin again. This makes for tiresome reading because in the petitions filed by Mr. Keville and Johnson Development Co. of Houston (Larry Johnson, President) they named the homeowners committee which includes dozens of Sienna residents who helped advance the petiton drive against their precious apartments.

He also fails to mention the requested sanctions and attempted injunctions in other petitions against Mr. Feinberg and his attorneys. None of which have been granted but certainly contradict his media claims above.

Thank you Matthew and CRD for all your efforts and know that the court battle continues, it only moves to another venue now…Take care and continue to speak up! Corporate censorship must stop (it’s is after all very poor PR). . . ;-)

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Keville.. I am not sure how well you did on your Bar Exam.. However your comment about law is not accurate.

"..the ACLU has not been shy about its desire to make new law.."

As you know by going to law school; Lawyers do not "make new law"; the Legislature does. Lawyers are part of the Judicial system which enforces the law. There are already laws on the books regarding this issue! It is called the Constitution specifically the "First Amendment". No need to make new law in this case Mr. Keville.

The problem is that in the State of Texas there is no "precedent" on free speech rights using the internet anonymously. I am sure this will change as more companies like Sienna and their attorneys continue to abuse the system and punish their residents for opposing their plans (right or wrong we have the right to protest/assemble/petition).

The more Sienna pushes this issue the more stories will be done and the more posts on websites there will be. Soon when anyone does a Google search on Sienna Plantation all of this will be the first 20 or so items. This really shows poor public relations to handle things this way. If would have been cheaper for Sienna to bribe Mr Calvin and Mr Feinberg to simply shut up!

Sienna Resident afraid to use my real name because I might get sued!

8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's one for JK:

'Jackass' Sued by a Real Jack Ass.
A Montana man has sued media giant Viacom, saying the MTV show "Jackass" plagiarized his name, infringed on the trademark and copyright o his name and defamed his good character.
The plaintiff's name is Jack Ass. That's right, that is now his legal name. He changed his name from Bob Craft to Jack Ass in 1997, he says, in order to raise awareness about the dangers of drunken driving.

"Jackass," which premiered on MTV in 2000, features a group of guys performing ludicrous and sometimes dangerous stunts. It was made into a movie in 2002.

In the suit against Viacom, which owns MTV, Jack Ass claims the conglomerate "is liable for injury to my reputation that I have built and defamation of my character which I have worked so hard to create."

This Jack Ass, not to be confused with the TV version, says he changed his name after his brother and a friend were killed in a single-vehicle car accident several years ago. He now works to promote responsible choices and designated-driver programs.

He claims that "Jackass" committed "trademark and copyright infringement on my legal name" and on a cartoon character, called Andi Ass, that he created to help spread his message.

He's seeking at least $10 million in damages.


3:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The more Sienna pushes this issue the more stories will be done and the more posts on websites there will be. Soon when anyone does a Google search on Sienna Plantation all of this will be the first 20 or so items. This really shows poor public relations to handle things this way."

I couldn't agree with this statement more. Apparently they are going to try and hold the SLAPP-suit victims accountable for this too like they filed this frivilous lawsuit.

5:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

more comments from FBNow:

4 Sienna Resident - Jan 30, 01:18 pm
Its amazing that one can no longer speak freely without fear of retaliation. A SLAPP suit is design to force an activist to spend huge amounts of money on attorney fee and other legal expenses. Even if the activist prevails in the courts, the financial damage has already taken place, and thats the main objective of the party filing the SLAPP lawsuit. Its that simple.

5 ' - Jan 31, 07:52 am
Background on this strike case:

Johnson Development SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) case against own residents begins.—·

Allen Owens Involvement in this case?—

Johnson Development SLAPP suit against own residents adds homeowners committee and asks for maximum damages allowable by law.

Sienna-Johnson Development Co. supports road diversion which will aid airport expansion/flights over Sienna Plantation.

Feinberg appeals case to protect homeowners from exposure by Johnson Development. SLAPP suit continues.

TX. Supreme Ct. refuses to act on the petition upholding lower courts decision providing inadequate protections for participants (homeowners in Sienna). Court also refuses to hear Johnson Development lawyers arguments on attempts to injunct/sanction resident’s attorneys, homeowners or the claim of frivolous appeal (not a victory for Keville and JDC).

Note: Two weeks ago initial discovery was filed against Johnson Development Co. (developers of Sienna Plantation, Riverstone, Silver Lake, Fall Creek, Tuscan Lakes, etc.) in preparation for a potential lawsuit against them based on the deceptive trade practices act of Texas, libel, defamation, etc. (commonly known by legal experts as the SLAPP-back). . . stay tuned for more!

6:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone see these permit requests at the TCEQ?

has applied for a new permit, proposed Texas Pollutant Discharge Elim-
ination System (TPDES) Permit No. WQ0014611001, to authorize the
discharge of treated domestic wastewater at a daily average Àow not to
exceed 600,000 gallons per day. The facility will be located approx-
imately 250 feet north of Sienna Ranch Road and approximately 500
feet east-northeast of Cow Bayou in Fort Bend County, Texas.

hasapplied for a newpermit, proposed Texas PollutantDischarge Elim-
ination System (TPDES) Permit No. WQ0014612001, to authorize the
discharge of treated domestic wastewater at a daily average Àow not to
exceed 600,000 gallons per day. The facility will be located approxi-
mately 500 feet south of Sienna Parkway, 465 feet east of Channel 2
and west of the pipeline easement in Fort Bend County, Texas.

8:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apartment ad listed at:

5:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From that apartment-locator-houston link.

"There are many different amenities in Sienna Plantation. They include a country club for the residents, an 18-hole golf course, many nature trails and an amphitheater. There are also a number of different recreational facilities sprinkled throughout the development."

Is not not false advertising? Didn't Doug Goff already make it clear that the apparment residents would not have access to our amenities?

More lies? Or just confusion by their misleading and dishonest communications?

6:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ELECTIONS ELECTIONS COMING UP--why aren't the older reps. up for re-election yet (it's been over 2 years). Didn't they discuss having elections every 2 years at the June SPRAI/Dev. meeting?

See post:

Village Rep Elections Coming Up
Village Rep Elections Scheduled for March - click on more for details or check your February Newsletter.

Full Article:
Due to growth within Sienna, SPRAI will be holding elections for additional Village Representatives (Reps) during the first part of March. Village Reps serve as conduits of information between SPRAI and the Sienna community. There are three Village Rep positions available:

(one for each)
• Steep Bank East
• Steep Bank West
• Shipman’s Landing

Specific details on these elections and necessary qualifications will be included as an insert in the February newsletter. Qualified individuals are encouraged to submit their applications for consideration/voting by Sienna residents.

7:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Specific details on these elections and necessary qualifications will be included as an insert in the February newsletter. Qualified individuals are encouraged to submit their applications for consideration/voting by Sienna residents."

What??? Being a resident is not enough qualification?!!!

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon above--it doesn't really matter. They count the votes and these look almost like permanent non-voting appointments. The only issue I have is that they will coronate these people as the permanent board once they leave the development. A similar problem currently exist in Silver Lake. Then it will take a near act of God to get them out so we can replace their mgmt. people with our own.--I think McKwen wrote a text on all this called private-topia. It reminds me of the feudal days in the dark ages. . . ;-)

PS--I think it took another Mo-City neighborhood about 18 or so years to replace their developer appointed mgmt. team. Good Luck!

4:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:18 AM  
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