Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Just in from http://www.thewebbie.com (you can comment here or on the webbie's site):

24 Jan 2006 03:47:13 pm

SJD and Corporate Evil

Well.. SDJ is at their evil ways again. This time they are attacking my attorneys. The very same attorneys that volunteer their time working for the ACLU.

John Keville on behalf SJD has just filed a motion for sanctions against Laura Hermer, David Broiles and Lisa Graybill for allegedly having filed a frivolous petition for writ of mandamus. They're also seeking attorney's fees. Of course this is a joke and doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being granted. Lisa Graybill is the Legal Director of the Texas ACLU and very experienced in Constitutional Law. Lisa by the way is not listed as my Attorney but is "of council" helping David and Laura. David Broiles is a very respected Dallas area Attorney with 38 years experience as an attorney. David says he has never had such a filing against him. Laura Hermer is Law Professor. These wonderful people are not ambulance chasers, they are not only helping me.. they are helping to PROTECT "YOUR" FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS!!! The ACLU does not take on causes that are frivolous, nor do they waste the courts time with causes that have no hope of wining.

This whole thing is not about me.. It is about simple principles set by our founding fathers in the Constitution 230 years ago. No individual or corporation should have the right to compel another to reveal the identities of anonymous speakers.

It is interesting that SJD attorneys filed a response to the Texas Supreme Court even though one was not required. Typically a response is only required when the Court asks for one or decides to take up the case. The Supreme Court at the moment has not asked for a response or have decided to take up the case. I guess SDJ attorneys do not think the honorable judges of the Texas Supreme Court is capable of detecting frivolous petitions?

In addition SDJ attorneys did not have the common respect to confer with David or Lisa before filing "THEIR" frivolous petition.

Before, they were content with just trying to bankrupt the opposing parties to the suit. Now SJD is also going after their lawyers.

It's really very pathetic.

Matthew Feinberg


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

comments on this from thewebbie.com:

By : constitutionalcrap @ Time : 24 Jan 2006 04:53:53 pm :
I wonder if Keville even knows it is a constitutionally protected right to appeal? Or does he need another lawyer joke or two to remind him.

--I wonder what ever happened to professional ethics??? Give 'em hell Matt (and constitutional attorneys!). . .

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright JK now you asked for it (read these ;-)

A woman was being questioned in a court trial involving slander. "Please repeat the slanderous statements you heard, exactly as you heard them," instructed the lawyer.

The witness hesitated. "But they are unfit for any respectable person to hear," she protested.

"Then," said the attorney, "just whisper them to the judge."

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and this one:

A local newspaper mistakenly printed an obituary for the town's oldest practicing lawyer. The lawyer called them immediately and threatened to sue unless they printed a retraction.

The next day, the following notice appeared: "We regret that the report of Attorney Smith's death was in error."

5:39 PM  
Blogger responsible_dvlpmnt said...

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3:18 AM  

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