Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Who's Watching the FBISD Henhouse? Maybe KCW has a point in this article (click on title link to see some great suggestions on school savings)-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The developer backed candidates, like Smelley, will never support this. It's a pipe dream!

5:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The emphasis on who does or doesn't have "developer support" seems misplaced. Board members will have absolutely no control over whether developers donate land or sell it. Unless the legislature takes action, it will be a business decision by the developer (donate land and get a tax break and have better schools that attract more buyers in the long run, or get more money now)? "Developer-supported" Smelley advocates district-wide rezoning, which would help the east end of the district enormously, while Mitton (who has developer support, but not "our" developer, so that doesn't seem to sway you) says that long-range planning policy has to be in place before considering a new bond issue. This is incredibly bad for the east end, which already is saddled with a badly overcrowded high school, and even after a new bond is approved, it will take at least 3 years to build a new school. In this case, the developer that you hate may be supporting a board candidate that will do the best thing for those of us in the east end of the county who either have kids or are concerned about their property values.

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This previous post sounds suspiciously like a Houston mega-developer employee spinning, who we all know runs a local group (can't call it a grass-roots movement because it doesn't qualify--maybe call it a corporate clique?) in this community for the developer (out of area mega-developer) who likes to sue their own residents if they speak up against their agenda. Could it be or maybe one of her real close buddies...or could it be???

One local small developer on a campaign report does not equate to the funding listed and defended by "special out of area interests" that has been discussed here already. Your bosses giving goes from simple control of MUD boards to councils, commissions and through their D-PACs all the way into our legislative pockets (this is well documented).--This is what I call undue influence.--You call it a job I believe.

You better run back and report to your boss now what I said. I think it violates your May '05 covenants and it may be in a contracted areas, right? Or did you forget that one too. Remember you have to run your releases by them first or they may tell JK.

3:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The emphasis on who does or doesn't have "developer support" seems misplaced. Board members will have absolutely no control over whether developers donate land or sell it. "

If school district boards and citizens go to the legislature, and you know this, demonstrating popular grass-roots support, then they would have to yield to the masses (again as you well know). The CW group is correct on this one and others do support this (even several current candidates on the board---one has even said they would help organize such an effort). I've even discussed it with a local legislative rep. (they support this and anti-SLAPP laws too). Keep trying!

3:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:51 PM  

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