Friday, February 17, 2006

Over-crowding at LOMS increases the numbers at BBMS (Sienna) before opening (how will the 2700 apts. impact these numbers over the next few years?)

From Olympia Middle School Principal Pulled After PTA Clash
by Liz Mitton, Feb 16, 06:26 pm

In the midst of mounting parent concerns about overcrowding and increasing discipline issues at Lake Olympia Middle School, Fort Bend Independent School District officials have announced the abrupt departure of the school’s principal.

On Tuesday, parents received a letter from Associate Superintendent of Campus Achievement Dr. Alfred Ray that stated in part, “… we want to make you aware that effective today, Dr. LaRoyce Sublett is on leave due to situations unrelated to recent events at LOMS.” Sublett could not be reached for comment.

Initially, district officials would not disclose the reason for Sublett’s removal as principal. District spokeswoman Mary Ann Simpson confirmed he’d been placed on leave, but declined to provide details.

However, sources close to the situation say Sublett recently attempted to disband the school’s Parent Teacher Association chapter – calling the national association to determine if that was possible. He subsequently attempted to prevent district officials from learning of his action, which resulted in his removal, those sources say.

Fort Bend ISD Acting Superintendent Manuela Pedraza said contacting the national PTA organization and then covering it up “would have been the last straw,” but would not, by itself, cause the district to put Sublett on leave. There was a series of things that resulted in the move, she said.

Pedraza said at this point, Dr. Ray believed it would be best if he step in, assume the role of principal at the school, and assess the situation.

Sublett was named principal at the Lake Olympia campus at the beginning of this school year. He previously served as principal of Glover Elementary. Discipline and safety concerns seemed to mount over the months. Recently, the school made headlines when a student was shot at school by another student with a BB gun.

Parents of Lake Olympia students repeatedly have petitioned the FBISD Board of Trustees for relief from the school’s overcrowded conditions. Currently, the school houses more than 1,700 students – nearly 350 students over capacity.

Also, it is one of five campuses in the district that has not shown “Adequate Yearly Progress” under the federal No Child Left Behind Act.

In response to parent concerns, the district recently added two hall monitors at the school.

Nearby Billy Baines Middle School, currently under construction in Sienna Plantation, is set to open this Fall. The school was built to relieve Lake Olympia overcrowding as well as accommodate continued growth in the area.

Baines MS is projected to open with 864 students, according to district officials, which would leave almost 1300 students at Lake Olympia. Parents have asked the district to look at amending the attendance zones for the new schools to even out those numbers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

See more on this at SOS site:

-How will the 2700 additional apartments coming (courtesy of our developer) to this area impact BBMS in Sienna after this move by FBISD?

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from maized&cornfused - Feb 17, 08:18 am
“The school was built to relieve Lake Olympia overcrowding as well as accommodate continued growth in the area…”
Sending the LO students to Baines is only a band-aid fix. Where will the children go when Sienna children come of age and need a school? Not to even consider the new Sienna Apartments are built and those students need to go somewhere too?
I don’t understand why they don’t build bigger schools in the first place.


Comment resp.--why don't the developers kick into school start up costs and help the areas they so benefit from?

1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all may be interested in this:

"More to this story from SOS:
In discussion at last Monday night's board meeting, Pedraza suggested a short term solution they are looking at for next year. The plan is to allow current Burton Elementary 5th graders (154 students) to attend Baines for the next three years. This would put LOMS projected enrollment for the fall at 1110 and Baines at 1018. Pedraza mentioned that they would also look at family units -- to ensure families did not have students split between two different middle schools."


Comment--this is a great start for BBMS. Thanks FBISD!

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought some you might get a kick out of this ad running for apts. that haven't been built yet:

5:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More FBNow comments:

2 siennaresident - Feb 17, 03:30 pm
With this mass addition of new students thrown on BBMS and an additional 2700 apts. slated by our developer for this zoned area isn’t FBISD just transferring the problem?

Not a good start for BBMS or the children.

3 maized&cornfused - Feb 17, 06:20 pm
I read on another site that Baines was built smaller than LO anyway so the numbers don’t add up.
Added to the problem is that the school looks like it is in the “fly zone” for the airport so if/when that expands there will also be jets flying over the children.
Not so safe either.

4 siennaresident - Feb 18, 06:34 am
Not sure if the county (Hebert) is that concerned about the safety issue, just in helping the private airport owner by diverting that McKeever road so he can make his run-way extensions.

It would be nice if FBISD would build smaller MS and just more of them. What good is it cramming that many kids that age into such a large campus (other than Petros just trying to save $$$).

I think we’ll just see the problems spread from LOMS to BBMS without a real solution at either campus as long as the area is undergoing such rapid growth stress the school system will be feeling it. It’s too bad the developers who benefit from what’s left of the district’s reputation through increased home and land sales aren’t required to kick some of that money back into the start-up costs of the much needed new campuses!

Good luck!

6:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a sad state of affairs when only the children suffer!

6:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More comments from

5 Raquel Margolis - Feb 21, 01:48 pm
Sienna continues to grow and will need every desk at BBMS in the next few years. Moving LO kids there does not solve the problem. Doing so would only confirm FBISD’s continued short-sightedness.

6 siennaresident - Feb 21, 03:00 pm

Although I agree FBISD needs long-term planning I think the problem is one of over-development of the wrong kind of land use (apartments—2700 courtesy of our developer).

The addition of that many housing units over a relatively short span of time without the kick-in of the developers to build more schools (to accommodate these children) is the real problem.

Maybe a letter or a few hundred to our legislature to sponsor some much needed support! Remember the apt. renters do not directly fund the schools through property tax.

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The major enrollment issues havent even occured yet. I think the FBISD board has made some terrible decisions regarding the building of schools, the area new schools have been built in, and the size of those schools.

FBISD has nine high schools, with a tenth, Travis, to open in the fall. There are only 11 middle schools, with the 12th, Baines, to open in August. How can that be? Arent the middle schools supposed to "feed" the high schools? How can we have more high schools in place now then junior highs?

Lake Olympia has more students than Willowridge High, and now that Baines is opening, some of the enrollment problems at LOMS will helped in the near future...

but, Sienna students havent reached junior high yet, and with 2700 apartment units coming soon, that could be 5400 kids if you have two per home.

Sienna, Olympia Estates, Lake Shore Harbor, Teal Run, Winfield Lakes, and Arbor Oaks are still growing. Cambridge Falls hasnt built one home yet, but the infastructure has been layed, and David Weekley is pre-selling homes now.

Additionally, Perry Homes is building a new community on highway 6 right off the overpass over the FT Bend tollway to be named Creekside, and Trophy Homes has started building homes in their new development, Southern Colony, located on FM 521, just north of Sienna Point. Their website,, states their students will be zoned to Scanlan Oaks elementary in Sienna and Lake Olympia Middle school..

Now that you guys have all the update info, what in the world are the guys at the admin building going to do? We could possibly have 5000 6th-8th grade students located on the south side of hwy 6 in the next ten years with only two middle schools to serve them.

and, we only have two high schools out here also, even though all the kids from Sienna Pkwy to FM 521 are zoned to Hightower.

Look for the board to ask us for another $300-400 million dollar bond package to build junior highs and high schools on the east side of the district.

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a pretty picture for this area.

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