More on Road Diversion/Airport Expansion for Sienna + Colony Lakes Area!
McKeever Road Expansion Doesn't Pass Smell Test
When you take into account the nearly completed expansion of the Sugar Land Regional Airport, the Southwest Houston Airport expansion is not only unnecessary, it is a complete waste of money and resources. Sugar Land Regional Airport is already an alternative airport for Hobby and Bush.
According to Google Maps, the two airports are a distance of 15.9 miles (29 minutes) apart. That includes cutting through Sienna Plantation to get there!
Tom Hilton has done a great job of gathering evidence:
Judge Hebert was quoted in the 12/28/05 Fort Bend Star: “the plan would divert McKeever Road to South Post Oak – providing critical relief for the overly congested roadways for people living in Sienna Plantation as well as overall relief for motorists who use those roadways.”
Fort Bend County has Harlem Road, which has had wrecks involving fatalities, yet McKeever Road Is a “higher priority”project according to Judge Hebert.
He must have attended some different math courses than the rest us. McKeever Road has a current traffic level of about 200 cars per day projected to reach 600. Harlem Road, on the other hand, has 10,400 cars per day with a projected load of 29,400. Harlem Road has had fatalities and McKeever has not.
Draw your own conclusions but it is evident to me that lives, safety and facts are not relevant to the court or special interests that contribute to the coffers of Judge Hebert.
Again we have a perfect example of “Actions speak louder than words.”
Still the questions remain:
Why does this airport require expansion when Sugar Land has nearly completed their expansion?
Where is the benefit to the community?
How is the cost of such a project justified?
Why is the taxpayer to be burdened with the expense of the project for Jamie Griffith’s personal and private business?
Why aren’t real questions being answered?
Who can be held accountable?
How can they be held accountable?
When will they be held accountable?
Perhaps the family of the next victims of a Harlem Road motor vehicle accident should file suit against the Commissioners Court, Bob Hebert and Jamie Griffith for gross negligence and dereliction of duty?
These people are using the power they have, unjustly and for no other purpose than personal gain. They should be ashamed.
Prescott Small
Comment: To obtain the information on traffic rates please visit
See also the staged article which showed up in the FBSun and the response by yet another Sienna resident impacted by increased jet traffic over our homes here (for more area homeowner responses visit It must also be noted that Mr. Hebert receives campaign contributions from this developer along with many other area politicians including our own mayor Allen Owen of Missouri City (who has remained silent on this issue that will negatively impact home and property values in this area of Mo-City).
Hebert responds to queries on McKeever Road, airport in Arcola
Fort Bend County Judge Bob Hebert has responded to questions raised by Sienna Plantation Residential Association regarding the Houston Southwest Airport in Arcola and the proposed realignment of McKeever Road with South Post Oak Blvd.
In a letter sent to Sandy Denton, general manager of Sienna Plantation Residential Association, last week Hebert says "The responses to your questions come from this county judge, and may not necessarily represent the views of our county commissioners. My staff has relied on official minutes of Commissioner's Court, calculations provided by the county engineer and records of the Houston Southwest Airport for the numerical data provided herein, but the opinions and conclusions are mine alone. They reflect my understanding of this mobility project at this time. "
The contents of the letter are reproduced below.
Will McKeever Road be improved and/or realigned? If so, why and how?
Yes, The county plans to extend South Post Oak southward from Highway 6, tie it into the existing McKeever and reconstruct McKeever westward as an improved two-lane road with shoulders to its intersection with Sienna Parkway. McKeever Road will remain a city street in Arcola from Highway 6 to its new intersection with the South Post Oak Boulevard extension.
The County realized that McKeever Road would cease to be a major thoroughfare when the overpass spanning Highway 6 at FM 521 was completed and began planning an alternate route to Highway 6 in the year 2000. That Highway 6 overpass now severely restricts traffic from easily and safely gaining access to Highway 6 during peak traffic periods. As Fort Bend grows South of McKeever a North-South thoroughfare from McKeever is needed to give residents an alternate hi-capacity route for access to Highway 6. Chimney Rock was originally planned to tie Highway 6 into McKeever, but that alignment was abandoned at the request of Newpoint Estate property owners as it would have bisected that community. The completion of South Post Oak Boulevard on the North side of Highway 6 coupled with the airport owner's offer to donate right-of-way across his 200+ acres South of Highway 6, plus contribute $500,000 to the construction project and to allow the city of Arcola to annex acreage along both sides of the new street significantly lowers the overall cost of this mobility project for the county and adds significant value for the city of Arcola. Completion of this project will allow traffic along the new South Post Oak/McKeever routing to access Highway 6 through a traffic controlled intersection. Future construction of the proposed Steep Bank Trace Boulevard as Sienna grows eastward will make the new South Post Oak Boulevard extension an even more important mobility asset for Sienna area residents in the future.
Why is the project being proposed? Who benefits? Who is negatively impacted?
Although I was not in office at the time, it appears that the project was proposed by Fort Bend County which engaged LJA Engineering, Inc. in January 2001 to investigate and design a realignment of McKeever.
When complete the project will benefit the present and future residents of Sienna and other areas South of McKeever in Fort Bend County; it should benefit the existing airport owner by improving airport safety and significantly increasing the value of the 200+ acres he owns through which the South Post Oak extension will pass (over and above the value of the right of way and cash contribution he has agreed to contribute to the project); and development in the annexed areas along the new South Post Oak extension should provide jobs and increased property and sales tax revenues for the city of Arcola and its taxpayers.
The current schematic alignment of the South Post Oak extension would require the acquisition of land off the back of four large acreage lots at the southern end of Newpoint Estates and that alignment would have a potentially negative impact to those four lot owners, but efforts are underway to adjust the proposed alignment to keep the roadway within the already restricted GCWA canal easement and avoid taking premium property off those lots. Under state law any purchase of right-of-way required will be made at fair market value plus any damages incurred. My personal goal is to keep the new alignment wholly within the existing right-of-way and the restricted canal easement and I believe it can be done.
How long will road traffic be impacted while the construction is done?
During the construction of the South Post Oak extension the existing McKeever Road should not be impacted as this will be a "green field" project. Once the tie-in is made to the existing McKeever there will be intermittent delays while the McKeever Road intersection with South Post Oak is constructed, and then as McKeever is resurfaced and improved with shoulders to Sienna Parkway. Work will be scheduled to minimize traffic flow interruptions and advance information will be available on the county's mobile AM radio system to keep area drivers informed as to construction areas and possible delays.
Will the runway be expanded, re-oriented, etc.?
Houston Southwest Airport is a privately owned airport operated under FAA certification as a public aviation facility. While the county has no authority to tell a private business what they may or may not do, the county is also under no obligation to use tax dollars to promote the expansion of any private business. The airport predates Newpoint Estates and Sienna by several years and its existence is protected under federal aviation rules and regulations. However, McKeever Road predates the airport, and I believe that the county is not obligated to alleviate safety conflicts incurred when the airport owner knowingly constructed the runway in close proximity to McKeever. While the county has no control over what the airport owner may do on his own property, I expect the airport owner to cooperate with us in devising a route for the new South Post Oak that will enhance the safety of his current airport operation while minimizing the taking of property in Newpoint Estates. A resolution that meets those conditions would necessarily preclude any expansion of the existing runway to the West.
Will it allow for more and or larger jet aircraft?
The Houston Southwest Airport in Arcola is an FAA designated "reliever" airport. As such it currently services a wide variety of jet aircraft. Its current runway is 5003 feet, and the airport today can safely accommodate most corporate jets. Based on the previous acquisition study performed for the County under the FAA grant, a runway expansion of less than 1000' may be feasible to the East but is limited by the railroad tracks at FM 521. No directional realignment of the runway is feasible due to potential conflicts with approaches to other area airports and other FAA safety standards. A copy of that airport study is available through the County library.
Will there be increased noise in Sienna?
Houston Southwest Airport records reflect that the airport currently experiences jet landings every other day. However, during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Houston Southwest Airport records reflect a tremendous increase in jet traffic as corporate and medical evacuations placed a load on all Houston area airports. On September 21-22 the airport experienced a peak volume of a jet landing or taking off every 15-20 minutes throughout the day. If you were not disturbed by the increased jet volume during the time of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, you should not be disturbed if the airport increases daily jet traffic. The volume during that hurricane period far exceeded the volume anticipated by any Houston area reliever airport during routine daily operations.
Will the risk of car/plane or plane/house accidents in Sienna increase?
The alignment solution I seek should reduce the risk when the South Post Oak/McKeever Road project is completed. Additionally, by recently applying for and accepting FAA safety grants, the airport owner has committed to making improvements to the instrument approaches, runway lighting and structural clearances that should significantly enhance the safety of operations at this airport.
How will Sienna residents be specifically impacted?
Once South Post Oak Boulevard is extended and McKeever Road is resurfaced, Sienna residents will have an additional route along McKeever onto South Post Oak to State Highway 6. Sienna Plantation's developer is required to build the proposed Steep Bank Trace Boulevard through to connect with McKeever/South Post Oak to allow traffic from the East side of Sienna to access Highway 6 without having to move westward through the development to Sienna Parkway; thereby further reducing peak-period traffic along Sienna Parkway and improving traffic patterns throughout Sienna Plantation as that areas growth continues. The developer estimates that construction of this phase of Steep Bank Trace Boulevard should begin in late 2006 or early 2007.
Could this affect my property value?
Mobility projects historically have a positive impact on property values. The improved mobility offered by the South Post Oak extension from Highway 6 should help minimize traffic congestion along Sienna Parkway as the area South of McKeever expands.
Will these improvements bring more vehicular traffic to the area? If so, how will this be mitigated?
Given the growth projected for Sienna Plantation, the opposite seems actually true. The new South Post Oak extension will improve access to Sienna Plantation from Highway 6 as Sienna grows. Sienna will provide more vehicular traffic as it develops and the new road will help alleviate potential congestion from that development and offer residents a fast and safe alternate route to Highway 6, FM 521 and Highway 288.
When would these changes take place.
The city of Arcola has passed a resolution in support of the realignment of McKeever Road and the extension of South Post Oak. Once the necessary interlocal agreements have been negotiated, commissioner's court will consider funding the project for construction. While any negotiation is subject to unforeseen delays, the County would like to begin acquiring any necessary right of way by April 1. If that date is met, actual construction could begin by August of this year.
Is this project part of a secret plan between the county and the airport owner to allow the airport to expand its operations?
Not to my knowledge. If there is a secret plan, no one has let me in on the secret. In fact, I have rejected two previous requests from the airport owner to purchase the airport with federal money and convert it to public ownership.
The first occurred when the airport owner sought to have the city of Arcola acquire the airport using FAA funds for the purchase price. Acting then as the court appointed receiver for the city, I rejected that request. The second occurred following the first rejection when the airport owner turned to the county with a request that the county acquire the airport.
Shortly after I took office as county judge, and following a detailed FAA funded study of a possible acquisition, all four county commissioners joined with me to unanimously reject that request. With that rejection the ownership and operation of the airport remains in private hands and any future improvements to that facility would be planned and performed by the private owner on his property subject to review and approval (and possible funding) by the FAA.
Hebert's Response...
Hebert's comment are far from actual truth:
This are just a very, very small sampling of a simple Google search for research on Airports and their impact on residential areas. Some actual $ figures and some what you would need to invest in to reduce airport noise.
My personal opinion is this: HOG WASH...
Steep Bank East in Sienna Plantation is going to take the brunt of this for my area...let only those people who live of of McKeever.
The expansion is not in the best interest of Sienna... improving the quality of McKeever Road 'Yes', not airport expansion.
Oh, not disturbed by jet noise during the hurricanes? Please, I was to busy trying to get out of the area as suggested by the mayor of Houston and Governor of Texas.
Steep Bank East has a 30" industrial pipeline from DOW running through it... almost everyday a pipeline patrol place flys through here... it's a single engine plane, trust I hear and it is disturbing... now JETS?
So, let add this up... Trains, Planes and more automobile traffic.
Airport Expansion is not a MOBILITY PROJECT... MOBILITY PROJECTS are ROADS, inlets and outlets not air traffic.
I moved out here like alot of people to get away from the noise and hurried pace of Houston... enough is enough.
Hebert does not have Sienna Plantations or the residents of, best interests at heart. This change inpacts his area and ours... I urge all residents who don't airport expansion to express this to Hebert personal.
John Armstrong,
Sienna Plantation Resident
Missouri City, TX
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Additional comments on this from FBNow:
1 Chris Calvin, Ph.D. - Feb 3, 10:30 am
Once again Tom Hilton has caught our elected officials with their creative attempts to disregard the truth and misinform the taxpaying/voting public.
Rerouting McKeever Rd., rather than fixing it on its current location near hwy 521, will only create further traffic nightmares on hwy 6. 10,000+ residents/homeowners do not need or desire another exit from the Sienna Plantation area onto hwy 6. This does not address our mobility needs and allows for the unwanted airport expansion that will do harm to our home and property values. This doesn’t even begin to address the many other communities in this area that will be negatively impacted like Colony Lakes, Silver Ridge, Waterbrook West, Waterbrook, Oyster Creek, Oakwick Forest, West Pointe, etc…
I’m not sure what the local politicals think they are up to, but ignoring the voters, taxpayers and property owners in this area will only back fire on the plans to help this private airport and its owner.
When we moved here to Sienna 2 years ago we were told that the airport was not going to grow into a large regional airport (like the Sugar Land airport) and already it has been named a Hobby reliever.
During the recent Rita scare many jets were rerouted to this airport and those of us that stayed listened to them as they landed every few minutes (not an inviting sound—makes it hard to sell your home too).
To complicate this further. Our developer here in Sienna has released information that they support the road diversion, but not the airport expansion, when they know full well that these decisions are not mutually exclusive but part of the Hebert-Griffith gift.
I would like to encourage those who live on either side of this fly-way and closer into the airport to vigorously oppose this effort by our developer, Bob Hebert, Jaime Griffith, some on the Arcola city council that will ruin our property values and quality of life. I would also like to ask our developer’s long time friend Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, to contact Mr. Hebert and tell him this expansion will hurt the tax base of this city (of course remember that Owen contributes to Mr. Hebert’s campaigns).
Thank you Mr. Hilton again for keeping the public informed on these antics!
Chris Calvin, Ph.D.
Committee for Responsible Development-SP Group
Missouri City, TX 77459
2 John Armstrong - Feb 3, 11:44 am
Well, I guess consider me a ‘boob’... I’ve contacted the airport myself to ask those very same questions and, I guess I was outright lied to by the general manager of operations. Since moving to Texas a few years back I am still trying to catch onto the need for lies and deceit down here. Folks, if you don’t want to answer the questions don’t but, don’t lie to the person either. Hope the person I spoke to on the phone and she knows who she is, reads this.
Does this mean the airport owner won’t financially benefit from this effort as Hebert originally stated?
It’s bad enough that we have a 30” gas pipeline running next to the homes a block and a half away, which we were never told that is was a 30” pipe and now deal with a ‘pipeline’ patrol plane almost every morning doing a fly by 300’ above, which will only get more frequent as the population groups out here by what the DOW contact indicated and Texas law mandates.
The trains shake the living mess out of ours homes, we were told the track was ‘defunct’ at best, worse was once a week. Now, from contacting the railroads themselves, UP and BNSF it is only going to get more frequent too… one train system services the coal plant south of us… anywhere from X number to over 120 cars of coal will be pulled through this area. The other one is increasing loads and train volume through this area because the hub around Houston in getting overloaded.
Now, yes, now… jets overhead! Why didn’t I buy a loft in the city next the airport or train depot and a chemical plant? Hmm… I could have saved some money. Because with all of this going on I hate the thought of selling my house… I can see it now… “here is the dining room(shaking from train), and here is the back yard(roar of pipeline patrol plane and and jets)”.
If anyone is interested in the contact numbers for these companies please contact me… don’t take my word for it contact them yourself.
3 noairportexpansion - Feb 3, 01:33 pm
We do not want Bob’s & Jaime’s airport!
4 Joel Grice - Feb 3, 07:09 pm
Why is it so difficult for those people who get paid by us, our elected officials to be honest with us. I have lived on property at the west end of the airport for eight years and I am sick and tired of the continual double talk. If you want to develop the airport then let everyone know so that those of us who will be directly affected can make informed decisions about our property. While I am less than surprised by the shinanigans which go on in Washington, I am very disappointed that local officials, individuals who live where we do find it acceptable to “try” to keep us in the dark on government action which will have profound effects on our lives. I would say to Judge Hebert and the entire county commissioners court that your less than straightforward actions are not what I would expect from individuals who are elected to serve those who elect them and whose taxes pay for the decsions they make each day.
Thanks for your vigilance Tom.
5 Anson Garcia - Feb 4, 12:59 am
Thx for the info guys. I know how I’m voting in the next elections.
5yr Sienna resident
6 ' - Feb 4, 06:15 am
. . amen Joel!
7 Tom and Frances Tuffly - Feb 4, 09:18 am
Fort Bend County and Arcola’s Mayor/Council are selling out the people of Arcola over the expansion of Houston SW Airport. The Mayor will not tell the people what is going on, but covers up the fact that the whole thing is to give the owner of this airport what he wants financially at the expense of the economic future of Arcola. We don’t need to extend South Post Oak Road or close a portion of McKeever Road due to the simple fact that McKeever has very little traffic. The last large parcel of land inside the City Limits, 217 acres located south of the airport, could and should be developed if this airport expansion concept would be dropped. The Mayor of Arcola should devote more time to bringing water to this city. New economic development is actually being sidetracked because the Mayor is too occupied with satisfying the wishes of Jamie Griffith, owner of Houston SW Airport.
Tom O. Tuffly
Frances Tuffly
518 Maguire
Arcola, Texas 77583
281 431-1255
8 , - Feb 4, 11:16 am
The plans for the airport expansion/road diversion are located at:
9 Tara Jurica - Feb 4, 01:59 pm
This is just more of the “same old same old” junk that we have been dealing with around here for years. For those of you new to Missouri City, there used to be a train track that ran up from the plantation along side of Mckeever(now Sienna Parkway) and crossed Highway 6. McKeever used to be a dirt road. The airport USED to be quiet, and was only used by smaller privately owned planes. We used to have huge corn fields where there were quail(how do you think Quail Valley got its name?) THere USED to be peace and quiet, and know and love thy neighbor. NOW….with all of this development, we should all just move to Manhattan… is soooo sad. Th destruction of the pecan grove on Highway 6 in one day(I guess that was all done so people couldn’t complain until it was too late) The loss of thousands and now possibly tens of thousands of acres of wetlands and hardwoods. I am wondering if these guys are planning on damming up the creek the runs under Trammel Fresno??????? Seems to be the one and only place on this side of Fort Bend county where a person can actually see beaver and river otters…..Don’t believe me? Go check it out!
We all need to speak up, and have our voices heard! This rapid wanton development is rediculous!!!!!!!!!
Do we really need a bigger airport? Another exit onto Highway 6?(How about using some foresight guys and putting a road from Sienna Proper to Sienna Point so the school kids won’t have to endure and hour long bus ride everyday by going 15 miles out of their way. )Or how about building a school that will not have temporary buildings surrounding it within two years? Wow! What a novel idea!!!! Out with the old and in with the new seems to be the mantra these days. Bigger and better, more expensive! Thats great and all but when you start to mess with people’s way of life, you need to sit back and rethink….....
10 Tom Hilton - Feb 4, 04:31 pm
This is an indictment of the County and Arcola governments’ lack of honesty and their lack of willingness to do what is best for their electorate. Their only concern is to kowtow to the interests of the developers. God knows, Arcola doesn’t even want to develop a plan to determine what’s best for it’s own City, as it may interfere with what the airport owner wants. I have to ask – what is their interest here? Could there be money exchanging hands under the table here? I don’t know, but this seems to be the only logical explanation – maybe an investigation is warranted here.
ON THE EAST SIDE: Houston SW and TxDOT Aviation are claiming the land acquisition is being done for a “safety Zone”, even though this is exactly the land needed when they were planning a 950 extension of the runway there. There is no equal “safety zone” planned on the west side – strange, if they are not indeed planning a substantial extension to the east.
ON THE NORTH SIDE: Arcola is abdicating any negotiating leverage (control of the streets, water to the property, etc) and failing to negotiate in good faith for the best interests of the City. The Mayor and Greg Abarr claim that McKeever will never be closed, but refuse to answer specifically how that will happen when showed plans showing McKeever dying into South Post Oak. They both make progandistic statements at Council meetings, yet refuse to field questions regarding those statements.
ON THE WEST SIDE: Judge Hebert is grasping at straws trying to justify diverting McKeever into South Post Oak; (A)”Critical Traffic Relief Needed (?)”,
(B) “FAA Flight Safety Requirements dictate confiscation”, (C) “Airport Owner is donating $500,000 (although it would cost about $1,000,000 to purchase Newpoint properties and more $ required due to damage of Mrs. Neuhaus’ property values), (D) “The Judge was unaware of any plans to revamp and enlarge the current airport because the demographics of the airport limit what can be done…(?)”, (E) The airport would benefit inadvertantly from the South Post Oak project…yeah, right. (Refer to April 2000 letter from Grifith to Adophus – at least Griffith was speaking the truth there!)
Give it up, Judge – you are trying too hard – and who knows, there may be consequences to your actions. We’ll see.
I have called Greg Abarr and alerted him of this article, and have invited him to respond. It will be interesting to see if he will – I doubt it though, because then he would be required to state his position in writing instead of the empty words that he likes to throw at us. The only thing that I am interested in Mr. Abarr, is action – not empty words.
I look forward to the democratic process of cleaning house this May at the Arcola Govt level. Looks like the powers-to-be are trying to put all of this to bed before the May election.
I guess we’ll see what happens after the May election, eh?
Tom Hilton
11 Prescott E. Small - Feb 6, 03:52 pm
With the new information of the expansion of the Sugar Land airport it makes wonder if this is not really just a tax payer funded effort to help Jamie stay competitive. Sugar Land could drive this airport out of business so why even bother expanding it?
Let’s take it a step further. If this airport can not compete with the new and improved Sugar Land airport what else would the land be good for? The land would only be framed on 3 sides by the new “Post Oak road, Hwy 6 and 521? I just can’t imagine what that property would be worth if the land were used for some other purpose.
Especially if the improvements are made at taxpayer expense (regardless if it is local or federal).
Archives of recent articles from
McKeever Road Expansion Doesn't Pass Smell Test
... Land Regional Airport, the Southwest Houston Airport expansion is not only unnecessary, it is a complete waste ...· Feb 8, 02:00 pm
Protesters Hammer Arcola Mayor Over Road, Airport Project
... with slogans such as “Citizens Against the Airport Expansion” gathered in front of Arcola City Hall and ... Newpoint Estates neighborhood, allowing for an airport expansion. “Mr. Mayor, the cat is out of the ...· Dec 13, 10:28 pm
Hebert Seeks To Minimize Land Acquisition For McKeever Rd. Project· Dec 30, 07:51 am
Raising A Red Flag Over Arcola
... a local homeowner and activist against the airport expansion, has uncovered many documents which highlight the ...· Jan 4, 01:10 pm
and more-- "1 John Armstrong - Feb 8, 06:59 pm
Thank you Prescott! It’s called ‘misdirection’... What economic benefit will the airport provide to the area around it? Economic benefit must extend beyond the scope of the airport itself.
This to me smells of a ‘give me’ project. Where are the studies that validate economic growth benefits other than the airport itself?
The comments of Hebert about little or no impact and would improve quality of life in the area, happen to be ignorant of the facts. Facts that are easily available. One study showed that in a master planned development area of a little more than 8000 homes the airport impacted the community to the toll of $8,000,000+... sure that isn’t much per home but, it is your home. The secondary study indicated that home ‘improvements’ as in the areas of sound reduction materials would be necessary… add that on top of the $8,000,000+...
There is from the studies that are available a reduction in value of at least 1.0% per home. That is $2000 for my home.
Out of the S.P. area if one was to do the math of 3000 family units(if my information on the number of homes is correct) each at 100K per(which homes in the area go for much more) is $3,000,000 of lost investment… which I believe is a more than the cost of the airport improvement.
If anyone would like a list of studies please feel free to contact me.
FYI, there are other studies out there that make the claim having an airport right next door does nothing to the value of your home. I’m sure that statement is true if your home could no longer lose anymore value. By the way those studies are developed by the developers of the airports or at least paid for by them."
and additional comments:
2 noairportexpansion - Feb 9, 07:00 am
Good point John. It is important to look for studies conducted by either independent governmental agencies or universities and to know the intent of the author of such research. This can usually be discovered by the funding source for such research.
For example the ULI & ABA funds and supports much research for the land development industry. This however would not be a good source to quote unless the reader knows what to look for. I remember at a recent city council session some Houston developers were throwing this data around in front of a friendly mayor who stated this supports the land use being advanced, but it really supported nothing since the group advancing it is an industry think tank and had a vested economic interest in the outcome. It’s a little like using campaign literature from either party to decide who to vote for rather than looking up the voting record and campaign contributions of a candidate.
Good luck and “no more airport expansion (political gifts)” for Mr. Griffith!
3 Tom Hilton - Feb 9, 09:50 am
The $69 question that begs to be asked is this;
If Griffith has 211 acres to route South Post Oak to McKeever, what is the need to intrude into Newpoint?
(Answer) There is one reason, and one reason only, which is to allow the airport to comply with FAA regulations by taking McKeever out of the Runway Safety Area. The Control Point set by the FAA is requiring the detour into Newpoint Estates.
Sounds like, Looks like, and (whew!) SMELLS like, Eminent Domain abuse to benefit a private developer. This is our County Government at work.
Thomas J. Hilton
Keep copying JK! . . ;-)
Opps..some more (from
11 Prescott E. Small - Feb 6, 03:52 pm
With the new information of the expansion of the Sugar Land airport it makes wonder if this is not really just a tax payer funded effort to help Jamie stay competitive. Sugar Land could drive this airport out of business so why even bother expanding it?
Let’s take it a step further. If this airport can not compete with the new and improved Sugar Land airport what else would the land be good for? The land would only be framed on 3 sides by the new “Post Oak road, Hwy 6 and 521? I just can’t imagine what that property would be worth if the land were used for some other purpose.
Especially if the improvements are made at taxpayer expense (regardless if it is local or federal).
12 JAMES F. DEVOGE JR - Feb 8, 08:36 pm
You are right this airport issue is not in the best interest of the city of Arcola. I served on council for 14 years and heard from the majority of citizens in the past 2 years,THEY DO NOT WANT the expansion of the Houston Southwest Airport airport. The present city gorernment is not serving in the best interest of Arcola citizens. These city officals were elected to represent the citizens of Arcola. The Mayor and Council have said WE RUN THIS CITY and WE know what is right for this CITY. This is truly wrong!! The airport owner is using our tax money from the U.S.Government to expand HIS PRIVATE AIRPORT.Looks like we are suporting GRIFFHEBERT AIRPORT.
Thank you
James DeVoge
Some comments from FB Sun:
Reader Comments
Added: Wednesday February 08, 2006 at 02:03 PM EST
unimportant sienna resident
Of course I didn't hear the jets during Katrina and Rita. I got out of town like most of the other sienna residents. If they didn't bother you during Katrian and Rita then they wouldn't bother in the future if expansion occurs is a rediculous statement.
Anson Garcia, missouri city
Added: Tuesday February 07, 2006 at 12:11 PM EST
Hebert's Response...
Hebert's comment are far from actual truth:
This are just a very, very small sampling of a simple Google search for research on Airports and their impact on residential areas. Some actual $ figures and some what you would need to invest in to reduce airport noise.
My personal opinion is this: HOG WASH...
Steep Bank East in Sienna Plantation is going to take the brunt of this for my area...let only those people who live of of McKeever.
The expansion is not in the best interest of Sienna... improving the quality of McKeever Road 'Yes', not airport expansion.
Oh, not disturbed by jet noise during the hurricanes? Please, I was to busy trying to get out of the area as suggested by the mayor of Houston and Governor of Texas.
Steep Bank East has a 30" industrial pipeline from DOW running through it... almost everyday a pipeline patrol place flys through here... it's a single engine plane, trust I hear and it is disturbing... now JETS?
So, let add this up... Trains, Planes and more automobile traffic.
Airport Expansion is not a MOBILITY PROJECT... MOBILITY PROJECTS are ROADS, inlets and outlets not air traffic.
I moved out here like alot of people to get away from the noise and hurried pace of Houston... enough is enough.
Hebert does not have Sienna Plantations or the residents of, best interests at heart. This change inpacts his area and ours... I urge all residents who don't airport expansion to express this to Hebert personal.
John Armstrong, Missouri City, TX (S.P. Resident)
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12 JAMES F. DEVOGE JR - Feb 8, 08:36 pm
You are right this airport issue is not in the best interest of the city of Arcola. I served on council for 14 years and heard from the majority of citizens in the past 2 years,THEY DO NOT WANT the expansion of the Houston Southwest Airport airport. The present city gorernment is not serving in the best interest of Arcola citizens. These city officals were elected to represent the citizens of Arcola. The Mayor and Council have said WE RUN THIS CITY and WE know what is right for this CITY. This is truly wrong!! The airport owner is using our tax money from the U.S.Government to expand HIS PRIVATE AIRPORT.Looks like we are suporting GRIFFHEBERT AIRPORT.
Thank you
James DeVoge
13 Henderson "Slim" and Mary Harris - Feb 9, 10:58 am
Promoting the diversion of South Post Oak through Newpoint Estates is a bad decision by the Fort Bend County Judge, as it enables the expansion of Houston SW Airport.
We taxpayers should not have to line the pockets of Jamie Griffith, who does not even live in Fort Bend County.
If he wants a better airport, let him go build one out in the middle of the country somewhere and leave us alone.
Henderson “Slim” and Mary Harris
5322 Teague Rd.
Arcola, Texas 77583
281 431-4114
14 noairportexpansion - Feb 9, 11:12 am
Maybe the owner could rename it to Griffith-Hebert Regional Airport in their honor. . .(sarcasm intended) . . . ;-)
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Added: Thursday February 09, 2006 at 12:47 PM EST
No more airport expansion-
Dear Editor,
Please convey the interests of Colony Lakes, Sienna and all the other homeowners out here that do not want more jet traffic over our homes. We are talking about hundreds of millions in lost property value, not just a few dollars here or there. If the county judge won't listen and is trying to rush this through the Arcola council before the May elections we won't forget Bob!
Do the right thing and listen to those that put you in the seat. Improve McKeever Rd. as is to hwy 521, not as another exit to hwy 6 which won't help in emergencies. No more favors!
Nomoreairportexpansion, MissouriCity, TX
Added: Wednesday February 08, 2006 at 02:03 PM EST
unimportant sienna resident
Of course I didn't hear the jets during Katrina and Rita. I got out of town like most of the other sienna residents. If they didn't bother you during Katrian and Rita then they wouldn't bother in the future if expansion occurs is a rediculous statement.
Anson Garcia, missouri city
Added: Tuesday February 07, 2006 at 12:11 PM EST
Hebert's Response...
Hebert's comment are far from actual truth:
This are just a very, very small sampling of a simple Google search for research on Airports and their impact on residential areas. Some actual $ figures and some what you would need to invest in to reduce airport noise.
My personal opinion is this: HOG WASH...
Steep Bank East in Sienna Plantation is going to take the brunt of this for my area...let only those people who live of of McKeever.
The expansion is not in the best interest of Sienna... improving the quality of McKeever Road 'Yes', not airport expansion.
Oh, not disturbed by jet noise during the hurricanes? Please, I was to busy trying to get out of the area as suggested by the mayor of Houston and Governor of Texas.
Steep Bank East has a 30" industrial pipeline from DOW running through it... almost everyday a pipeline patrol place flys through here... it's a single engine plane, trust I hear and it is disturbing... now JETS?
So, let add this up... Trains, Planes and more automobile traffic.
Airport Expansion is not a MOBILITY PROJECT... MOBILITY PROJECTS are ROADS, inlets and outlets not air traffic.
I moved out here like alot of people to get away from the noise and hurried pace of Houston... enough is enough.
Hebert does not have Sienna Plantations or the residents of, best interests at heart. This change inpacts his area and ours... I urge all residents who don't airport expansion to express this to Hebert personal.
Who does Hebert think he's kidding with this response or was this creative note taking by the question sender? The question residents here were asking had to do with the property value impact of the airport expansion, not the road mobility favor for his developer backers and airport owner.
"Could this affect my property value?
Mobility projects historically have a positive impact on property values. The improved mobility offered by the South Post Oak extension from Highway 6 should help minimize traffic congestion along Sienna Parkway as the area South of McKeever expands."
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Those of you who are not big Delay fans may get a kick out of this piece by a former FB Star reporter at (the same site that tracks the campaign contributors of our local politicos:
Feb. 10--This is probably just one of them miracle-coincidence things that just keeps scattering along Tom DeLay’s path to fame and riches, but we feel it is our duty to provide material for the Science Fiction channel by chronicling eerie events like these. It’s just another friendly customer service we offer here at Juanita’s.
All this started two years ago when Tom DeLay got himself invited to have a shindig in his honor at NASA. Now, Tom was never a big NASA fan before, probably because Jack Abramoff wasn’t lobbying for them, but once Clear Lake got put in Tom’s district, Tom became NASA-Gone-Wild! He even got himself one of them Junior-Astronaut pens.
There were those who thought that having a swanky reception at NASA for Tom DeLay at taxpayer expense right before election might look tasteless, unseemly, and abusive of the taxpayer dollars. But, those are the people who forget that “tasteless, unseemly, and abusive of the taxpayer dollars” is Tom DeLay’s middle name.
The Houston Press wrote at the time ---
The August 18 internal memo to all NASA personnel at Johnson Space Center seemed innocuous enough.
"With the party political conventions in full swing," wrote JSC chief counsel Bernard Roan, it was time to restate NASA's policy on employee campaign activities. Included was a warning against any political activity while on duty, and "on duty" could be defined as any time when an employee was wearing a NASA pin.
Then someone at NASA apparently realized that: 1) U.S. Representative Tom DeLay was being honored at an August 24 reception at nearby UH-Clear Lake; 2) Redistricting has put JSC in DeLay's district; and 3) NASA needs to do some serious kissing of the DeLay ass to keep getting funded.
So on August 19 a new memo went out. "It is my determination that it is in the Agency's interest for NASA [employees] and their guests to attend this event," deputy chief counsel Daniel Remington wrote.
The second memo alarmed some NASA workers. "I couldn't believe they'd do something like that," says one veteran employee. He said a co-worker had e-mailed to say he'd never seen anything like it in 30 years at JSC. "It just didn't pass the smell test," he said.
An anonymous complaint has been filed with NASA's inspector general, but somehow a ruling didn't come down before the DeLay event.
Well, obviously nothing was ever done about the complaints, and I forgot all about it until our friend Alfredo pointed out something in the Washington Post perked-up my hair clips. On February 3nd, the Washington Post wrote---
An FBI-led watchdog agency has opened an investigation into multiple complaints accusing NASA Inspector General Robert W. Cobb of failing to investigate safety violations and retaliating against whistle-blowers. Most of the complaints were filed by current and former employees of his own office.
Eerie, huh? Well, we're not finished. On February 8th, Tom gets a seat on the committee not only overseeing the Abramoff investigation, but also NASA and any investigation of it.
It's like seeing ghosts getting out of UFOs, ain't it? I mean, things like this don't happen accidentally. Things like this are miracles and black magic and stuff I don't want to be messing with. I'm beginning to think that Katrina scattered some of that New Orleans voodoo all over Tom DeLay. Maybe that's what Tom meant when he told the homeless pitiful children in the Astrodome after Katrina, "Now tell me the truth boys, is this kind of fun?"
Personally I'm pulling for Campbell and anyone running against Delay or his FB county machine.
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