Monday, March 06, 2006

VOTE . . VOTE . . VOTE!!! (click title link for a list of candidates)


Hello All,

Remember Tuesday is election day for the primaries. Many local and national papers are picking "the Hammer" (Delay) to win the republican primary this time around, but also predicting trouble in the general election. Tom Campbell needs the support of the moderate republicans to have a chance, so if you haven't planned on getting out and voting Tuesday then please do so. This election carries with it an opportunity to clean out some of the dead weight in the party. We can either go along as we have in this area for years watching the non-local special interests run things or start fresh with new faces who are trying to bring back local control. Look at non-incumbents this time around and if the primary goes against this new wave in the party then consider crossing party lines in the general election. Nothing will change unless you get out and try to help!

Another interesting race is the party chairmanship position. Candidate Gary Gillen has been endorsed by our Houston based absent chairmen Eric Thode. This makes it all the more important to get out and vote for Ms. Linda Howell. She has promised not to control the party the way Thode has for Delay or to endorse candidates.

Check the contributions lists at the state election ethics site or at before deciding. Much of what has been going on in our area of the county is directly linked to these non-local givers to commissioners, councils, mayors, etc. Do the background before casting your vote and remember Mr. Thode (the "old guard" republican chair who backs Delay completely and lives in Houston) is counting on a low voter turn-out. They have been busy getting out their people and discouraging other non-traditional voting republicans.

No matter what you decide get out and vote!

Stay informed and keep in touch!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See this for predictions by Dunn on the primary:

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's one from the Seattle times:

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm waving at you JK, LJ, DG+ . . . ;-)

7:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saw 4 to 5 guys in front of the Exxon strip center on Sienna Pkwy holding and waving Tom Campbell signs. I beeped at 'em. I sure wish them good luck tonight!!!

2:59 PM  

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