Thursday, February 16, 2006

More on Fraud, Harassment, Deceptive Trade Law Suit Against Sienna Plantation Developers (from the Fort Bend Herald)

THE LATEST From the Herald: Sienna Plantation resident sues developer that sued him for libel

By Stephen Palkot

A Sienna Plantation resident who has been sued for disparaging statements about a local developer is fighting back with a suit of his own.

Chris Calvin, who in late 2005 was sued by the Sienna/Johnson Development Co. for statements made on several websites, this week filed a suit in the district courts of Fort Bend County. The suit claims the company sold him a lot under false pretenses and filed their libel suit to harass him for speaking out against them.

The first lawsuit stemmed from Calvin's participation in several websites, including Missouri City Chatter, in which he used several pseudonyms while criticizing the developer.

The lawyer who filed the lawsuit on behalf of Sienna Plantation, John Keville, has said Calvin engaged in libel by using many different pseudonyms.

"[I]t gives the false appearance that there's this large group that has concerns with the community," he said.
Calvin has characterized that first lawsuit as a SLAPP, or strategic lawsuit against public participation, designed to overwhelm him with legal fees and to hobble his activism.

Calvin, who moved into Sienna Plantation in 2002, is opposed to plans for the construction of apartment complexes within the community, which currently has about 10,000 residents. He has spoken out both online and at public comments of Missouri City City Council meetings in opposition to apartments.

While Sienna Plantation is not within Missouri City's corporate limits, it is within the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction, and the city council must approve new developments.

In Calvin's lawsuit, he states that he purchased his lot in 2002 based on certain representations by various Sienna entities.
"Those representations included, but are not limited to, the extent to which certain portions of the Community would be used for recreational purposes," the suit reads.

Since then, Sienna has "abandoned" that plan and has chosen to build multi-family housing instead, reads the suit.
The suit claims that Sienna Plantation engaged in negligence by supplying "false" information to Calvin when he purchased his lot.

Then, in December of 2005, the company "filed a groundless suit in bad faith and/or for the purpose of harassment."
Furthermore, the suit alleges the developer committed fraud when Calvin purchased his home.
"The false representations or promises were made to the Calvins for the purpose of inducing them to enter into the contract to acquire the Calvins' lot," the suit reads.

Finally, the suit alleges that the company engaged in deceptive trade practices, in violation of the Consumer Protection Act.
The suit requests that a court rule in their favor and to "award them their damages, costs of court, attorney's fees, and for such other and further relief that may be awarded at law or in equity."
In response to Calvin's lawsuit, Keville said "the basis of the claim is completely contradicted by documents he signed and testimony already given."

Keville said that before Calvin closed on the purchase of his home, he signed a document stating he understood the developer has the ability to include multifamily housing and other kinds of developments in the community.
"They had ample opportunity to look into what might or might not be built," Keville said.
The case will be tried in the 240th District Court of Judge Thomas Culver III.

Comment: No comment needed. The case will produce a great deal of information on this case that WILL be made public. The community will no longer be kept silent through SLAPP suits like this (which according to the research are used most often by developers in land use debates and violate the petition clause of the Bill of Rights).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comments coming in from

1 - - Feb 14, 04:46 am
Background on this strike case:

Johnson Development SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) case against own residents begins.—·

Allen Owens Involvement in this case?—

Johnson Development SLAPP suit against own residents adds homeowners committee and asks for maximum damages allowable by law.

Sienna-Johnson Development Co. supports road diversion which will aid airport expansion/flights over Sienna Plantation.

Feinberg appeals case to protect homeowners from exposure by Johnson Development. SLAPP suit continues.

TX. Supreme Ct. refuses to act on the petition upholding lower courts decision providing inadequate protections for participants (homeowners in Sienna). Court also refuses to hear Johnson Development lawyers arguments on attempts to injunct/sanction resident’s attorneys, homeowners or the claim of frivolous appeal (not a victory for Keville and JDC).

-For more on this and the fight against Arcola airport expansion/road diversion courtesy of Bob Hebert, FAA, Jaime Griffith, Johnson Dev. Co (Sienna/Johnson) and Mayor Gipson visit .

2 Carlos Krystof - Feb 15, 04:12 pm
I moved to Sienna at the end of 2002. I was told straight up that apartments were going in. Beyond that I was told any future plans were subject to change. Case in point, I am very disappointed about the removal of the golf course from Sienna South. Will this bring my property value down? Will apartments? It is very unlikely. As it stands Sienna property is about 20-30% higher than neighboring communities. That is becuase Sienna is second only to the Woodlands in size, and they have a master plan that includes everything from apartments, to schools, 3000 acres of parks, sports fields, playgrounds, retail, commercial, a hospital, a community college, a library, recreation facilities, pools, horse stables, and lush landscaping of 100s of acres of common areas. By the way, property in the Woodlands is 20 – 30% higher than Sienna. Anyone who feels decieved by their builders or Sienna has the option of the selling their property and may even come out a head. As a Sienna resident for many years I do not appreciate the publicity and stink raised over the apartments or making it appear that the whole community was against it. They will be high quality apartments that will serve a basic need of the community. Thank you.

7:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

more from

3 Right To Be - Feb 15, 05:42 pm
Go getem Chris!!!

4 expandingairport - Feb 16, 05:48 am
And I suppose they also told you about the expanding airport and increased jet traffic that will come as a result of your developers support of the road diversion and airport expansion?

Of course (sarcasm intended) increased density, increased jet traffic over Sienna and surrounding communities is welcomed?

Most people by homes as part of their portfolio for retirement and expect consistent return. They also purchase because of the school system. Apartments do not add value to school taxing districts—they over-crowd them as has been historically documented. Whether or not all Sienna residents supported the petition drive which garnered over 1100+ signatures is irrelevant. The reason home values currently are high is because Sienna is a new neighborhood. Travel up a few exits and see this same mix in action and assess those property values (2-3% increase in a market that has seen 8% or more). Take a look at Quail Valley just a few miles from you all. Home values are flat and they are trying to sell off parts of their golf course.

Planning..planning..planning! We don’t see any apartments here in Riverstone, another masterplan or Lake Olympia.

Check your facts first before making such claims. I believe a recent article by Mr. Wiley of the Greater Fort Bend Econ. Dev. Council stated it well when he expressed his deep concern over the excessive development of apartments in this county. The 2700 allowed into the Missouri City community (specifically the Sienna apts) almost matches the growth of all the apts. over the past 5 years of the entire county.

As far as changing plans goes maybe they shouldn’t call them masterplanned communities anymore if it is going to be a rotating map.


5 William but you can call me "Bill" - Feb 16, 06:26 am
When you look at this suit from a privacy issue, it gets kind of scary. Tell me Bob, if someone took your deposition looking for the ID of your people posting, what would they learn?

This is how my republican majority in the courts is starting to scare me. Big business always appears to be right and the individual is always wrong. What does is it matter who posted what on his site. All they are trying to do is scare people from making negative comments about their development. “Better not say something bad or we will take you to court”
I have voted republican for the past 20 years, but the party is starting to scare me. They have Killed the US Constitution and the
Amendments for political purposes. This is the real problem and the Dems, they are not much better. Had we had a judge with more courage and appelate court justices who were not bought and paid for by the developers this article would not even be here. Whether Mr. Calvin is right or wrong on the development I don’t care. This is turned into a much larger issue with the lawsuit they filed. Boy, talking about lawsuit abuse, by the very people who are fighting for tort reform. Their moto should be “you can no longer sue me, but I can take everything you have just because I am big business” That is sure the message this case sends to me. Just another case of the republican controlled courts stepping on the little guy. What else is new. Corruption in another form. My thought for this election is vote them all out and give some new a chance. Also, when they start spouting god and the republican party platform look out. Experience has shown this only means that they cannot think for themselves and will do anything to get elected. Oh and lets not forget the Democrats who can only say me me me me.

7:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi JK!--waving at ya.

7:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And more comments from

6 Tara Jurica - Feb 16, 08:26 am
I completely and totally object to Mr. Keville’s (attorney for Sienna/Johson) statment that Chris Calvin made it appear a large number of people supported his critical views of Sienna/Johson, when it really wasn’t the case. I am not quite sure where John Keville has been, but there are LITERALLY thousands of people who feel the same way Mr. Calvin does, the only difference is that they are, probably in fear of retaliation, not willing to to speak up in the way Mr. Calvin has.
For Mr. Keville to make comments such as that, he apparently hasn’t been to a city council meeting, where these topics were discussed, or maybe he just wasn’t paying attention.

7 Chris Calvin, Ph.D. - Feb 16, 08:37 am

I would have to agree with you. There was a time I thought the republicans were the last defenders of the const. I no longer feel or think that way. Perhaps it was a mistake to believe such. The process was co-opted long ago, but what scares the special interests the most is if the general population decides to “wake up” and take back local control. With low local voter turn-outs and few real selections, disinterest increases. How does one lone candidate run against the well financed non-local machine candidates?

I will be voting a mixed ticket this year and not for the machine folks. The goals they espouse and their actions are out of sink. When they start really looking out for voters, homeowners, families, taxpayers then maybe, but not as long as the strings are being pulled by someone else.

Get out and vote this year. Find out who is supporting your candidate (via the campaign contributions), check on their voting record and if it doesn’t match your belief system then vote the alternative—but vote!

8 John Armstrong - Feb 16, 01:47 pm
Carlos… I guess we are at opposite sides on this one. But, since I’ve been dealing with people of the same view point, that we were not told and we do not think apartments will add value to the community (especially the school systems in the area) I am glad you spoke up. I really wished that I had your apparent spokes person as you did… because I wasn’t told a thing about the apartments. Now, as to the ‘stink’ well, that is portional to the size of the ‘road apple’. Trust me this ‘stink’ as you put has been blown out of proportion not by the doings of Mr. Calvin. I have never seen so much blantant attempts at misdirection over what was said and conclusions drawn during the deposition. There were alot of accusations made about Mr. Calvins guilt of this, that and the other thing. But, never a quote of what he did say. In fact it was sold in the papers as ‘it’s time to get back to real people and have real conversations’... blah, blah. Was that a quote of Mr. Calvins? No. Mr. Calvins first action item was inquiring with the developers over the development, lets talk face to face. You want to know what happened with that request, nothing. In fact, meetings that were set up were canceled.

So, I too don’t appreciate the ‘stink’ per se but, make sure you understand that you are down wind of it, as is Mr. Calvin.

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, it appears I am alone on this side of the fence on this website. But, let me say "I have no idea about what has occured in the deposition or the behavior of any of the parties involved" My comments are not geared at Mr. Calvin. I do not work for the developer or a builder, I am simply a resident discussing disclosure on multi family housing in Sienna..... No Riverstone does not have apartments, they have town homes (Pricey Apartments that are owened). The Woodlands has thousands of apartments and town homes. I just explored up there recently and found that I can not afford a home that is comparable to my Sienna home. Their property values are doing just fine. (And my Sienna home value is better than sorrunding areas). As long as they stick to the high quality plans for expensive apartments (town homes for rent) then I think this will help drive more retail out here faster (I am tired of driving 7 miles to a grocery store) and it will provide a place for people transitioning homes to rent as well as provide additional housing options for local workers. Does anyone else know that Christus requested this type of housing? I will gladly trade a few apartments for a hospital that I can get my kids to faster than my grocery store. Finally, I am sorry that some builders lied to their clients. I do know that if you bought a house in Sienna 3.5 years ago, a little research could have revealed what a builder sales rep did not. Please don't take this the wrong way, I am just saying I found references to Multifamily beyond what my builder told me.

5:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, I know the trains have gotten more frequent and louder since I moved here. The increased train traffic is undesireable to say the least. I do support the rerouting of McKeever, anything to get the county to make it a driveable road. Anything except airport expansion. I am totally against that, and Sienna does claim that is NOT going happen.

5:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Krystof,

Your opinion is welcome and respected here whether or not it is agreed too. Some of us did not get the information on apartments who purchased from the developer's sales team and not the builders. Further when these sales people were asked about potential apts. we were told "maybe out on hwy 6 someday but not anytime soon". Next you may want to take a look at the houston apartment locator post on this site with a direct link to an ad that has been running. The amenities and prices being advertised are nothing like what the developers argued for back in Feb. '05 or promised when hundreds attended the city council debates on this. Additionally we did do research on housing costs, the disparity in taxing and other land use issues involving apartment development from neutral sources (not the ULI or affiliated corporate think tanks). You can view these sessions which are available online through the city councils website (under agenda & minutes). Also the new president to the FBEDC recently released an interview contradicting much of what youa re claiming about apts. which is a stark reversal from the prior president of this group which our developer is a member (see article posted here by Mr. Kumar of the FB Sun).

What came up on housing prices during those sessions was misleading. Homes that were closest to the "exemplar apts" had increased in value but not at the rate of increase of homes further away (thus a loss to those home investors). The taxing equity issue also came up. A post by our developer which remained up on for months claimed the apts. will actually produce more tax revenue than single family homes, privately owned condos or townhomes. The problem with the formula is that it claimed typically only 10% of families served by the school system lived in these type of apts. This myth was easily dispelled with a call to the mgmt. of these "exemplar apts" the developers used. The rate of families was much higher (in the range of 60%+). This of course impacts the school system in a very negative way by placing high density in the zoned schools that do not pay an equivalent tax as do private condos, townhomes or single family homes.--which you probably already know.

We've looked up crime and density figures, traffic impact, taxing, etc. Since we are talking about thousands of units and not just 1 or 2 complexes I believe your statements are niave. Many that served on this committee come from the areas you speak of and fought these same battles in those areas only to discover that the developers are years ahead of the response. As you may or may not know most mega-developers go into an area long before they cut a road and donate funding to certain key campaigns/politicians. This usually insures their projects.

Special note: As you also know (or may not) most independent research list apartments (high end or not) as the least advantageous land use when it comes to taxing districts. The real benefit to building apts. is for the investors, not the residents or area homeowners, because of the value gained on depreciation and the eventual sale (flip) of these properties over time (We have witnessed this). This is the value to corporate America and not to area homeowners. Also I assume you know that the petition drive against the additional 1800 apts did not attempt to stop the first set of up to 900 already coming to Sienna.

Finally, one additional concern arose after the Rita scare. The lack of exit options in Sienna. Given the trains are not forbidden from carrying HAZMET materials you can see any number of scenarios can be thought up, but without viable exit options through South Sienna---well you can figure the rest out. Placing 2700 apartment units at or near the entrance of Sienna places an incredible number of cars on an already heavily congested road-way. These issues have not been addressed.

Different topic--As for the airport expansion/road diversion project we were informed by a county commissioner some months back after we found out (Nov. '05) that this project was still moving forward, despite reports to the contrary, that our developer here in Sienna, along with the airport owner, were the primary driving forces to move this ahead. We have considerable other evidence to support this claim.--These were nver separate projects (see FAA letter of support on this).

It might also be said that since our HOA is operated by our developer (all three members are developers---and we have requested real minority voting membership on the board several times through an at large election, but they have repeatedly turned this request down -see minutes of May '05 SPRAI board mtg.) they have had plenty of opportunity to report much of this through our resident financed/supported, but developer controlled newsletter, website, mass e-mail, etc. along with the other issues discussed earlier, but didn't until pressure was applied over time (issues of disclosure). Without alternative communications within this community the sales maps wouldn't have been updated as they were last summer to reflect the '98 plan on file with MoCity (the masterplan?), the first apt. compromise would not have happened, the second firestation planned for this area at 3000 homes would have been delayed, the road diversion project/airport expansion would have gone through along with numerous other issues --and few if any would even know of the South Sienna resale (3rd owner in 7 months) . Naturally we think it is ridiculous that we pay $3-4 million a year in HOA dues and are non-voting members of our own association and kept in the dark on much by those who are supposed to be representing our interest parading as our HOA board (they are non-residents, unelected and at times have competing interest as noted earlier). Certainly at least a conflict of interest. Apparently this is allowed in TX, but not in every state. With continued pressure perhaps the U.S. congress will help stop this type of abuse (see petition on the developer/building trades in another post on this site--currently with thousands of signatures on it). We won't even go into the SLAPP suit instigated by the SJD developer in August against this committee and some of its members and non-members after we turned in the petition with 1100+ Sienna and Sienna area resident signatures on it along with ethics complaints against their mayor. We do have a current contact list of close to 2000 and frequently do inserts into Sienna newspapers (which will continue until the JDC communications behavior changes). We are looking at a mailer maybe next year. Some have suggested even forming a seperate HOA but that seems a bit radical for now.

As you well know having competing information sources helps keep checks and balances in place. Without them much would be different now. You also may want to look at the Houston Biz Journal article at the top of this site currently to see a similar situation in yet another JDC community and I believe there is a link to courtconnect which pulls up quite a list of lawsuits that JDC/SJD have been involved with in FB county alone just since '99.--I would be curious to see if this holds up in every county they have projects in.

Stay informed and keep in touch--Good luck!

7:04 AM  
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