Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Fort Bend Sun Front Page: Local Principal in Hot Water Over Ethics Complaints . . .

Ethics commission excludes e-mails from political ads

By: Seshadri Kumar, Editor 05/22/2006

The role played by e-mail in political campaigns has come into focus following two alleged violations of election law in the May 13 Fort Bend ISD elections.

(Click title link above for the entire story) . . .

"E-mail is not a form of communication included in the definition of political advertising, and therefore, the school district employee who sent an e-mail supporting a candidate using the school system did not violate election code, the commission ruled.

The ethics commission's latest ruling conflicts with its 2004 decision involving an employee of a school district, who was held in violation of the election code for sending e-mails in support of a candidate.

Healey said though the two rulings conflict, the commission has left open the interpretation that fliers or attachments to an e-mail may constitute political advertising.

Uncertainty over e-mails in political advertising could continue until the Legislature clears the confusion.

Complaint against principal

Meanwhile, the ethics commission is investigating a complaint filed by Sienna Plantation resident Michael Ryan against Linda Ruckman, principal of Sienna Crossing Elementary for using email for campaigning.

An e-mail in which Ruckman criticized the school board president, Lisa Rickert, and said why Ruckman could not support Hal Jay, one of the candidates, was posted on an Internet discussion group.

The complaint was filed on April 25 and was reported earlier in this paper.

Ruckman had denied any wrong doing.

Soon after that, Ruckman had been quoted as saying the school district checked with the ethics commission and concluded she had not violated any laws.

The school district has not responded to an open records request made by this newspaper on May 10 asking for the e-mail correspondence in which the administration reportedly told Ruckman she did not violate any rule.

The district has 10 days to respond to the request.

After reports that Ruckman had done nothing wrong surfaced, the ethics commission sent her a letter on May 2 asking her to respond to the allegation within 25 business days.

Ryan also alleged Ruckman threatened retaliation against his wife, a former school employee. The ethics commission said that allegation was not within the jurisdiction of the commission. "


MCC Comment: See Related FortBendNow Piece on this controversy at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

4:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Past FBN comments on this thread:

SCEParent - May 2, 11:22 am
I just wanted to add my two cents on this. When I found out recently that a yahoo group had been organized (Fort Bend Concerned Parents) and lead by Ruckman, and the SC PTO President (who works for the developers here) and is leading a small group of parents in their endorsement of Smelley, I became concerned. When I first got involved I thought this was a detached group of concerned parents working on real school improvement issues. Now I know that this group has a political agenda and it’s trying to lead us around.

I would like to urge other parents in this group to break from this crowd and reorganize this committee, which is being lead by a local publisher, the principal, PTO president (developer PR employee). Let’s elect our own leader and make this a real school-based group!

Susan - May 2, 02:02 pm
So many of the Sienna folks are hung up on developer conspiracy theories…..

I read several newspaper reports of this story. It sounds like much ado about nothing to me. The TEC has already stated that she did not violate the law. Mrs. Ruckman has been openly critical of the “new guard” and IMHO, this attack appears to be retaliation for her willingness to state her personal beliefs and/or sour grapes by someone who was let go by Ruckman. Since someone notified Mr. Kumar at the SUN that this complaint had been filed before Mrs. Ruckman was notified of it, one must wonder if is just a diversionary campaign tactic designed to take people’s attention away from the embarrassing events under Team Rickert.

Free speech extends to all, including FBISD employees.

freeourteachers - May 2, 03:50 pm
I have heard that teachers are being offered perks by their principals for wearing their “I Voted” stickers? I guess the message has been made clear as to who they are expected to vote for. Maybe we should pull some troops back from Iraq to ensure a free election in FBISD.

Sienna Resident - May 2, 04:03 pm
I say to the residents – VOTE. That’s the best way to show we are serious.

The Ruckman complaint is a joke. It is so obvious who is behind it. VOTE!

freeourteachers - May 2, 04:44 pm
Encouraging to vote is good… Intimidation by your employer is bad.

The desperation displayed Ms. Ruckman and Ms. Johnston, signifies that they realize their candidates are in trouble. You are right that once a teacher gets to the voting booth they are free to vote as she/he feels and you would be surprised as to what us teachers really think of your tactics.

maized&cornfused - May 2, 07:09 pm
Please don’t assume that the other parents that joined the group don’t know the associations of some of the members and could care less about there employers.
As I see it, at the core they are Sienna Parents or just Concerned Parents. Since the election is a big issue right now there is a lot of focus on it.
No one is being lead (please, they are adults) and people can support whomever they please-this has been discussed on the Yahoo site several times and there seems to be a very open exchange of opnions.-
Give the Concerned Parents some credit-they are working on other issues regarding our children’s education in FBISD and are being heard.
Not all of the members have a political agenda. Most are regular parents with concerns for the children.

If you were part of the group why didn’t you voice this concern on that Yahoo board?Doesn’t it seem odd that since you think the group doesn’t support the canidate(s) you support, then you want to scrap the whole thing and make your own group.

IMO, It sounds too political to want to split up a “growing and united force” in the area.

voterwise - May 3, 06:06 am
Looks like the principal’s crowd has spoken here. I think it is inappropriate for any school principal to publically use their office to campaign, just as it would be wrong for other civil servants to take such a public stance. Privately is their own business, but this wasn’t.

I also feel that the suggestion above on new leadership for that group supporting Ms. R. is a good idea. Sounds tainted to me and they can’t pretend to represent all of the county under its current leadership. Didn’t this group form during the zoning battles with Lake Olympia? Hardly an area-wide group. Is Ms. R. leading them too or just using them?

maized&cornfused - May 3, 07:02 am
So again, if a group doesn’t support the person you think they should then that group should be scrapped. When did people get so rigid that they can’t ride out a little opposition ?The “scorched earth” analogy fits perfectly.
IMO, It is nice to see that a group of parents can garner support of the local school principals.(yes, I think other principals have given support to this group too)
Maybe the group is making more progress then they thought when others are calling for it to be disbanded.

PMUD2Resident - May 3, 07:36 am
I’m not reading the posts that way maized. I’m seeing them say reform the group and pick new leaders. That’s a good way to keep from being manipulated.

Also, those of you Sienna residents reading this thread may want to watch your back door too. Apparently, your only resident controlled MUD (SPMUD2—1700 homes) is attempting to recover lost taxes on poor ditch work through potential litigation. Four of your candidates (White, Zwang, Parsons & Marinquin-ck sp.) support this action, along with most of the residents of this MUD, however, 2 (Rice & Hogan) have offered no such support. One rumor has it that the developer is running candidates to retake the SPMUD2 board and kill the potential litigation by stopping the contract with the independent law firm hired by the current board to investigate all this.

Watch your back door while you are focussing so hard on the school. GET OUT and VOTE (even for your MUD boards).

intheknow - May 3, 08:49 am
I would agree with you if it was a true open forum. However, several Sienna people have told me they have tried to post dissenting comments on the site regarding candidates for election—but they are not being allowed by the moderator. Hardly an open debate.

voterwise - May 3, 09:51 am
Again, that yahoo group should allow a rotating moderator so that no individual can manipulate it the way it has been. Open the process up and shine the light in!

Susan—go monitor your own neighborhood (you don’t live here and haven’t a clue what’s going on)!

maized&cornfused - May 3, 10:05 am
Thanks for the info. We do need to be involved in all aspects of our community.
I guess it was the suggestion in the 1st post urging parents to leave that group and form another that just seemed an extreme measure considering the group seems to have momentium now.
I don’t want to get too far off topic so please guys forgive the diversion, but when you said “recover lost taxes” does that mean use money already paid or raise taxes to pay for the developer not putting in underground drainage/storm sewers?
I know the ditches are a problem for many and in the early stages of development there was no choice, if you wanted to live in Sienna. IMO, I don’t think those that choose not to have ditches should pay for those that did (when there was a choice). This could potentially be an issue used to divide the MUD residents if they are threatened with higher taxes.
If they are going to use money already collected or get it from the developer to make the change-I say “right on” and “go for it”. I would hope that the representives/canidates for the MUD board would balance the needs/desires for everyone they represent and want to be in that postion for more reasons than just the ditches. Are there places where residents can get the canidates standing on this issue?

SPMUD2Resident - May 3, 12:12 pm
I would suggest calling the incumbents and talking to the local candidates to find out more. Also, from what I found out, this potential litigation is being considered to recover tax revenue (past & present) already tied up in this fiasco.

Again this is not to divert the thread but always do your own background on these and other issues before simply going along with a crowd. If you suspect other networks are at play, in any organization, then work to set-up a structure that makes it difficult for a few to dominate. I’ve already seen some good suggestions in the thread.

SiennaResident2 - May 3, 12:20 pm

I remember last year that the development group attempted to get the current SPMUD2 board to take the surplus and apply it to “out of district projects”. Well, if they get control of the largest SPMUD board, that can still happen. Don’t lose control of our only resident controlled MUD! Get out and see who is running and then vote.

Mary McClure - May 3, 03:51 pm
It saddens me that an ethics complaint has been filed against Linda Ruckman. I have a hard time believing she would do anything unethical in her position. I feel my child is extremely safe in her school, as there was once a traffic concern in front of the school which Ms. Ruckman addressed very promptly and I would see her daily outside keeping an eye on the kids in the car line during this time. She has also been very kind, attentive, and professional to my daughter and myself and the school as a whole from my observations.

intheknow - May 3, 05:56 pm
Mary—being a kind and good person does not excuse unethical behavior. Mrs. Ruckman, by her own admission, was knowingly breaking the rules after several warnings that any form of campaigning on school property was prohibited. It seems as though she has let her extreme emotion in this election cloud her better judgement.

Sugarbabe - May 3, 06:04 pm
I cannot believe a school principal would allow political signs to be picked up at school. Every year warnings are sent out and just last year a teacher in Katy got in trouble for having a link on their personal website that parents viewed. You would think she would be smarter and know better.

4:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and more:

citizen - May 3, 06:12 pm
I have spoken to Ms. Ruckman. She admitted nothing of the sort! She has admitted doing nothing wrong because she did nothing wrong. You are not speaking the truth.

citizen - May 3, 06:15 pm
I cannot believe that a teacher would participate in political blogs from her campus computer in spite of warnings not to do so.

Dr. Pedraza has stated that what Mrs. Ruckman did was NOT against rules.

David White - May 3, 07:29 pm
I do not know enough about the sign issue to make a comment.

What I can do is answer quesitons regarding Sienna MUD #2. Feel free to contact me anytime.


David C. White
713.306.5252 (cell)

Sugarbabe - May 3, 07:46 pm
This is a Political Blog?

schoolwise - May 3, 08:42 pm

The state ethics commission will decide this not the supt. And I believe you are citing a quote from Ms. Ruckman, not Ms. Pedraza.

Al Thompson - May 3, 10:38 pm

Where have you been? The state Ethics Commission has already reviewed the complaint and indicated that none of Ms. Ruckman’s actions were improper. Repeating the false accusations of a fired employee after the issue has been resolved just shows how far you and other Rickert allies will go to smear Ruckman.

Linda - May 3, 11:23 pm
I have a letter from Dr. Pedraza – the quote is from her. I’d be happy to show it to you. Come by anytime – after 4:00.

You insult the members of this fine community by insinuating that they are incapable of thinking for themselves. The group has very capable leaders and working committees. Perhaps you ought to check it out so that you can make “informed” comments.

Here is a response I prepared for Chris Elam (Texas Safety Forum at

Thank you, Chris, for your kind words of support and the invitation to respond. My opinion is that Mr. and Mrs. Ryan, parents of 3 wonderful kids, are merely political pawns. The fact that Mr. Ryan chose to deliver his complaint directly to the very newspaper always so protective of Mrs. Rickert and team, assures me of his purpose – to cast doubt upon my integrity and character. My goodness, he sacrificed his own wife’s reputation by revealing the fact that she was terminated – and then accused me of slander!

I have attended almost every school board meeting during these last 11 months, and I don’t recall ever seeing Mr. or Mrs. Ryan at any of these meetings. Unfortunately, during this relatively short period of time, we have witnessed the forced retirement of Dr. Baitland; an investigation by the TEA of the Board’s actions; threats by some board members to sue the TEA; procedural limitations imposed on the right of the public to address the board; public fights between “new guard” members during board meetings; frequent rude and disparaging comments from the dais to district employees; reported attempts by board members to intimidate employees who do not agree with them; a mass exodus of administrators, principals and teachers; and finally, a lawsuit filed on behalf of a minority owned business alleging the board effectively terminated its contract with FBISD in violation of state law. All of this has occurred in less than one year!

The Fort Bend ISD is in this tragic state because less than 4% of the eligible voters bothered to exercise their right to vote. My opinion is that the vast majority of Fort Bend ISD residents neglected to vote because they were happy with the course of the district.

Well, we are definitely NOT on the right course any more. The newest members of the Board of Trustees have neither the knowledge nor the experience to govern a district – and they refuse to listen to their experienced fellow board members – hence, the events described in the preceding paragraph. These folks – previously coined Team Rickert – are now self-destructing as they wrangle for power and control.

If I am guilty of anything, it is of being too passionate about the damage being done to the district by this board majority. We do not have a superintendent – or even one “on the way.” We do not have a chief financial officer – and, can’t get anyone to apply for the job. While we have “well meaning people’ on the cabinet and in administrative positions, most are simply inexperienced in their positions. I am deeply concerned the actions of the board majority will have a long-term negative impact upon the children and the future of FBISD. The citizens of Fort Bend ISD must send a ‘loud and clear’ message to this Board. There has never been a more pivotal election in the history of the district.

In my opinion, the first step to recovery is the election of Steve Smelley and Sonal Bhuchar. We will take the second step 12 months from now when we elect two new board members who are truly educational advocates rather than political opportunists.

Bob Dunn- May 4, 05:57 am
Just to clarify, FBISD administrators told me a representative of the Texas Ethics Commission said no law had been violated in this case.

However, representatives of the Texas Ethics Commission told me, as they have before in similar cases, that no one from the TEC is allowed to comment on a complaint. They specifically said no one from TEC may comment to a school administrator in this case. All complaints are confidential unless or until there’s a finding of wrongdoing.

So their position is that no one from TEC could have commented because to do so would have been forbidden.

Interesting paradox, but there you have it.

4:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


intheknow - May 4, 07:39 am
Linda, in her emotional allegiance to “keeping things they way they are”, ..... unwittingly revealed the crux of the problems on the Board these past 12 months when she says—- “and they (newly elected Board members) refuse to listen to their experienced fellow board members.”

Why should they have? It was the “experienced” board members who have refused to serve on ONE Board committee. It was “experienced” Board members who did not understand they had line item veto authority over the budget. It was the “experienced” board members who were happy to keep voters and taxpayers in the dark about embarrassing internal audits that revealed substantial mismanagement of the district.

It was the “experienced” board members who were going to back the administration’s recommendation to only give teacher’s a $1000 pay raise this past year—the new Board fought, and won, a $2,100 increase.

It is the “experienced” board members who ran to TEA with complaints against the newer members—all of which the TEA ruled were unsubstantiated.

It was the “experienced” board members who NEVER bothered to put a long-range growth plan in place and who sat by while our student/teacher ratio has sunk to one of the worst in the state.

It is the newer members of the board who have been working, with much success, to bring more open governance and fiscal accountability to this District. And that, my friends, is something some in the administration are having a very hard time dealing with.

It should be clear to anyone with an ounce of sense that the division on the Board for the past several months has been driven by “experienced” board members who were simply not ready to give up their “social club” atmosphere on the Board and take on their elected responsibilities of true oversight. Rubber stamp boards certainly may be more congenial—but voters should ask if they want to go back to those days or if we should press forward for positive change.

choolwise - May 4, 09:20 am

I believe the Susan J. post above either belongs in another one of her “smear Liz/Dieu” threads, but not on the principal thread? What do you think?

Think-about-it—The Supt. doesn’t hire the board, they are elected and in TX the Supt. answers to the board, whom represent the people. I thought a correction was needed in your post. Hope this was helpful.

Dan Kerr- May 4, 09:57 am
Both IntheKnow and ThinkAboutIt have interesting comments – unfortunately, they have let their bias substitute for reality.

A Board has both a fiduciary and moral obligation to develop policy. As a result of that policy, they are, in fact, running the district. The Super answers directly to the Board and the Super’s job length is determined, in reality, from 1 Board meeting to the next – it is not thier perogative to insert their own agenda in place of the Board’s – it is the Super’s job to implement the Board’s policy. The Super doesn’t have equal footing with the Board nor does that person have a duty and right to run the district. That is specifically the perogative of the Board. By stating otherwise, you have displayed your lack of knowledge of how the structure of a Board and it’s Super is. Unfortunate.

Finally, to only elect or to complain that new Board members do not listen to old Board members is ludicrous. The fact of the matter is that the reason that new members get elected is that those who have the power of the vote FAIL to vote. The fact that voter turnout was low this last time or previous has nothing to do with satisfaction but rather apathy. The voting history for ISD over the past 10 to 15 years has remained statistically constant at around 5300 as compared with a dramatic increase in the voting population. When 4 to 6 percent of the eligible people bother to turn out for a primary in an on year and even less of those people turn out for a ISD election, one wonders whether people are just lazy or narcisistic in their attitudes. What these people fail to realize is that a no vote is the same as a yes vote for whom ever decides to run.

Linda – insult or not – the people of this community are incapable of or unwilling to spending their time to voice their hard fought vote. That statement is backed up by the REAL numbers.

Linda – the people of this community are incapable of or unwilling to take an interest in the REAL solutions to the ISD as evidenced by their absence at the voting booth.

Linda – the reason people stay home and do not vote IS NOT their satisfaction with the current status quo but rather they are either TOO busy watching TV or anything else to care.

Linda – While these facts are unfortunate – never the less – these ARE THE FACT

Finally – your constant reference to the “Gang of 4” is OLD – in order for there to be a “Gang” each of these members must act as one consistently – that has not happened nor is it in the interest of each member to do so – saying it only leads one to assume that your comments are baseless and without merit and thus should be ignored as I am sure you have been – sort of like if they don’t agree with you – pout and go home

Susan - May 4, 10:46 am
Welcome back Mr. Kerr. Are you still employed by candidate Wayne Howard? Did you apologize to Jean Charuk for attacking her credibility after you read her documents?

It appears that several posters do not want to deal with the fact that under the rule of the “new guard” or “gang of 4” (I believe those monikers originated with the new majority), almost $42,000 was spent “consulting” with outside attorneys over a 3 month period. Is that they kind of fiscal responsibility that we want in FBISD? What excuses have you guys come up with for this irresponsible behavior?

Dan Kerr- May 5, 07:31 pm
Linda – Ha Ha – Funny – Sometimes one has to wonder what is going thru a voter’s mind when only 4 to 6% of the registered voters turn up in primaries with a 360% increase in voter population over the last 10 years and with 150% increase in the last 4 years alone – all the while the number of people who BOTHER to show up to vote in ISD elections has fallen from 21,000 in 1992 to just over 5900 this past year –
Pretty sad concerning the people they are putting into office are affecting their supposed most prized possession – their kids – What this leads to is a fractured community and the end result is an influx of special interest with rumors taking the place of reality, subgroups vying for power, and charges being leveled against people willing to stand up –
A candidate once told me why would he put himself on the line with all this manutia for a position that is unpaid and unappreciated –
You tell me why the voters decide to stay home – I have been doing this for over 30 years on both the local and national level – Perplexing

schoolwise - May 6, 07:22 am
LR—I think Dan has adequately responded to your fact or opinion piece. Use real data next time to support your opinion, even an old teacher needs to do their homework at times!

Linda - May 6, 11:02 am
“Even an old teacher need to do their homework at times!”

Teacher is singular and hence, needs a singular pronoun. Your comment should read, “Even an old teacher needs to do her homework at times!”

(Once a teacher….)

I’m not even offened to the reference to my age; older is frequently wiser!

Lighten up, Sweetie! Don’t take yourself too seriously. Do you really think I needed “data” to make my point?

I’ll be voting at Hightower today, say about 2:00. Would love to meet you! People who hide behind aliases always intrigue me….

schoolwise - May 7, 06:44 am

Offened . . . Offended?

Isn’t life fun! I know some great ethics courses too for managers and perhaps some of your business backers here locally.

4:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

intheknow - May 8, 06:58 am
Mrs. Ruckman is quoted as saying:
“I would say anyone can file a complaint,” Ruckman added, “but that doesn’t make it true or substantiated.”

True enough, Linda. Would you admit the same about the ridiculous vendor lawsuit against the board?

Unfortunately for Mrs. Ruckman, she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Her e-mail, which she posted publicly (and accidentally) on an internet chat rooom, she admits says, “that yard signs were available in the back of my car for anyone who wanted them. I specifically left the door unlocked so that no one would come into the school for campaign-related purposes.”

The policy, which Mrs. Ruckman knows well, extends to all school property—including the parking lots.

I believe she knew exactly what she was doing and I also believe her e-mail to the Ryans was exactly what she intended—a veiled threat. It appears to me, Mary, that Mrs. Ruckman is the bully that just might put your eye out if you’re not careful.

Mary McClure - May 8, 08:01 am
P.S. I also deeply regret having written what I did to the Star/Sun last Summer regarding the 6/6 mtg. based on ethics.

I wholeheartedly endorse Mayor Owen and Bhuchar and Smelley, btw.

Regarding the parking lot: I’m no attorney, only a certified paralegal (perhaps my personal attorney would know), but Linda’s car is her personal property. Have any staff members had (Vote for ______) bumper stickers on their cars, perhaps silver fish, or a cross hanging from a rear view mirror? ( proselytizing religion—another school no-no, afterall—I’m even a Christian, btw).

Looks like Linda sent a private e-mail to one person, not publicly directing people to her car and IMO, was more discreet than having a bumper sticker on her car.

Bob Dunn- May 9, 09:09 am
OK, let this serve as notice that no more postings will be published in this thread that are off-topic. Events in the gym as described above are specifically off-topic, and I would not have allowed the above post but for the fact that it was prompted by a prior post.

Especially as the election looms, and as the postings appear to be veering ever-farther away from the original topics of the original news stories, I will be more vigorously enforcing the stated rules against off-topic postings.

Thank you for observing the rules and not unneccessarily forcing me to hit the ‘delete’ key.

4:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Jk (and associates):

A witness to an automobile accident was testifying. The lawyer asked him, "Did you actually see the accident?"
The witness: "Yes, sir."

The lawyer: "How far away were you when the accident happened?"
The witness: "Thirty-one feet, six and one quarter inches."

The lawyer (thinking he'd trap the witness): "Well, sir, will you tell the jury how you knew it was exactly that distance?"
The witness: "Because when the accident happened I took out a tape and measured it. I knew some annoying lawyer would ask me that question."

4:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice editing job to remove the part of the story dealing with the email sent to FBISD employees by Dan Kerr, campaign advisor to FBISD losing candidate Wayne Howard. You only print the part of the story dealing with Ruckman--who has had the courage to stand up to the "new guard" attacks and intimidation.

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would this site post the part of the story that has nothing to do with this area or blog-coverage? Kerr's issues are linked through the title, I believe with the rest of the article if you need it all. I also believe blog-admins can pretty much edit whatever they see as fit for their blog. Go read somewhere else if you don't like it!!!

Also it looks like Ms. Ruckman wasn't being completely honest about the ethics commission findings, according to this piece, by the only reputable local hard-copy paper I'm aware of (and no I don't count Bev's Burner as reputable). Hope Ruckman doesn't miss the deadline for responding to that state ethics investigation.

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




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